Process.hs revision 7a0ec2ba5e6f0526da6e2ce8c00fbfb1b8bfe6a8
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : A process interface for communication with other programs
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions)
Interface for communication with other processes
module Interfaces.Process where
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..))
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified System.Process as SP
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Common.IOS
-- * ReadState, controlled reading from a handle
type Time = NominalDiffTime
data IntelligentReadState = IRS { timeout :: Time -- ^ total timeout
, started :: Time -- ^ start timestamp
, updated :: Time -- ^ last update stamp
, readtime :: Time -- ^ stamp of last read
, hasread :: Bool -- ^ got data
, waitForRead :: Bool
} deriving Show
initIRS :: Time -> Bool -> IO IntelligentReadState
initIRS t b = do{ ts <- getPOSIXTime; return $ IRS t ts ts 0 False b }
{- |
This class provides an interface to control the output retrieval from an
output handler (in the code of getOutput' you can see this control in action).
class ReadState a where
-- | For updating the ReadState, you may want to set new timestamps, etc.
increment :: a -- ^ the ReadState
-> Bool -- ^ a flag for "got data"
-> IO a -- ^ the updated readstate
-- | A predicate to tell when to abort a read-try, usally when some
-- timeout has passed
abort :: a -> Bool
instance ReadState IntelligentReadState where
increment irs@(IRS to st _ _ _ b) ngd =
do{ ts <- getPOSIXTime
-- TODO: if-part also with irs-update
; return $ if ngd then (IRS to st ts ts ngd b) else irs{updated = ts}
abort (IRS to st lus slr gd b) =
to <= lus - st || ((not b || gd) && let tr = lus - slr in tr > 0 && to / tr < 10)
getOutput :: (ReadState a) => Handle -> a -> IO String
getOutput hdl rs =
do{ s <- getOutput' rs hdl ""
; return $ reverse s }
-- builds the string in the wrong order
-- tail-recursive function shouldn't make stack problems
getOutput' :: (ReadState a) => a -> Handle -> String -> IO String
getOutput' rs hdl s =
do{ b <- if abort rs then return Nothing -- timeout gone
-- eventually error on eof so abort
else catch (liftM Just $ hWaitForInput hdl 5) $ const $ return Nothing
; case b of Nothing -> return s
Just b' ->
do{ ns <- if b' then liftM (:s) $ hGetChar hdl else return s
; nrs <- increment rs b'
; getOutput' nrs hdl ns }
-- | From given Time a ReadState is created and the output is fetched using
-- getOutput
getOutp :: Handle -> Time -> IO String
getOutp hdl t = initIRS t True >>= getOutput hdl
-- * A Command Interface using the intelligent read state
-- | This is just a type to hold the information returned by
-- System.Process.runInteractiveCommand
data CommandState = CS { inp :: Handle, outp :: Handle, err :: Handle,
pid :: SP.ProcessHandle }
-- | The IO State-Monad with state CommandState
type Command = IOS CommandState
-- | run communication program
runProg :: CommandState -- ^ initial comand state
-> Command a -- ^ command to be run
-> IO CommandState -- ^ terminal command state
runProg cs cmd = fmap snd $ runIOS cmd cs
-- | run program with initialization
runProgInit :: String -- ^ shell string to run the program
-> Command a -- ^ command to be run
-> IO CommandState -- ^ terminal command state
runProgInit s cmd = start s >>= flip runProg cmd
-- | initialize the connection by running the given command string
start :: String -> IO CommandState
start cmd = do
putStrLn $ "Running " ++ cmd ++ " ..."
(i,o,e,p) <- SP.runInteractiveCommand $ cmd
-- configure the handles
mapM_ (flip hSetBinaryMode False) [i, o, e]
mapM_ (flip hSetBuffering NoBuffering) [o, e]
hSetBuffering i LineBuffering
-- clear all output from the output pipe (wait 300 milliseconds)
getOutp o 0.3
return $ CS i o e p
-- | Just read output from the connection waiting at most Time
readOutput :: Time -> Command String
readOutput t =
do{ s <- get
; liftIO $ getOutp (outp s) t }
-- | Just read error output from the connection waiting at most Time
readErr :: Time -> Command String
readErr t =
do{ s <- get
; liftIO $ getOutp (err s) t }
-- | Send some exit command if there is one to close the connection
close :: Maybe String -> Command ExitCode
close str =
do{ s <- get
; case str of Nothing -> return ()
Just excmd -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn (inp s) excmd
; e <- liftIO $ SP.waitForProcess $ pid s
; return e }
-- | Send some String and don't wait for response
send :: String -> Command ()
send str =
do{ s <- get
; liftIO $ hPutStrLn (inp s) str }
-- | Send some String and wait Time for response
call :: Time -- ^ Waits this time until abort call (Use float for seconds)
-> String -- ^ Send this string over the connection
-> Command String -- ^ Response
call t str =
do{ s <- get
-- first clear all output from the output pipe (wait 50 milliseconds)
; liftIO $ getOutp (outp s) 0.05
; liftIO $ hPutStrLn (inp s) str
; liftIO $ getOutp (outp s) t }