CreateThy.hs revision 613bf0ed7d98a961755408ead328687ec17f74fd
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
dumping a LibEnv to Isabelle theory files
module Isabelle.CreateThy where
import Data.List
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.Lib.Pretty as P
import Common.ProofUtils
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.Translate
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
createTheoryText :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> Doc
createTheoryText sig sens =
let (axs, rest) = getAxioms (prepareSenNames transString sens)
(defs, rs) = getDefs rest
(rdefs, _) = getRecDefs rs
printText sig $++$
(if null axs then empty else text "axioms" $$
vsep (map printNamedSen axs)) $++$
(if null defs then empty else text "defs" $$
vsep (map printNamedSen defs)) $++$
(if null rdefs then empty else
vsep (map printNamedSen rdefs))
$++$ text "end"
getAxioms, getDefs, getRecDefs :: [Named Sentence] ->
([Named Sentence], [Named Sentence])
getAxioms = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
Sentence _ -> True
_ -> False)
getDefs = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
ConstDef _ -> True
_ -> False)
getRecDefs = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
RecDef _ _ -> True
_ -> False)
printNamedSen :: Named Sentence -> Doc
printNamedSen sen = case s of
RecDef kw xs -> text kw $$ fixrecP xs
_ -> text (case s of
ConstDef _ -> lab ++ "_def"
Sentence _ -> lab
_ -> "theorem " ++ lab)
<+> colon <+> doubleQuotes (case senTerm s of
IsaEq (Const vn y) t ->
text (new vn) <+> doubleColon <+> printType y
<+> text "==" <+> printOUTerm t
_ -> printText s)
where lab = senName sen
s = sentence sen
fixrecP as = case as of
[] -> empty
[b] -> vcat (map (doubleQuotes . printText) b)
b:bs -> vcat (map (doubleQuotes . printText) b)
$$ text "and" $++$ fixrecP bs