INSTALL revision 5f184698e58f31e670c54c12d858a7c7322277b4
For the graph display with uDrawGraph we rely on "uni"
For compilation the Glasgow Haskell Compiler "ghc" Version
6.6 is required!
In order to build "hets" from sources using GHC, the "uni" library
must have been installed. "uni" relies on HaXml-1.13.2 and an
environment variable UDG_HOME pointing to the "uDrawGraph"
installation (when calling ./configure in "uni").
A binary distribution of "uDrawGraph" (Version 3.1.1)
from only needs to be
HaXml-1.13.2 must be installed as cabal package. The packed sources
can be found in uni/HaXml/HaXml.tgz and must be unpacked and installed
manually as shown below.
This manual procedure is needed because you must decide where to
install the cabal-package. You may need to be root to install it
globally or without prefix. Alternatively, choose a suitable prefix
and install it locally for you as user only as it is done
automatically for further hets packages.
cd uni/HaXml
tar zxvf HaXml.tgz
cd HaXml-1.13.2/
runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix=$HOME/.ghc/i386-Linux-hets-packages
runhaskell Setup.hs build
runhaskell Setup.hs install --user
Within uni call:
make packages
# and optional
"HetCATS" and "uni" must reside in the same
directory. Additionally - if you want a mini-logic Haskell - a
"programatica" directory may be there. (The file
utils/nightly/ contains the lines how to check out programatica.)
recent snapshots of "uni", "programatica" and the "hets" sources may be
obtained (if you don't want to check out from cvs or svn repositories).
The binary "hets" should be produced by:
make -f Makefile.orig packages
make depend
make hets
# this takes a while
Use "gmake" (and "gtar" for unpacking) under solaris! Rather than building
the binary yourself, you may try out one of our recently created
binaries (compressed with bzip2) for linux, solaris or mac.
Examples for testing can be obtained from
Try out i.e. "hets -g Basic/Numbers.casl" to see if the graphical interface
pops up. If this does not work, maybe "uDrawGraph" (Version 3.1.1) from
is not properly installed. If UDG_HOME was not properly set during
installation of "uni", setting UNIDAVINCI to the "uDrawGraph" binary
may help.
Note, however, that a source release (created by "make release")
contains generated sources that should not be changed manually. Some
files are generated by tools (i.e. like "DrIFT"); these utilities
are also Haskell programs. For programatica the "happy" parser
generator (Version 1.15), that is not part of a Hets release. A source
release already contains html documentation of our modules. In order
to generate the documentation from svn sources you'll need "haddock"
(Version 0.8).
Note also that the Makefile in a source release differs from the
Makefile obtained via svn. For a release the ReleaseMakefile
overwrites the Makefile from svn. The original Makefile is renamed