Id.hs revision 51ad29ec0d75f2212f801e8883ed9f6f4d6289fd
module Id where
import Char
-- identifiers, fixed for all logics
type Pos = (Int, Int) -- line, column
nullPos :: Pos = (0,0)
type Region = (Pos,Pos)
-- tokens as supplied by the scanner
data Token = Token String Pos -- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showTok (Token t _) = t
instance Eq Token where
Token s1 _ == Token s2 _ = s1 == s2
instance Ord Token where
Token s1 _ <= Token s2 _ = s1 <= s2
showSepList :: ShowS -> (a -> ShowS) -> [a] -> ShowS
showSepList _ _ [] = showString ""
showSepList _ f [x] = f x
showSepList s f (x:r) = f x . s . showSepList s f r
showPlainList :: Show a => [a] -> ShowS
showPlainList = showSepList (showString "") shows
instance Show Token where
showsPrec _ = showString . showTok
showList = showPlainList
-- spezial tokens
type Keyword = Token
type TokenOrPlace = Token
place = "__"
isPlace(Token t _) = t == place
-- an identifier may be mixfix (though not for a sort) and compound
-- TokenOrPlace list must be non-empty!
data Id = Id [TokenOrPlace] [Id] deriving (Eq, Ord)
splitMixToken l = let (pls, toks) = span isPlace (reverse l) in
(reverse toks, reverse pls)
showId (Id ts is) =
let (toks, places) = splitMixToken ts
comps = if null is then showString "" else shows is
showList toks . comps . showList places
instance Show Id where
showsPrec _ = showId
-- Simple Ids
data SIMPLE_ID = SimpleId String Pos deriving (Eq, Show)