Sentence.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Sentence for HolLight logic
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of sentences for HolLight logic
module HolLight.Sentence where
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import HolLight.Helper as Helper
import HolLight.Term
import Data.Data
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
data Sentence = Sentence {
term :: Term,
proof :: Maybe HolProof
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty = ppPrintTerm . term
ppPrintTerm :: Term -> Doc
ppPrintTerm = printTerm 0
precParens :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
precParens prec = if prec /= 0 then parens else id
replacePt :: Term -> HolParseType -> Term
replacePt tm pt = case tm of
Var s t _ -> Var s t (HolTermInfo (pt, Nothing))
Const s t _ -> Const s t (HolTermInfo (pt, Nothing))
_ -> tm
printTerm :: Int -> Term -> Doc
printTerm prec tm =
let _1 = case destNumeral tm of
Just i -> Just (text (show i))
_ -> Nothing in
let _2 = case destList tm of
Just tms -> case Helper.typeOf tm of
Just t -> case destType t of
Just (_, x : _) -> case destType x of
Just ("char", _) -> let cs = map codeOfTerm tms
in if any isNothing cs then Nothing
else Just (quotes (text (foldr ((:) . Char.chr) []
(catMaybes cs))))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing in
let _3 = if isNothing _2 then case destList tm of
Just tms -> Just (brackets (printTermSequence "; " 0 tms))
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing in
let _4 = if isGabs tm then Just (printBinder prec tm)
else Nothing in
let (s, _, args, hop) = case stripComb tm of
(hop', args') -> case fromJust (Helper.typeOf hop') of
{- not really sure in which cases (typeOf hop) == Nothing,
but shouldn't happen if i understand the original
ocaml code correctly -}
ty0' ->
let s0 = nameOf hop' in
case reverseInterface (s0, hop') of
(s', Just pt) -> (s', ty0', args', replacePt hop' pt)
_ -> (s0, ty0', args', hop') in
let _5 = case (s, isConst tm, null args) of
("EMPTY", True, True) -> Just (braces empty)
("UNIV", True, True) -> case Helper.typeOf tm of
Just t -> case destFunTy t of
Just (ty, _) -> Just (parens (hcat [text ":", ppPrintType ty]))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
("INSERT", _, _) ->
let (mems, oth) = splitlist (destBinary' "INSERT") tm
in case (isConst oth, destConst oth) of
(True, Just ("EMPTY", _)) -> Just (braces (printTermSequence
", " 14 mems))
_ -> Nothing
("GSPEC", _, _) -> case rand tm of
Just rtm -> case body rtm of
Just b -> let (evs, bod) = stripExists b
in case destComb bod of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (bod1, fabs) ->
case destComb bod1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (bod2, babs) ->
case rator bod2 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c ->
case destConst c of
Just ("SETSPEC", _) ->
Just (braces (hcat [
printTerm 0 fabs,
text " | ",
printTermSequence "," 14 evs,
text " | ",
printTerm 0 babs
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing in
let _6 = case destLet tm of
Just (e : eqs, _) -> case mkEq e of
Just e' -> let eqs' = map (\ (v, t) -> mkEq (v, t)) eqs
in if elem Nothing eqs' then Nothing else
Just (precParens prec
(hcat [
text "let ",
printTerm 0 e',
vcat (map (\ eq -> hcat [
text "and ",
printTerm 0 eq]) (catMaybes eqs')
++ [text " in", text ""])
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing in
let _7 = if s == "DECIMAL" && length args > 2 then
case (destNumeral (head args), destNumeral (args !! 1)) of
(Just n_num, Just n_den) -> if not (powerof10 n_den) then Nothing
else let s_num = text (show (n_num `quot` n_den)) in
let s_den = text (concat (tail (map (: [])
(show (n_den + (n_num `mod` n_den)))
in Just (hcat [text "#", s_num, if n_den == 1 then empty
else text ".",
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing in
let _8 = if s == "_MATCH" && length args == 2 then
case destClauses (args !! 1) of
Just cls -> Just (precParens prec (vcat [
hcat [text "match ",
printTerm 0 (head args),
text " with"],
printClauses cls]))
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing in
let _9 = if s == "_FUNCTION" && length args == 1 then
case destClauses (head args) of
Just cls -> Just (precParens prec (vcat [
text "function",
printClauses cls
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing in
let _10 = if s == "COND" && length args == 3 then
Just (precParens prec (vcat [
hcat [text "if ", printTerm 0 (head args)],
hcat [text " then ", printTerm 0 (args !! 1)],
hcat [text " else ", printTerm 0 (args !! 2)]
else Nothing in
let _11 = if isPrefix hop && length args == 1 then
Just ((if prec == 1000 then parens else id)
(hcat $ if all Char.isAlphaNum s || s == "--"
|| (
case destComb (head args) of
Just (l, _) -> let (s0, _) = (nameOf l, Helper.typeOf l)
in fst (reverseInterface (s0, hop)) == "--"
|| (case destConst l of
Just (f, _) -> f `elem` ["real_of_num",
_ -> False)
_ -> False)
|| s == "~" then
[text s, printTerm 999 (head args), text " "]
else [text s, printTerm 999 (head args)]))
else Nothing in
let _12 = if parsesAsBinder hop && length args == 1 && isGabs (head args)
then Just (printBinder prec tm)
else Nothing in
let _13 = if canGetInfixStatus hop && length args == 2 then
let bargs = if aright hop then
let (tms, tmt) = splitlist (destBinary hop) tm
in tms ++ [tmt]
let (tmt, tms) = revSplitlist (destBinary hop) tm
in tmt : tms in
let (newprec, unspaced_binops) = (getPrec hop, [",", "..", "$"])
in Just ((if newprec <= prec then parens else id) (hcat
(printTerm newprec (head bargs) :
map (\ x -> hcat $
if s `elem` unspaced_binops then [text s,
printTerm newprec x]
[text " ", text s, text " ", printTerm newprec x]
) (tail bargs)
else Nothing in
let _14 = if (isConst hop || isVar hop) && null args then
let s' = if parsesAsBinder hop || canGetInfixStatus hop
|| isPrefix tm then parens (text s) else text s
in Just s'
else Nothing in
let _15 = case destComb tm of
Just (l, r) -> let mem = case destConst l of
Just (s', _) -> s' `elem`
["real_of_num", "int_of_num"]
_ -> False
in Just ((if prec == 1000 then parens else id)
(hcat $ if not mem
then [printTerm 999 l, text " ",
printTerm 1000 r]
else [printTerm 999 l,
printTerm 1000 r]))
_ -> Nothing
in head (catMaybes [_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,
_10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, Just empty])
printTermSequence :: String -> Int -> [Term] -> Doc
printTermSequence sep' prec tms =
if null tms then empty
else hcat (punctuate (text sep') (map (printTerm prec) tms))
printBinder :: Int -> Term -> Doc
printBinder prec tm =
let absf = isGabs tm in
let s' = if absf then Just "\\"
else case rator tm of
Just r -> Just (nameOf r)
Nothing -> Nothing in
case s' of
Just s -> let collectvs tm'
| absf =
if isAbs tm' then
case destAbs tm' of
Just (v, t) -> let (vs, bod) = collectvs t
in ((False, v) : vs, bod)
_ -> ([], tm')
else if isGabs tm' then
case destGabs tm' of
Just (v, t) -> let (vs, bod) = collectvs t
in ((True, v) : vs, bod)
_ -> ([], tm')
else ([], tm')
| isComb tm' =
case rator tm' of
Just r'' -> if nameOf r'' == s then
case rand tm' of
Just r'
| isAbs r' ->
case destAbs r' of
Just (v, t) -> let (vs, bod) = collectvs t
in ((False, v) : vs, bod)
_ -> ([], tm')
| isGabs r' ->
case destGabs r' of
Just (v, t) -> let (vs, bod) = collectvs t
in ((True, v) : vs, bod)
_ -> ([], tm')
| otherwise -> ([], tm')
_ -> ([], tm')
else ([], tm')
_ -> ([], tm')
| otherwise = ([], tm') in
let (vs, bod) = collectvs tm in
precParens prec (hcat ([
text s,
if all Char.isAlphaNum s then text " " else empty]
++ map (\ (b, x) -> hcat [
(if b then parens else id) (printTerm 0 x),
text " "] )
(init vs)
++ [
if fst (last vs) then text "(" else empty,
printTerm 0 (snd (last vs)),
if fst (last vs) then text ")" else empty,
text ".",
if length vs == 1 then text " " else empty,
printTerm 0 bod
_ -> empty
printClauses :: [[Term]] -> Doc
printClauses cls = case cls of
[] -> empty
c : cls' -> vcat (printClause c :
map (\ cl -> hcat [text "| ", printClause cl]) cls')
printClause :: [Term] -> Doc
printClause cl = case cl of
[p, g, r] -> hcat [printTerm 1 p,
text " when ",
printTerm 1 g,
text " -> ",
printTerm 1 r]
[p, r] -> hcat [printTerm 1 p,
text " -> ",
printTerm 1 r]
_ -> empty