INSTALL revision dce6436c6ad1863558c14e15b0ff2d5a0bdd45b4
For compilation we use the Glasgow Haskell Compiler "ghc" Version
The binary "hets" should be produced from a source distribution by:
make depend
make hets
# this takes a while
Missing cabal packages can be installed using utils/
Use "gmake" (and "gtar" for unpacking) under solaris!
When building hets directly from svn sources, just call "make" and install
further ghc packages if errors occur.
Rather than building the binary yourself, you may try out one of our
nightly created binaries (compressed with bzip2) or our installers.
Examples for testing can be obtained from
Try out i.e. "hets -g Basic/Numbers.casl" to see if the graphical interface
pops up. If this does not work, maybe "uDrawGraph" (Version 3.1.1) from
is not properly installed. If UDG_HOME was not properly set during
installation of "uni", setting UNIDAVINCI to the "uDrawGraph" binary
may help. (Or make sure "uDrawGraph" can be found in your PATH.)
Note, however, that a source release (created by "make release") contains
generated sources that should not be changed manually. Some files are
generated by tools (i.e. like "DrIFT"); these utilities are also Haskell
programs. For programatica the "happy" parser generator (Version 1.15) is
needed, that is not part of a Hets release. A source release already contains
html documentation of our modules. In order to generate the documentation from
svn sources you'll need "haddock" that comes with ghc.
Note also that the Makefile in a source release differs from the
Makefile obtained via svn. For a release the ReleaseMakefile
overwrites the Makefile from svn. The original Makefile is renamed
to Makefile.orig.