INSTALL revision ceee56b395227c495432d0f3baa407730d7a09d2
For the graphical output with daVinci hets depends on "uni" the
central part of the UniForm workbench.
The library uni is maintained by George Russel ( and
depends on the Glagow Haskell Compiler (GHC Version 6.0.1 or higher) from
If not supplied, the uni sources may be obtained from
In order to build "hets" from sources using GHC, the uni library must
have been installed (as described by uni/README) with the same version
of GHC. "HetCATS" and "uni" must reside in the same directory.
Ideally, the binary "hets" is produced be a simple call of "make" in
the directory HetCATS. ("gmake" on solars!) Alternatively:
ghc --make hets.hs -o hets -ighc:hetcats -fglasgow-exts \
-package-conf ../uni/uni-package.conf -package uni-davinci \
-package uni-server
should work as well. (Add -O for optimization.)
Note, however, that a source release contains generated sources that
should not be changed manually. Some files are generated by
the tools "DrIFT" and "genRules" and these utilities are also Haskell
programs that can be easily compiled from source. (DrIFT needs to know
the GHC library imports, see DERIVEPATH in Makefile). Two files
are generated by the "happy" parser generator, that is not part of a
HetCATS release. (Documentation may be generated using "haddock" and/or