Command.hs revision e4aeced5394758cc762e8817d031855cc1abb02c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : development graph commands for all interfaces
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
data types for development graph commands to be invoked via the GUI, the
command-line-interface (CMDL), and other tools
module Interfaces.Command where
import Common.Utils
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.List
data GlobCmd =
| GlobDecomp
| GlobSubsume
| LocalDecomp
| LocalInference
| CompositionProveEdges
| CompositionCreateEdges
| Conservativity
| ThmHideShift
| HideThmShift
| Colimit
| NormalForm
| Freeness
| QualifyNames
| UndoCmd
| RedoCmd
-- Flattening command
| Importing
| DisjointUnion
| Renaming
| Hiding
| Heterogeneity
| ProveCurrent -- CMDL prover activation
| DropTranslation -- stop composing comorphisms to previous ones
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
globCmdList :: [GlobCmd]
globCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
-- list of command names in the gui interface
menuTextGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> String
menuTextGlobCmd cmd = case cmd of
Automatic -> "Automatic"
GlobDecomp -> "Global-Decomposition"
GlobSubsume -> "Global-Subsumption"
LocalDecomp -> "Local-Decomposition"
LocalInference -> "Local-Inference"
CompositionProveEdges -> "Prove composed edges"
CompositionCreateEdges -> "Create composed proven edges"
Conservativity -> "Conservativity"
ThmHideShift -> "Theorem-Hide-Shift"
HideThmShift -> "Hide-Theorem-Shift"
Colimit -> "Compute colimit"
NormalForm -> "Compute normal form"
QualifyNames -> "Qualify all names"
UndoCmd -> "Undo"
RedoCmd -> "Redo"
Importing -> "Importing"
DisjointUnion -> "Disjoint union"
Renaming -> "Renaming"
Hiding -> "Hiding"
Freeness -> "Freeness"
Heterogeneity -> "Heterogeneity"
ProveCurrent -> "Prove"
DropTranslation -> "Drop-Translations"
-- | even some short names for the command line interface
cmdlGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> String
cmdlGlobCmd cmd = case cmd of
Automatic -> "auto"
GlobDecomp -> "glob-decomp"
GlobSubsume -> "global-subsume"
LocalDecomp -> "loc-decomp"
LocalInference -> "local-infer"
CompositionProveEdges -> "comp"
CompositionCreateEdges -> "comp-new"
Conservativity -> "cons"
ThmHideShift -> "thm-hide"
HideThmShift -> "hide-thm"
_ -> map toLower $ menuTextGlobCmd cmd
isDgRule :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isDgRule c = c <= HideThmShift
isFlatteningCmd :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isFlatteningCmd c = c >= Importing && c <= Heterogeneity
isUndoOrRedo :: GlobCmd -> Bool
isUndoOrRedo c = elem c [UndoCmd, RedoCmd]
describeGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> String
describeGlobCmd c =
let mt = menuTextGlobCmd c
t = map toLower mt in
case c of
Automatic -> "Apply automatic tactic"
CompositionProveEdges -> t
CompositionCreateEdges -> t
QualifyNames -> "Qualify and disambiguate all signature names"
NormalForm -> "Compute normal forms for nodes with incoming hiding links"
Importing -> "Flatten all theories and delete all importing links"
DisjointUnion -> "Create intersection nodes and ensure only disjoint unions"
Hiding -> "Delete all hiding links"
ProveCurrent -> "Applies selected prover to selected goals"
DropTranslation -> "Drops any selected comorphism"
_ -> if isDgRule c then "Apply rule " ++ t else
if isFlatteningCmd c then "Flatten out " ++ t else
if isUndoOrRedo c then mt ++ " last change" else t
globCmdNameStr :: GlobCmd -> String
globCmdNameStr c = let s = cmdlGlobCmd c in
if isDgRule c then "dg-all " ++ s else
if isFlatteningCmd c then "flattening " ++ s else s
-- | select a named entity
data SelectCmd =
LibFile -- read library from file
| Lib -- allows to move to an imported library
| Node
| ComorphismTranslation
| Prover
| Goal -- a single goal for an automatic prover
| ConsistencyChecker
| Link
| ConservativityChecker
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
selectCmdList :: [SelectCmd]
selectCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
selectCmdNameStr :: SelectCmd -> String
selectCmdNameStr cmd = case cmd of
LibFile -> "use"
Lib -> "library"
Node -> "dg basic"
ComorphismTranslation -> "translate"
Prover -> "prover"
Goal -> "set goals"
ConsistencyChecker -> "cons-checker"
Link -> "link"
ConservativityChecker -> "conservativity-check"
describeSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> String
describeSelectCmd cmd = case cmd of
LibFile -> "Read HetCASL file"
Lib -> "Select library"
Node -> "Select node"
ComorphismTranslation -> "Choose translation"
Prover -> "Choose prover"
Goal -> "Set goal"
ConsistencyChecker -> "Choose consistency checker"
Link -> "Select link"
ConservativityChecker -> "Choose conservativity checker"
data InspectCmd =
CmdList -- all possible commands
| Libs -- all imported libraries
| Nodes -- of library
| Edges
| UndoHist
| RedoHist
| EdgeInfo -- of a selected link
| LocalAxioms
| NodeInfo
| Theory
| AllGoals
| ProvenGoals
| UnprovenGoals
| Axioms
| Taxonomy
| Concept
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
inspectCmdList :: [InspectCmd]
inspectCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
showInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> String
showInspectCmd cmd = case cmd of
CmdList -> "Details" -- all possible commands
Libs -> "Library Names"
Nodes -> "Nodes"
Edges -> "Edges"
UndoHist -> "Undo-History"
RedoHist -> "Redo-History"
EdgeInfo -> "Edge-Info"
LocalAxioms -> "Local Axioms"
NodeInfo -> "Node-Info"
Theory -> "Computed Theory"
AllGoals -> "All Goals"
ProvenGoals -> "Proven Goals"
UnprovenGoals -> "Unproven Goals"
Axioms -> "All Axioms"
Taxonomy -> "Taxonomy"
Concept -> "Concept"
requiresNode :: InspectCmd -> Bool
requiresNode ic = ic >= LocalAxioms
data ChangeCmd =
| AddView
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
describeChangeCmd :: ChangeCmd -> String
describeChangeCmd cmd = case cmd of
Expand -> "Extend current node"
AddView -> "Add a view"
changeCmdList :: [ChangeCmd]
changeCmdList = [minBound .. maxBound]
changeCmdNameStr :: ChangeCmd -> String
changeCmdNameStr cmd = case cmd of
Expand -> "expand"
AddView -> "addview"
data Command =
GlobCmd GlobCmd
| SelectCmd SelectCmd String
| TimeLimit Int -- set a time limit for an automatic prover
| SetAxioms [String] -- set the axiom list for an automatic prover
| IncludeProvenTheorems Bool -- should proven theorems be added as axioms
| InspectCmd InspectCmd (Maybe String)
| CommentCmd String
| GroupCmd [Command] -- just to group commands in addCommandHistoryToState
| ChangeCmd ChangeCmd String
| HelpCmd
| ExitCmd
-- the same command modulo input argument
eqCmd :: Command -> Command -> Bool
eqCmd c1 c2 = case (c1, c2) of
(GlobCmd g1, GlobCmd g2) -> g1 == g2
(SelectCmd s1 _, SelectCmd s2 _) -> s1 == s2
(TimeLimit _, TimeLimit _) -> True
(SetAxioms _, SetAxioms _) -> True
(IncludeProvenTheorems b1, IncludeProvenTheorems b2) -> b1 == b2
(InspectCmd i1 m1, InspectCmd i2 m2) -> i1 == i2 && isJust m1 == isJust m2
(CommentCmd _, CommentCmd _) -> True
(HelpCmd, HelpCmd) -> True
(ExitCmd, ExitCmd) -> True
(GroupCmd l1, GroupCmd l2) -> and (zipWith eqCmd l1 l2)
&& length l1 == length l2
_ -> False
mkSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> Command
mkSelectCmd s = SelectCmd s ""
mkChangeCmd :: ChangeCmd -> Command
mkChangeCmd c = ChangeCmd c ""
cmdInputStr :: Command -> String
cmdInputStr cmd = case cmd of
SelectCmd _ t -> t
TimeLimit l -> show l
SetAxioms as -> unwords as
InspectCmd _ t -> fromMaybe "" t
ChangeCmd _ t -> t
_ -> ""
setInputStr :: String -> Command -> Command
setInputStr str cmd = case cmd of
SelectCmd s _ -> SelectCmd s str
TimeLimit l -> TimeLimit $ case readMaybe str of
Just n -> n
_ -> l
SetAxioms _ -> SetAxioms $ words str
InspectCmd i _ -> InspectCmd i $ Just str
ChangeCmd c _ -> ChangeCmd c str
_ -> cmd
cmdNameStr :: Command -> String
cmdNameStr cmd = case cmd of
GlobCmd g -> globCmdNameStr g
SelectCmd s _ -> selectCmdNameStr s
TimeLimit _ -> "set time-limit"
SetAxioms _ -> "set axioms"
IncludeProvenTheorems b -> "set include-theorems " ++ map toLower (show b)
InspectCmd i s ->
(if i > Edges then "show-" else "")
++ map (\ c -> if c == ' ' then '-' else toLower c) (showInspectCmd i)
++ (if i > LocalAxioms && isNothing s then "-current" else "")
CommentCmd _ -> "#"
HelpCmd -> "help"
ExitCmd -> "quit"
GroupCmd _ -> ""
ChangeCmd c _ -> changeCmdNameStr c
-- | show command with arguments
showCmd :: Command -> String
showCmd c = let cn = cmdNameStr c in case c of
SelectCmd _ t -> cn ++ " " ++ t
TimeLimit l -> cn ++ " " ++ show l
SetAxioms as -> unwords $ cn : as
CommentCmd s -> cn ++ s
GroupCmd l -> intercalate "\n" $ map showCmd l
InspectCmd _ t -> cn ++ " " ++ fromMaybe "" t
ChangeCmd _ t -> cmdNameStr c ++ " " ++ t
_ -> cn
describeCmd :: Command -> String
describeCmd cmd = case cmd of
GlobCmd g -> describeGlobCmd g
SelectCmd s _ -> describeSelectCmd s
TimeLimit _ -> "Set the time-limit for the next proof"
SetAxioms _ -> "Set the axioms used for the next proof"
IncludeProvenTheorems b -> (if b then "I" else "Do not i")
++ "nclude proven theorems"
InspectCmd i t -> "Show " ++ showInspectCmd i
++ (if i > LocalAxioms && isNothing t then " of selected node" else "")
CommentCmd _ -> "Line comment"
HelpCmd -> "Show all available commands"
ExitCmd -> "Quit"
GroupCmd _ -> "Grouping several commands"
ChangeCmd c _ -> describeChangeCmd c
commandList :: [Command]
commandList =
map GlobCmd globCmdList
++ map mkSelectCmd selectCmdList
++ [TimeLimit 0, SetAxioms []]
++ map IncludeProvenTheorems [False, True]
++ map (\ s -> InspectCmd s (Just "")) inspectCmdList
++ map (\c -> ChangeCmd c "") changeCmdList
{- unsafe commands are needed to
delete or add
Links, Nodes, Symbols from Signatures, and sentences
A sequence of such unsafe operations should be checked by hets, if they will
result in a consistent development graph, possibly indicating why not. -}