Utils.hs revision 157fdf5ebfc2d010c7e74ee50dd95d52e545f0e5
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : utilitary functions
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interfaces.Utils contains different utilitary functions for the
abstract interface
module Interfaces.Utils
( getAllNodes
, getAllEdges
, initNodeInfo
, emptyIntIState
, emptyIntState
, wasProved
, parseTimeLimit
, addCommandHistoryToState
, checkConservativityNode
, checkConservativityEdge
, updateNodeProof
) where
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import qualified Interfaces.Command as IC
import Interfaces.History
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (insert)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.GTheory
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Driver.Options (rmSuffix)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Coerce
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph (logicGraph)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.LibName
import qualified Common.Lib.SizedList as SizedList
import Common.Consistency
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.AS_Annotation (SenAttr (..), makeNamed, mapNamed)
import qualified Common.Doc as Pretty
import GUI.Utils
{- | Returns the list of all nodes, if it is not up to date
the function recomputes the list -}
getAllNodes :: IntIState -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
getAllNodes st
= labNodesDG $ lookupDGraph (i_ln st) (i_libEnv st)
{- | Returns the list of all edges, if it is not up to date
the funcrion recomputes the list -}
getAllEdges :: IntIState -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllEdges st = labEdgesDG $ lookupDGraph (i_ln st) (i_libEnv st)
-- | Constructor for CMDLProofGUIState datatype
initNodeInfo :: ProofState -> Int -> Int_NodeInfo
initNodeInfo = Element
emptyIntIState :: LibEnv -> LibName -> IntIState
emptyIntIState le ln =
IntIState {
i_libEnv = le,
i_ln = ln,
elements = [],
cComorphism = Nothing,
prover = Nothing,
consChecker = Nothing,
save2file = False,
useTheorems = False,
script = ATPTacticScript {
tsTimeLimit = 20,
tsExtraOpts = [] },
loadScript = False
emptyIntState :: IntState
emptyIntState =
IntState { i_state = Just $ emptyIntIState emptyLibEnv $ emptyLibName ""
, i_hist = IntHistory { undoList = []
, redoList = [] }
, filename = []
{- If an absolute path is given,
it tries to remove the current working directory as prefix of it. -}
tryRemoveAbsolutePathComponent :: String -> IO String
tryRemoveAbsolutePathComponent f
| "/" `isPrefixOf` f = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ fromMaybe f (stripPrefix (dir ++ "/") f)
| otherwise = return f
-- Converts a list of proof-trees to a prove
proofTreeToProve :: FilePath
-> ProofState -- current proofstate
-> Maybe (G_prover, AnyComorphism) -- possible used translation
-> [ProofStatus proof_tree] -- goals included in prove
-> [IC.Command]
proofTreeToProve fn st pcm pt =
++ maybe [] (\ (Comorphism cid) -> map (IC.SelectCmd
drop 1 $ splitOn ';' $ language_name cid) trans
++ maybe [] ((: []) . IC.SelectCmd IC.Prover) prvr
++ concatMap goalToCommands goals
-- selected prover
prvr = maybe (selectedProver st) (Just . getProverName . fst) pcm
-- selected translation
trans = fmap snd pcm
{- 1. filter out the not proven goals
2. reverse the list, because the last proven goals are on top
3. convert all proof-trees to goals
4. merge goals with same used axioms -}
goals = mergeGoals $ reverse
$ map (\ x -> (goalName x, parseTimeLimit x))
$ filter wasProved pt
-- axioms to include in prove
allax = map fst $ getAxioms st
nodeName = dropName fn $ theoryName st
-- A goal is a pair of a name as String and time limit as Int
goalToCommands :: (String, Int) -> [IC.Command]
goalToCommands (n, t) =
-- Merge goals with the same time-limit
mergeGoals :: [(String, Int)] -> [(String, Int)]
mergeGoals [] = []
mergeGoals (h : []) = [h]
mergeGoals ((n, l) : t@((n', l') : tl))
| l == l' = mergeGoals $ (n ++ ' ' : n', l) : tl
| otherwise = (n, l) : mergeGoals t
dropName :: String -> String -> String
dropName fch s = maybe s tail (stripPrefix fch s)
-- This checks wether a goal was proved or not
wasProved :: ProofStatus proof_Tree -> Bool
wasProved g = case goalStatus g of
Proved _ -> True
_ -> False
-- Converts a proof-tree into a goal.
parseTimeLimit :: ProofStatus proof_tree -> Int
parseTimeLimit pt =
if null lns then 20 else read $ drop (length tlStr) $ last lns
TacticScript scrpt = tacticScript pt
lns = filter (isPrefixOf tlStr) $ splitOn '\n' scrpt
tlStr = "Time limit: "
addCommandHistoryToState :: IORef IntState
-> ProofState -- current proofstate
-> Maybe (G_prover, AnyComorphism) -- possible used translation
-> [ProofStatus proof_tree] -- goals included in prove
-> IO ()
addCommandHistoryToState intSt st pcm pt =
unless (not $ any wasProved pt) $ do
ost <- readIORef intSt
fn <- tryRemoveAbsolutePathComponent $ filename ost
writeIORef intSt $ add2history
(IC.GroupCmd $ proofTreeToProve (rmSuffix fn) st pcm pt)
ost [ IStateChange $ i_state ost ]
conservativityRule :: DGRule
conservativityRule = DGRule "ConservativityCheck"
conservativityChoser :: Bool -> [ConservativityChecker sign sentence morphism]
-> IO (Result (ConservativityChecker sign sentence morphism))
conservativityChoser useGUI checkers = case checkers of
[] -> return $ fail "No conservativity checker available"
hd : tl ->
if useGUI && not (null tl) then do
chosenOne <- listBox "Pick a conservativity checker"
$ map checkerId checkers
case chosenOne of
Nothing -> return $ fail "No conservativity checker chosen"
Just i -> return $ return $ checkers !! i
conservativityChoser _ checkers = case checkers of
[] -> return $ fail "No conservativity checker available"
hd : _ ->
return $ return hd
checkConservativityNode :: Bool -> LNode DGNodeLab -> LibEnv -> LibName
-> IO (String, LibEnv, ProofHistory)
checkConservativityNode useGUI (nodeId, nodeLab) libEnv ln = do
let dg = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
emptyTh = case dgn_sign nodeLab of
G_sign lid _ _ ->
noSensGTheory lid (mkExtSign $ empty_signature lid) startSigId
newN = getNewNodeDG dg
newL = (newNodeLab emptyNodeName DGProof emptyTh)
{ globalTheory = Just emptyTh }
morphism = propagateErrors "Utils.checkConservativityNode"
$ ginclusion logicGraph (dgn_sign newL) $
dgn_sign nodeLab
lnk = (newN, nodeId, defDGLink
morphism (ScopedLink Global DefLink $ getNodeConsStatus nodeLab)
(tmpDG, _) = updateDGOnly dg $ InsertNode (newN, newL)
(tempDG, InsertEdge lnk') = updateDGOnly tmpDG $ InsertEdge lnk
tempLibEnv = insert ln tempDG libEnv
(str, _, (_, _, lnkLab), _) <-
checkConservativityEdge useGUI lnk' tempLibEnv ln
if isPrefixOf "No conservativity" str
then return (str, libEnv, SizedList.empty)
else do
let nInfo = nodeInfo nodeLab
nodeLab' = nodeLab { nodeInfo = nInfo { node_cons_status =
getEdgeConsStatus lnkLab } }
changes = [ SetNodeLab nodeLab (nodeId, nodeLab') ]
dg' = changesDGH dg changes
history = snd $ splitHistory dg dg'
libEnv' = insert ln (groupHistory dg conservativityRule dg') libEnv
return (str, libEnv', history)
checkConservativityEdge :: Bool -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> LibEnv -> LibName
-> IO (String, LibEnv, LEdge DGLinkLab, ProofHistory)
checkConservativityEdge useGUI link@(source, target, linklab) libEnv ln
= do
Just (G_theory lidT _ _ _ sensT _) <-
return $ computeTheory libEnv ln target
GMorphism cid _ _ morphism _ <- return $ dgl_morphism linklab
morphism' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) lidT
"checkconservativityOfEdge" morphism
let compMor = case dgn_sigma $ labDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv) target of
Nothing -> morphism'
Just (GMorphism cid' _ _ morphism2 _) -> case
coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid') lidT
"checkconservativityOfEdge" morphism2
>>= comp morphism' of
Result _ (Just phi) -> phi
_ -> error "checkconservativityOfEdge: comp"
Just (G_theory lidS _ signS _ sensS _) <-
return $ computeTheory libEnv ln source
case coerceSign lidS lidT "checkconservativityOfEdge.coerceSign" signS of
Nothing -> return ( "no implementation for heterogeneous links"
, libEnv, link, SizedList.empty)
Just signS' -> do
sensS' <- coerceThSens lidS lidT "checkconservativityOfEdge1" sensS
let transSensSrc = propagateErrors "checkConservativityEdge2"
$ mapThSensValueM (map_sen lidT compMor) sensS'
checkerR <- conservativityChoser useGUI $ conservativityCheck lidT
case maybeResult checkerR of
Nothing -> return (concatMap diagString $ diags checkerR,
libEnv, link, SizedList.empty)
Just theChecker -> do
let inputThSens1 = filter isAxiom $ toNamedList sensT
transSrcSens = Set.fromList
$ map sentence $ toNamedList transSensSrc
inputThSens = filter
((`Set.notMember` transSrcSens) . sentence)
Result ds res <-
checkConservativity theChecker
(plainSign signS', toNamedList sensS')
compMor inputThSens
let cs' = case res of
Just (Just (cst, obs)) -> if null obs then cst
else Unknown "unchecked obligations"
_ -> Unknown "Unknown"
consNew csv = if cs' >= csv
then Proven conservativityRule emptyProofBasis
else LeftOpen
(newDglType, edgeChange) = case dgl_type linklab of
ScopedLink sc dl (ConsStatus consv cs op) ->
let np = consNew consv in
(ScopedLink sc dl $
ConsStatus consv (max cs $ max consv cs') np, np /= op)
t -> (t, False)
provenEdge = ( source
, target
, linklab { dgl_type = newDglType }
dg = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
nodelab = labDG dg target
obligations = case res of
Just (Just (_, os)) -> os
_ -> []
G_theory glid gsyn gsign gsigid gsens gid <-
return $ dgn_theory nodelab
let oldSens = OMap.toList gsens
namedNewSens = toThSens
$ disambiguateSens (Set.fromList $ map fst oldSens)
[ (makeNamed ("cons_obl_" ++ show i) o) {isAxiom = False}
| (o, i) <- number obligations ]
namedNewSens' <- coerceThSens lidT glid "" namedNewSens
{- Sort out the named sentences which have a different name,
but same sentence -}
mergedSens = nubOrdOn (sentence . snd)
$ oldSens ++ OMap.toList namedNewSens'
(newTheory, nodeChange) =
(G_theory glid gsyn gsign gsigid
(OMap.fromList mergedSens) gid,
length oldSens /= length mergedSens)
newTargetNode = (target, nodelab { dgn_theory = newTheory })
nodeChanges = [SetNodeLab nodelab newTargetNode | nodeChange]
edgeChanges = if edgeChange then
[ DeleteEdge (source, target, linklab)
, InsertEdge provenEdge ] else []
nextGr = computeDGraphTheories libEnv . changesDGH dg
$ nodeChanges ++ edgeChanges
newLibEnv = if nodeChange || edgeChange then
insert ln
(groupHistory dg conservativityRule nextGr) libEnv
else libEnv
history = snd $ splitHistory dg nextGr
sig1 = case gsign of
ExtSign s1 _ -> s1
showObls [] = ""
showObls lst = ", provided that the following proof "
++ "obligations can be discharged:\n"
++ show (Pretty.vsep $ map (print_named glid .
mapNamed (simplify_sen glid sig1)) lst)
showRes = case res of
Just (Just (cst, _)) -> "The link is "
++ showConsistencyStatus cst
++ showObls (toNamedList namedNewSens')
_ -> "Could not determine whether link is "
++ "conservative"
myDiags = showRelDiags 2 ds
return ( showRes ++ "\n" ++ myDiags
, newLibEnv, provenEdge, history)
updateNodeProof :: LibName -> IntState -> LNode DGNodeLab
-> G_theory -> (IntState, [DGChange])
updateNodeProof ln ost n@(_, dgnode) thry =
case i_state ost of
Nothing -> (ost, [])
Just iist ->
let le = i_libEnv iist
dg = lookupDGraph ln le
nn = getDGNodeName dgnode
newDg = updateLabelTheory le dg n thry
history = reverse $ flatHistory $ snd $ splitHistory dg newDg
nst = add2history
(CommentCmd $ "basic inference done on " ++ nn ++ "\n")
ost [DgCommandChange ln]
nwst = nst { i_state =
Just iist { i_libEnv = Map.insert ln newDg le } }
in (nwst, history)