History.hs revision 55c5e901b5c3466300009135585bc70bd576dcb6
d0be1e954bd4674fc27f2616c72adb37cf3525a2David Lawrence{- |
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark AndrewsModule :$Header$
499b34cea04a46823d003d4c0520c8b03e8513cbBrian WellingtonDescription : history management functions
40f53fa8d9c6a4fc38c0014495e7a42b08f52481David LawrenceCopyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
ec5347e2c775f027573ce5648b910361aa926c01Automatic UpdaterLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
d0be1e954bd4674fc27f2616c72adb37cf3525a2David LawrenceMaintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
d0be1e954bd4674fc27f2616c72adb37cf3525a2David LawrenceStability : provisional
40f53fa8d9c6a4fc38c0014495e7a42b08f52481David LawrencePortability : portable
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark AndrewsInterfaces.History contains different functions that deal
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewswith history
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews-}
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewsmodule Interfaces.History
d0be1e954bd4674fc27f2616c72adb37cf3525a2David Lawrence ( undoOneStep
d0be1e954bd4674fc27f2616c72adb37cf3525a2David Lawrence , redoOneStep
ec5347e2c775f027573ce5648b910361aa926c01Automatic Updater , undoOneStepWithUpdate
9c3531d72aeaad6c5f01efe6a1c82023e1379e4dDavid Lawrence , redoOneStepWithUpdate
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister , add2history
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister ) where
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Interfaces.DataTypes
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Interfaces.Command
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Common.LibName
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Proofs.AbstractState
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Static.DevGraph
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport Static.History
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerimport qualified Data.Map as Map
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister-- | Datatype used to differentiate between the two actions (so that code does
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister-- not get duplicated
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristerdata UndoOrRedo =
40f53fa8d9c6a4fc38c0014495e7a42b08f52481David Lawrence DoUndo
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister | DoRedo
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristeradd2history :: Command -> IntState -> [UndoRedoElem] -> IntState
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Bristeradd2history nm st descr = let
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister hst = i_hist st
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister ul = undoList hst
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister nwEl = CmdHistory
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister { command = nm
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister , cmdHistory = descr }
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister in st { i_hist = hst { undoList = nwEl : ul } }
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister-- | Undo or redo a command that modified the development graph
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James BristerundoRedoDgCmd :: UndoOrRedo -> IntState -> LibName
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister -> ([DGChange] -> DGraph -> IO ()) -> IO IntState
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James BristerundoRedoDgCmd actionType state ln update =
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister case i_state state of
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister -- should I return an error message??
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister Nothing -> return state
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister Just dgS -> do
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister let
51f90e94e4dcea187628175b50217bc525570b55James Brister -- take ln from the history storage ??
-- in contrast to GUI here you operate with only one ln at a time
dg = lookupDGraph ln (i_libEnv dgS)
(dg',changes) = ( case actionType of
DoUndo -> undoHistStep
DoRedo -> redoHistStep) dg
newEnv = Map.insert ln dg' (i_libEnv dgS)
newst = state { i_state = Just $ dgS { i_libEnv = newEnv } }
update changes dg'
return newst
-- | Analyze changes to the selected nodes, return new nodes plus a list
-- of changes that would undo last changes
processList :: [ListChange]-> [Int_NodeInfo]
-> [ListChange] -> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
processList ls elems acc
= case ls of
-- if nothing to process return elements and changes
[] -> (elems, acc)
-- else check what type of change we are dealing with
case x of
-- if it is a change in axioms
AxiomsChange nwaxms nb ->
-- apply change and store the undo action
let nwls = map (\y ->
case y of
Element ps nb' ->
case nb' == nb of
True ->((Element ps{includedAxioms = nwaxms} nb)
,[AxiomsChange (includedAxioms ps) nb])
False -> (y,[]) ) elems
nwelems = map (\y -> fst y) nwls
changesLs = concatMap (\y-> snd y) nwls
in processList l nwelems (changesLs ++ acc)
-- if it is a change in goals
GoalsChange nwgls nb ->
-- apply change and store the undo action
let nwls = map (\y ->
case y of
Element ps nb' ->
case nb' == nb of
True ->((Element ps{selectedGoals = nwgls} nb)
,[GoalsChange (selectedGoals ps) nb])
False ->(y,[])) elems
nwelems = map (\y -> fst y) nwls
changeLs = concatMap (\y ->snd y) nwls
in processList l nwelems (changeLs ++ acc)
-- if selected nodes change
NodesChange nwelems ->
processList l nwelems ((NodesChange elems):acc)
-- | Process one step of undo or redo
processAny :: UndoOrRedo -> IntState
-> (LibName -> [DGChange] -> DGraph -> IO ()) -> IO IntState
processAny actype state update = do
let hst = case actype of
-- find out the list of actions according to the action
-- (undo/redo)
DoUndo -> undoList $ i_hist state
DoRedo -> redoList $ i_hist state
case hst of
[] -> return state
x:l-> do
(nwst,ch) <- processUndoRedoElems actype (cmdHistory x) state [] update
x' = x { cmdHistory = ch }
i_hist_state = i_hist state
nwstate = case actype of
DoUndo -> nwst {
i_hist = IntHistory {
undoList = l,
redoList = x' : redoList i_hist_state
DoRedo -> nwst {
i_hist = IntHistory {
redoList = l,
undoList = x' : undoList i_hist_state
return nwstate
-- | Process a list of undo or redo changes
processUndoRedoElems :: UndoOrRedo -> [UndoRedoElem] -> IntState
-> [UndoRedoElem]
-> (LibName -> [DGChange] -> DGraph -> IO ())
-> IO (IntState,[UndoRedoElem])
processUndoRedoElems actype ls state acc update
= case i_state state of
Nothing -> return (state,[])
Just ist ->
case ls of
[] -> return (state,acc)
(UseThmChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { useTheorems = sw } }
ch = UseThmChange $ useTheorems ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(Save2FileChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { save2file = sw } }
ch = Save2FileChange $ save2file ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(ProverChange nwp):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { prover = nwp } }
ch = ProverChange $ prover ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(ConsCheckerChange nwc):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { consChecker = nwc} }
ch = ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(ScriptChange nws):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { script = nws } }
ch = ScriptChange $ script ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(LoadScriptChange sw):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { loadScript = sw } }
ch = LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(CComorphismChange nwc):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { cComorphism = nwc} }
ch = CComorphismChange $ cComorphism ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(DgCommandChange nln):l -> do
nwst <- undoRedoDgCmd actype state nln $ update nln
let ch = DgCommandChange nln
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(ListChange nls):l -> do
let (nwels,lc) = processList nls (elements ist) []
nwst = state { i_state = Just $ ist { elements = nwels } }
ch = ListChange lc
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
(IStateChange nist):l -> do
let nwst = state { i_state = nist }
ch = IStateChange $ Just ist
processUndoRedoElems actype l nwst (ch:acc) update
undoOneStep :: IntState -> IO IntState
undoOneStep ist = processAny DoUndo ist (\ _ _ _ -> return ())
redoOneStep :: IntState -> IO IntState
redoOneStep ist = processAny DoRedo ist (\ _ _ _ -> return ())
undoOneStepWithUpdate :: IntState -> (LibName -> [DGChange] -> DGraph -> IO ())
-> IO IntState
undoOneStepWithUpdate = processAny DoUndo
redoOneStepWithUpdate :: IntState -> (LibName -> [DGChange] -> DGraph -> IO ())
-> IO IntState
redoOneStepWithUpdate = processAny DoRedo