Command.hs revision e4f26cf3c17f087ea0818eac268c0178a1bcb7c6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : development graph commands for all interfaces
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
data types for development graph commands to be invoked via the GUI, the
command-line-interface (CMDL), and other tools
module Interfaces.Command where
import Data.Char
data GlobCmd =
| ThmHideShift
| HideThmShift
| GlobDecomp
| GlobSubsume
| LocalDecomp
| LocalInference
| Composition
| CompositionCreateEdges
| Colimit
| NormalForm
| QualifyNames
| UndoCmd
| RedoCmd
-- Flattening command
| Importing
| DisjointUnion
| Renaming
| Hiding
| Heterogeneity
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
globCmdList :: [GlobCmd]
globCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
menuTextGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> String
menuTextGlobCmd cmd = case cmd of
Automatic -> "Automatic"
ThmHideShift -> "Theorem-Hide-Shift"
HideThmShift -> "Hide-Theorem-Shift"
GlobDecomp -> "Global-Decomposition"
GlobSubsume -> "Global-Subsumption"
LocalDecomp -> "Local-Decomposition"
LocalInference -> "Local-Inference"
Composition -> "Proof composed edges"
CompositionCreateEdges -> "Create composed proven edges"
Colimit -> "Compute colimit"
NormalForm -> "Compute normal form"
QualifyNames -> "Qualify all names"
UndoCmd -> "Undo"
RedoCmd -> "Redo"
Importing -> "Importings"
DisjointUnion -> "Disjoint union"
Renaming -> "Renamings"
Hiding -> "Hiding"
Heterogeneity -> "Heterogeneity"
isDgRule :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isDgRule c = c <= LocalInference
isFlatteningCmd :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isFlatteningCmd c = c >= Importing
isUndoOrRedo :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isUndoOrRedo c = elem c [UndoCmd, RedoCmd]
describeGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> String
describeGlobCmd c = let t = map toLower $ menuTextGlobCmd c in
if isDgRule c then "dg rule " ++ t
else if isFlatteningCmd c then "flattening out " ++ t
else if isUndoOrRedo c then t ++ " last change"
else t
-- | select a named entity
data SelectCmd =
File -- read library from file
| Lib -- allows to move to an imported library
| Node
| Comorphism
| Prover
| Goal -- a single goal for an automatic prover
| ConsistencyChecker
| Link
| ConservativityChecker
deriving (Enum, Bounded)
selectCmdList :: [SelectCmd]
selectCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
describeSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> String
describeSelectCmd cmd = case cmd of
File -> "read file"
Lib -> "select library"
Node -> "select node"
Comorphism -> "choose translation"
Prover -> "choose prover"
Goal -> "set goal"
ConsistencyChecker -> "choose consistency checker"
Link -> "select link"
ConservativityChecker -> "choose conservativity checker"
data InspectCmd =
CmdList -- all possible commands
| Libs -- all imported libraries
| Nodes -- of library
| Edges
| UndoHist
| RedoHist
| NodeInfo -- of a selected node
| Theory
| AllGoals
| ProvenGoals
| UnprovenGoals
| Axioms
| LocalAxioms
| Taxonomy
| Concept
| EdgeInfo -- of a selected link
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
inspectCmdList :: [InspectCmd]
inspectCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
showInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> String
showInspectCmd cmd = case cmd of
CmdList -> "Commands"-- all possible commands
Libs -> "Library Names"
Nodes -> "Nodes"
Edges -> "Edges"
UndoHist -> "Undo-History"
RedoHist -> "Redo-History"
NodeInfo -> "Node-Info"
Theory -> "Computed Theory"
AllGoals -> "All Goals"
ProvenGoals -> "Proven Goals"
UnprovenGoals -> "Unproven Goals"
Axioms -> "All Axioms"
LocalAxioms -> "Local Axioms"
Taxonomy -> "Taxonomy"
Concept -> "Concept"
EdgeInfo -> "Edge-Info"
data Command =
GlobCmd GlobCmd
| SelectCmd SelectCmd String
| TimeLimit Int -- set a time limit for an automatic prover
| SetAxioms [String] -- set the axiom list for an automatic prover
| IncludeProvenTheorems Bool -- should proven theorems be added as axioms
| InspectCmd InspectCmd
commandList :: [Command]
commandList =
map GlobCmd globCmdList
++ map (\ s -> SelectCmd s "") selectCmdList
++ [TimeLimit (-1), SetAxioms [], IncludeProvenTheorems False]
++ map InspectCmd inspectCmdList