StatAna.hs revision 81f49ee02aaa3bc870401f8883bf52742eb3ea7a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of hybrid logic parts
module Hybrid.StatAna (basicHybridAnalysis, minExpForm) where
import Hybrid.AS_Hybrid
import Hybrid.Print_AS ()
import Hybrid.HybridSign
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.MixfixParser
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ShowMixfix
import CASL.Overload
import CASL.Quantification
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.ExtSign
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List as List
instance TermExtension H_FORMULA where
freeVarsOfExt sign (BoxOrDiamond _ _ f _) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign (At _ f _ ) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign (Univ _ f _) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt sign (Exist _ f _) = freeVars sign f
freeVarsOfExt _ (Here _ _ ) = Set.empty
Sign H_FORMULA HybridSign, GlobalAnnos)
ExtSign (Sign H_FORMULA HybridSign) Symbol,
basicHybridAnalysis =
basicAnalysis minExpForm ana_H_BASIC_ITEM ana_H_SIG_ITEM ana_Mix
ana_Mix = emptyMix
{ getSigIds = ids_H_SIG_ITEM
, putParen = mapH_FORMULA
, mixResolve = resolveH_FORMULA
-- rigid ops will also be part of the CASL signature
ids_H_SIG_ITEM :: H_SIG_ITEM -> IdSets
ids_H_SIG_ITEM si = let e = Set.empty in case si of
Rigid_op_items _ al _ ->
(unite2 $ map (ids_OP_ITEM . item) al, e)
Rigid_pred_items _ al _ ->
((e, e), Set.unions $ map (ids_PRED_ITEM . item) al)
mapMODALITY m = case m of
Term_mod t -> Term_mod $ mapTerm mapH_FORMULA t
_ -> m
mapH_FORMULA (BoxOrDiamond b m f ps) =
BoxOrDiamond b (mapMODALITY m) (mapFormula mapH_FORMULA f) ps
mapH_FORMULA (At n f ps) = At n (mapFormula mapH_FORMULA f) ps
mapH_FORMULA (Univ n f ps) = Univ n (mapFormula mapH_FORMULA f) ps
mapH_FORMULA (Exist n f ps) = Exist n (mapFormula mapH_FORMULA f) ps
mapH_FORMULA (Here n ps) = (Here n ps)
resolveMODALITY :: MixResolve MODALITY
resolveMODALITY ga ids m = case m of
Term_mod t -> fmap Term_mod $ resolveMixTrm mapH_FORMULA
resolveH_FORMULA ga ids t
_ -> return m
resolveH_FORMULA :: MixResolve H_FORMULA
resolveH_FORMULA ga ids cf = case cf of
BoxOrDiamond b m f ps -> do
nm <- resolveMODALITY ga ids m
nf <- resolveMixFrm mapH_FORMULA resolveH_FORMULA ga ids f
return (BoxOrDiamond b nm nf ps)
At n f ps -> do
nf <- resolveMixFrm mapH_FORMULA resolveH_FORMULA ga ids f
return (At n nf ps)
Univ n f ps -> do
nf <- resolveMixFrm mapH_FORMULA resolveH_FORMULA ga ids f
return (Univ n nf ps)
Exist n f ps -> do
nf <- resolveMixFrm mapH_FORMULA resolveH_FORMULA ga ids f
return (Exist n nf ps)
Here n ps -> return (Here n ps)
minExpForm :: Min H_FORMULA HybridSign
minExpForm s form =
let minMod md ps = case md of
Simple_mod i -> minMod (Term_mod (Mixfix_token i)) ps
Term_mod t -> let
r = do
t2 <- oneExpTerm minExpForm s t
let srt = sortOfTerm t2
trm = Term_mod t2
supers = supersortsOf srt s
if Set.null $ Set.intersection
(Set.insert srt supers)
$ Map.keysSet $ termModies $ extendedInfo s
then Result [mkDiag Error
("unknown term modality sort '"
++ showId srt "' for term") t ]
$ Just trm
else return trm
in case t of
Mixfix_token tm ->
if Map.member tm (modies $ extendedInfo s)
|| tokStr tm == emptyS
then return $ Simple_mod tm
else Result
[mkDiag Error "unknown modality" tm]
$ Just $ Simple_mod tm
Application (Op_name (Id [tm] [] _)) [] _ ->
if Map.member tm (modies $ extendedInfo s)
then return $ Simple_mod tm
else r
_ -> r
minNom (Simple_nom n) = if Map.member n (nomies $ extendedInfo s)
then return (Simple_nom n)
else Result [mkDiag Error "unknown nominal" n]
$ Just (Simple_nom n)
colNom (Simple_nom n) = if Map.member n (nomies $ extendedInfo s)
then Result [mkDiag Error "collision on nominals" n]
$ Just (Simple_nom n)
else if wPrefix n then
Result [mkDiag Error "\"world\" prefixes are reserved" n] Nothing
else return (Simple_nom n)
addUniv (Simple_nom n) = addNomId [] n
addExist (Simple_nom n ) = addNomId [] n
in case form of
BoxOrDiamond b m f ps ->
do nm <- minMod m ps
nf <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm s f
return (BoxOrDiamond b nm nf ps)
At n f ps ->
do nn <- minNom n
nf <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm s f
return (At nn nf ps)
Univ n f ps ->
do nn <- colNom n
-- add the binder in the sign (for this formula only)
-- so it can be used a normal nominal
bs <- addUniv nn (extendedInfo s)
nf <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm (s {extendedInfo = bs}) f
return (Univ nn nf ps)
Exist n f ps ->
do nn <- colNom n
-- add the binder in the sign (for this formula only)
-- so it can be used a normal nominal
bs <- addExist nn (extendedInfo s)
nf <- minExpFORMULA minExpForm (s {extendedInfo = bs}) f
return (Exist nn nf ps)
Here n ps ->
do nn <- minNom n
return (Here nn ps)
ana_H_SIG_ITEM mix mi =
case mi of
Rigid_op_items r al ps ->
do ul <- mapM (ana_OP_ITEM minExpForm mix) al
case r of
Rigid -> mapM_ (\ aoi -> case item aoi of
Op_decl ops ty _ _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidOp (toOpType ty)) ops
Op_defn i par _ _ -> maybe (return ())
(\ ty -> updateExtInfo $ addRigidOp (toOpType ty) i)
$ headToType par) ul
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_op_items r ul ps
Rigid_pred_items r al ps ->
do ul <- mapM (ana_PRED_ITEM minExpForm mix) al
case r of
Rigid -> mapM_ (\ aoi -> case item aoi of
Pred_decl ops ty _ ->
mapM_ (updateExtInfo . addRigidPred (toPredType ty)) ops
Pred_defn i (Pred_head args _) _ _ ->
updateExtInfo $ addRigidPred
(PredType $ sortsOfArgs args) i ) ul
_ -> return ()
return $ Rigid_pred_items r ul ps
addRigidOp :: OpType -> Id -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
addRigidOp ty i m = return
m { rigidOps = addOpTo i ty $ rigidOps m }
addRigidPred :: PredType -> Id -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
addRigidPred ty i m = return
m { rigidPreds = MapSet.insert i ty $ rigidPreds m }
ana_H_BASIC_ITEM mix bi = case bi of
Simple_mod_decl al fs ps -> do
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . preAddModId) . item) al
newFs <- mapAnM (ana_FORMULA mix) fs
resFs <- mapAnM (return . fst) newFs
anaFs <- mapAnM (return . snd) newFs
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . addModId anaFs) . item) al
return $ Simple_mod_decl al resFs ps
Term_mod_decl al fs ps -> do
e <- get
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . preAddModSort e) . item) al
newFs <- mapAnM (ana_FORMULA mix) fs
resFs <- mapAnM (return . fst) newFs
anaFs <- mapAnM (return . snd) newFs
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . addModSort anaFs) . item) al
return $ Term_mod_decl al resFs ps
Simple_nom_decl ids fs ps -> do
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . preAddNomId) . item) ids
newFs <- mapAnM (ana_FORMULA mix) fs
resFs <- mapAnM (return . fst) newFs
anaFs <- mapAnM (return . snd) newFs
mapM_ ((updateExtInfo . addNomId anaFs) . item) ids
return $ Simple_nom_decl ids resFs ps
preAddNomId :: SIMPLE_ID -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
preAddNomId i hs =
let ns = nomies hs in
if Map.member i ns then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated nominal" i] $ Just hs
else if wPrefix i
Result [mkDiag Error "\"world\" prefixes are reserved" i] Nothing
return hs { nomies = Map.insert i [] ns }
preAddModId :: SIMPLE_ID -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
preAddModId i m =
let ms = modies m in
if Map.member i ms then
Result [mkDiag Hint "repeated modality" i] $ Just m
else return m { modies = Map.insert i [] ms }
addNomId :: [AnHybFORM] -> SIMPLE_ID -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
addNomId frms i s =
return s { nomies = Map.insertWith List.union i frms $ nomies s}
addModId :: [AnHybFORM] -> SIMPLE_ID -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
addModId frms i m = return m
{ modies = Map.insertWith List.union i frms $ modies m }
preAddModSort :: Sign H_FORMULA HybridSign -> SORT -> HybridSign
-> Result HybridSign
preAddModSort e i m =
let ms = termModies m
ds = hasSort e i
in if Map.member i ms || not (null ds) then
Result (mkDiag Hint "repeated term modality" i : ds) $ Just m
else return m { termModies = Map.insert i [] ms }
addModSort :: [AnHybFORM] -> SORT -> HybridSign -> Result HybridSign
addModSort frms i m = return m
{ termModies = Map.insertWith List.union i frms $ termModies m }
-> FORMULA H_FORMULA -> State (Sign H_FORMULA HybridSign)
ana_FORMULA mix f = do
let ps = map (mkId . (: [])) $ Set.toList $ getFormPredToks f
pm <- gets predMap
mapM_ (addPred (emptyAnno ()) $ PredType []) ps
newGa <- gets globAnnos
let Result es m = resolveFormula mapH_FORMULA
resolveH_FORMULA newGa (mixRules mix) f
addDiags es
e <- get
phi <- case m of
Nothing -> return (f, f)
Just r -> do
n <- resultToState (minExpFORMULA minExpForm e) r
return (r, n)
e2 <- get
put e2 {predMap = pm}
return phi
getFormPredToks :: FORMULA H_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getFormPredToks frm = case frm of
Quantification _ _ f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Conjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Disjunction fs _ -> Set.unions $ map getFormPredToks fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ ->
Set.union (getFormPredToks f1) $ getFormPredToks f2
Negation f _ -> getFormPredToks f
Mixfix_formula (Mixfix_token t) -> Set.singleton t
Mixfix_formula t -> getTermPredToks t
ExtFORMULA (BoxOrDiamond _ _ f _) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (At _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (Univ _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
ExtFORMULA (Exist _ f _ ) -> getFormPredToks f
Predication _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Definedness t _ -> getTermPredToks t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $ getTermPredToks t2
Membership t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
_ -> Set.empty
getTermPredToks :: TERM H_FORMULA -> Set.Set Token
getTermPredToks trm = case trm of
Application _ ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Sorted_term t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Cast t _ _ -> getTermPredToks t
Conditional t1 f t2 _ -> Set.union (getTermPredToks t1) $
Set.union (getFormPredToks f) $ getTermPredToks t2
Mixfix_term ts -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_parenthesized ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_bracketed ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
Mixfix_braced ts _ -> Set.unions $ map getTermPredToks ts
_ -> Set.empty
wPrefix :: Token -> Bool
wPrefix = (isPrefixOf "world").tokStr