History.hs revision 83e814d7ac048930de2fe34b5b23d883654a1777
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : history management functions
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interfaces.History contains different functions that deal
with history
module Interfaces.History
( undoOneStep
, redoOneStep
, add2history
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Common.LibName
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- | Datatype used to differentiate between the two actions (so that code does
-- not get duplicated
data UndoOrRedo =
| DoRedo
-- write2Hist :: IORef IntState -> String -> [UndoRedoElem] -> IO()
-- write2Hist iost name descr
-- = do
-- ost <- readIORef iost
-- let nwst = add2history name ost descr
-- writeIORef iost nwst
add2history :: String -> IntState -> [UndoRedoElem] -> IntState
add2history nm st descr
= case undoList $ i_hist st of
[] -> let nwEl = Int_CmdHistoryDescription {
cmdName = nm,
cmdDescription = descr }
hst = i_hist st
in st{i_hist=hst{ undoList = nwEl:(undoList hst) } }
h:r ->
case cmdName h of
[] -> let nwEl = h { cmdName = nm,
cmdDescription = descr ++ (cmdDescription h) }
hst = i_hist st
in st{i_hist=hst{ undoList = nwEl:r }}
_ -> let nwEl = Int_CmdHistoryDescription {
cmdName = nm,
cmdDescription = descr }
hst = i_hist st
in st{i_hist=hst{ undoList = nwEl :h:r } }
-- | Undo or redo a command that modified the development graph
undoRedoDgCmd :: UndoOrRedo -> IntState -> LIB_NAME -> IO IntState
undoRedoDgCmd actionType state ln =
case i_state state of
-- should I return an error message??
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS -> do
-- take ln from the history storage ??
-- in contrast to GUI here you operate with only one ln at a time
dg = lookupDGraph ln (i_libEnv dgS)
(dg',changes) = ( case actionType of
DoUndo -> undoHistStep
DoRedo -> redoHistStep) dg
newEnv = Map.insert ln dg' (i_libEnv dgS)
newst = state {
i_state = Just $ dgS {
i_libEnv = newEnv
case openlock dg' of
Nothing -> return newst
Just lock -> do
mvar <- tryTakeMVar lock
case mvar of
Nothing -> return newst
Just applyHist -> do
applyHist changes
putMVar lock applyHist
return newst
-- | Analyze changes to the selected nodes, return new nodes plus a list
-- of changes that would undo last changes
processList :: [ListChange]-> [Int_NodeInfo]
-> [ListChange] -> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
processList ls elems acc
= case ls of
-- if nothing to process return elements and changes
[] -> (elems, acc)
-- else check what type of change we are dealing with
case x of
-- if it is a change in axioms
AxiomsChange nwaxms nb ->
-- apply change and store the undo action
let nwls = map (\y ->
case y of
Element ps nb' ->
case nb' == nb of
True ->((Element ps{includedAxioms = nwaxms} nb)
,[AxiomsChange (includedAxioms ps) nb])
False -> (y,[]) ) elems
nwelems = map (\y -> fst y) nwls
changesLs = concatMap (\y-> snd y) nwls
in processList l nwelems (changesLs ++ acc)
-- if it is a change in goals
GoalsChange nwgls nb ->
-- apply change and store the undo action
let nwls = map (\y ->
case y of
Element ps nb' ->
case nb' == nb of
True ->((Element ps{selectedGoals = nwgls} nb)
,[GoalsChange (selectedGoals ps) nb])
False ->(y,[])) elems
nwelems = map (\y -> fst y) nwls
changeLs = concatMap (\y ->snd y) nwls
in processList l nwelems (changeLs ++ acc)
-- if selected nodes change
NodesChange nwelems ->
processList l nwelems ((NodesChange elems):acc)
-- | Process one step of undo or redo
processAny :: UndoOrRedo -> IntState -> IO IntState
processAny actype state = do
let hst = case actype of
-- find out the list of actions according to the action
-- (undo/redo)
DoUndo -> undoList $ i_hist state
DoRedo -> redoList $ i_hist state
case hst of
[] -> return state
x:l-> do
(nwst,ch) <- processUndoRedoElems actype (cmdDescription x) state []
x' = x { cmdDescription = ch }
i_hist_state = i_hist state
nwstate = case actype of
DoUndo -> nwst {
i_hist = IntHistory {
undoList = l,
redoList = x' : redoList i_hist_state
DoRedo -> nwst {
i_hist = IntHistory {
redoList = l,
undoList = x' : undoList i_hist_state
return nwstate
-- | Process a list of undo or redo changes
processUndoRedoElems :: UndoOrRedo -> [UndoRedoElem] -> IntState
-> [UndoRedoElem] ->IO (IntState,[UndoRedoElem])
processUndoRedoElems actype ls state acc
= case i_state state of
Nothing -> return (state,[])
Just ist ->
case ls of
[] -> return (state,acc)
(UseThmChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { useTheorems = sw } }
ch = UseThmChange $ useTheorems ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(Save2FileChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { save2file = sw } }
ch = Save2FileChange $ save2file ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(ProverChange nwp):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { prover = nwp } }
ch = ProverChange $ prover ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(ConsCheckerChange nwc):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { consChecker = nwc} }
ch = ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(ScriptChange nws):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { script = nws } }
ch = ScriptChange $ script ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(LoadScriptChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { loadScript = sw } }
ch = LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(CComorphismChange nwc):l -> do
let nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { cComorphism = nwc} }
ch = CComorphismChange $ cComorphism ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(DgCommandChange nln):l -> do
nwst <- undoRedoDgCmd actype state nln
let ch = DgCommandChange nln
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(ListChange nls):l -> do
let (nwels,lc) = processList nls (elements ist) []
nwst = state {
i_state = Just $ ist { elements = nwels } }
ch = ListChange lc
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
(IStateChange nist):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = nist }
ch = IStateChange $ Just ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc)
undoOneStep :: IntState -> IO IntState
undoOneStep = processAny DoUndo
redoOneStep :: IntState -> IO IntState
redoOneStep = processAny DoRedo