Print_AS.hs revision 81f49ee02aaa3bc870401f8883bf52742eb3ea7a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Renato Neves
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
printing Hybrid data types
module Hybrid.Print_AS where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL (FORMULA (..))
import CASL.ToDoc
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import Hybrid.AS_Hybrid
import Hybrid.HybridSign
import Hybrid.Keywords
import qualified Data.Map as Map
printFormulaOfHybridSign :: FormExtension f => (FORMULA f -> FORMULA f)
-> [[Annoted (FORMULA f)]] -> Doc
printFormulaOfHybridSign sim = semiAnnos (pretty . sim) . concat
instance Pretty H_BASIC_ITEM where
pretty (Simple_mod_decl is fs _) =
cat [keyword modalityS <+> semiAnnos pretty is
, space <> specBraces (semiAnnos pretty fs)]
pretty (Term_mod_decl ss fs _) =
cat [keyword termS <+> keyword modalityS <+> semiAnnos pretty ss
, space <> specBraces (semiAnnos pretty fs)]
pretty (Simple_nom_decl is fs _) =
cat [keyword nominalS <+> semiAnnos pretty is
, space <> specBraces (semiAnnos pretty fs)]
instance Pretty RIGOR where
pretty Rigid = keyword rigidS
pretty Flexible = keyword flexibleS
instance Pretty H_SIG_ITEM where
pretty (Rigid_op_items r ls _) =
cat [pretty r <+> keyword (opS ++ pluralS ls),
space <> semiAnnos pretty ls]
pretty (Rigid_pred_items r ls _) =
cat [pretty r <+> keyword (predS ++ pluralS ls),
space <> semiAnnos pretty ls]
instance Pretty H_FORMULA where
pretty (BoxOrDiamond b t f _) =
let sp = case t of
Simple_mod _ -> (<>)
_ -> (<+>)
td = pretty t
in sep $ (if b then brackets td
else less `sp` td `sp` greater)
: [condParensInnerF printFormula parens f]
pretty (At n f _) =
let sp = (<>)
td = pretty n
in sep $ (prettyAt `sp` td) : [condParensInnerF printFormula parens f]
pretty (Univ n f _) =
let sp = (<+>)
td = pretty n
in sep $ (prettyUniv `sp` td) : [condParensInnerF printFormula parens f]
pretty (Exist n f _) =
let sp = (<+>)
td = pretty n
in sep $ (prettyExist `sp` td) : [condParensInnerF printFormula parens f]
pretty (Here n _) =
let sp = (<+>)
td = pretty n
in sep $ (prettyHere `sp` td) : []
instance FormExtension H_FORMULA where
isQuantifierLike _ = False
instance Pretty MODALITY where
pretty (Simple_mod ident) =
if tokStr ident == emptyS then empty
else pretty ident
pretty (Term_mod t) = pretty t
instance Pretty NOMINAL where
pretty (Simple_nom i) =
if tokStr i == emptyS then empty
else pretty i
instance Pretty HybridSign where
pretty = printHybridSign id
printHybridSign :: (FORMULA H_FORMULA -> FORMULA H_FORMULA) -> HybridSign -> Doc
printHybridSign sim s =
let ms = modies s
tms = termModies s
ns = nomies s in
printSetMap (keyword rigidS <+> keyword opS) empty (MapSet.toMap $ rigidOps s)
$+$ printSetMap (keyword rigidS <+> keyword predS) space
(MapSet.toMap $ rigidPreds s)
$+$ (if Map.null ms then empty else
cat [keyword modalitiesS <+> sepBySemis (map sidDoc $ Map.keys ms)
, specBraces (printFormulaOfHybridSign sim $ Map.elems ms)])
$+$ (if Map.null tms then empty else
cat [keyword termS <+> keyword modalityS <+> sepBySemis
(map idDoc $ Map.keys tms)
, specBraces (printFormulaOfHybridSign sim $ Map.elems tms)])
$+$ (if Map.null ns then empty else
cat [keyword nominalsS <+> sepBySemis (map sidDoc $ Map.keys ns)
, specBraces (printFormulaOfHybridSign sim $ Map.elems ns)])
condParensInnerF :: Pretty f => (FORMULA f -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) {- ^ a function that surrounds
the given Doc with appropiate parens -}
-> FORMULA f -> Doc
condParensInnerF pf parens_fun f =
case f of
Quantification _ _ _ _ -> f'
True_atom _ -> f'
False_atom _ -> f'
Predication _ _ _ -> f'
Definedness _ _ -> f'
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> f'
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> f'
Membership _ _ _ -> f'
ExtFORMULA _ -> f'
_ -> parens_fun f'
where f' = pf f