overload_loadfile.ml revision 4d94c1c9973199079529168cd9d671a13333f2e9
(* !!!!!!! You must set this to point at the source directory in
!!!!!!! which OCaml was built. (And don't do "make clean" beforehand.)
the provided value is an example that works with a standard ocaml installation (aptitude install ocaml) on ubuntu
let ocaml_source_dir = "/usr/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs/";;
let rec do_list f l =
match l with
[] -> ()
| (h::t) -> (f h; do_list f t);;
do_list (fun s -> Topdirs.dir_directory(Filename.concat ocaml_source_dir s))
["parsing"; "typing"; "toplevel"; "utils"];;
(* This must be loaded first! It is stateful, and affects Predef *)
#load "ident.cmo";;
#load "misc.cmo";;
#load "path.cmo";;
#load "types.cmo";;
#load "btype.cmo";;
#load "tbl.cmo";;
#load "subst.cmo";;
#load "predef.cmo";;
#load "datarepr.cmo";;
#load "config.cmo";;
#load "consistbl.cmo";;
#load "clflags.cmo";;
#load "env.cmo";;
#load "ctype.cmo";;
#load "printast.cmo";;
#load "oprint.cmo";;
#load "primitive.cmo";;
#load "printtyp.cmo";;
let hol_dir = ref
(try Sys.getenv "HOLLIGHT_DIR" with Not_found -> Sys.getcwd());;
if let v = String.sub Sys.ocaml_version 0 4 in
v = "3.10" or v = "3.11"
then (Topdirs.dir_directory "+camlp5";
Topdirs.dir_load Format.std_formatter "camlp5o.cma")
else (Topdirs.dir_load Format.std_formatter "camlp4o.cma");;
Topdirs.dir_load Format.std_formatter (Filename.concat (!hol_dir) "pa_j.cmo");;
#use "/home/sternk/hol_light/sys.ml";;
#use "/home/sternk/hol_light/lib.ml";;
#use "/home/sternk/hol_light/fusion.ml";;
module OldToploop = Toploop;;
module OldTopdirs = Topdirs;;
let use_file s =
if Toploop.use_file Format.std_formatter s then ()
else (Format.print_string("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Error in included file "^s);
let (store_read_result,begin_load,end_load,get_libs) = let libs = ref []
and stack = ref (Stack.create ())
and known = ref (Hashtbl.create 10)
and bnds_size = ref 0 in
let _read = ref [] in
let store_read_result s = _read := s
and listify l = if l = [] then "[]"
else "[\n"^(List.fold_right (fun a b -> a^";\n"^b) l "")^"\n]\n" in
let file_of_string filename s =
let fd = Pervasives.open_out filename in
output_string fd s; close_out fd
and pairnames = List.map (fun n -> "(\""^n^"\","^n^")") in
let read_global_vals tns = let exptext =
"store_read_result " ^
(listify(pairnames tns))^
";;\n" in
(let filename = Filename.temp_file "read_global_vals" ".ml" in
file_of_string filename exptext;
use_file filename;
Sys.remove filename) in
let map_new_syms lib =
let rec funpow n f x =
if n < 1 then x else funpow (n-1) f (f x)
and get_value_bindings env =
let rec get_val acc = function
| Env.Env_empty -> acc
| Env.Env_value (next, ident, val_descr) ->
get_val ((ident,val_descr)::acc) next
| Env.Env_type (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_exception (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_module (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_modtype (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_class (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_cltype (next,_,_) -> get_val acc next
| Env.Env_open (next,_) -> get_val acc next
in get_val [] (Env.summary env)
and type_to_str (x : Types.type_expr) =
Printtyp.type_expr Format.str_formatter x;
Format.flush_str_formatter () in
let pred = (fun (ident,val_descr) ->
let n = Ident.name ident in
if type_to_str val_descr.Types.val_type = "thm" & n <> "it"
then true else false)
and bnds = get_value_bindings (!Toploop.toplevel_env) in
let new_bnds = funpow (!bnds_size) (List.tl) bnds in
let new_ths = List.filter pred new_bnds in
let new_th_names = List.map (fun (ident,_) -> Ident.name ident) new_ths in
let lib_ths = Hashtbl.find (!known) lib in
(Format.print_string("MAP SYMS - Stack:"^(if (not(Stack.is_empty (!stack))) then Stack.top (!stack) else "")^", lib: "^lib);
bnds_size := List.length bnds;
read_global_vals new_th_names;
List.iter (fun (t,tv) -> Hashtbl.replace lib_ths t tv)
Hashtbl.replace (!known) lib lib_ths in
let begin_load lib = if lib <> "/home/sternk/hol_light/fusion.ml" then
((if (Stack.is_empty (!stack)) then ()
let plib = Stack.top (!stack)
in map_new_syms plib;
libs :=
(Format.print_string("Lib put on stack:"^lib);
Stack.push lib (!stack);
Hashtbl.add (!known) lib (Hashtbl.create 10);
true) else false
and end_load () = map_new_syms (Stack.pop (!stack))
and get_libs () = let empty = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v t -> if Hashtbl.length v == 0 then k::t else t) (!known) []
and purge = fun names (h,l) -> (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v t -> (if List.mem k names then () else Hashtbl.add t k v); t) h (Hashtbl.create (Hashtbl.length h)),List.filter (fun (s,_) -> not(List.mem s names)) l)
and childnodes = fun n l -> List.fold_left (fun ch (s,t) -> if t == n || List.mem t ch then s::ch else ch) [] l
in let purgable = fun empty l -> List.filter (fun n ->
List.fold_left (fun b n1 -> b & (List.mem n1 empty)) true (childnodes n l)
) empty
in purge (purgable empty (!libs)) (!known,!libs)
(*(Hashtbl.fold (fun k v t -> (if Hashtbl.length v > 0 then Hashtbl.add t k v else ()); t) (!known) (Hashtbl.create (Hashtbl.length (!known))), List.filter (fun (s,_) -> (Hashtbl.length (Hashtbl.find (!known) s)) > 0) (!libs)) in*)
module Topdirs =
(* type 'a printer_type_new = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a printer_type_old = 'a -> unit *)
let dir_quit = OldTopdirs.dir_quit
let dir_directory = OldTopdirs.dir_directory
let dir_cd = OldTopdirs.dir_cd
let dir_load = fun f s -> if begin_load s then (OldTopdirs.dir_load f s; end_load()) else ()
let dir_use = fun f s -> if begin_load s then (OldTopdirs.dir_use f s; end_load()) else ()
let dir_install_printer = OldTopdirs.dir_install_printer
let dir_remove_printer = OldTopdirs.dir_remove_printer
let dir_trace = OldTopdirs.dir_trace
let dir_untrace = OldTopdirs.dir_untrace
let dir_untrace_all = OldTopdirs.dir_untrace_all
let load_file = fun f s -> if begin_load s then let ret = OldTopdirs.load_file f s and _ = end_load() in ret else true
module Toploop =
(*type directive_fun =
Toploop.directive_fun =
Directive_none of (unit -> unit)
| Directive_string of (string -> unit)
| Directive_int of (int -> unit)
| Directive_ident of (Longident.t -> unit)
| Directive_bool of (bool -> unit) *)
let getvalue = OldToploop.getvalue
let setvalue = OldToploop.setvalue
let set_paths = OldToploop.set_paths
let loop = OldToploop.loop
let run_script = OldToploop.run_script
let directive_table = OldToploop.directive_table
let toplevel_env = OldToploop.toplevel_env
let initialize_toplevel_env = OldToploop.initialize_toplevel_env
let print_exception_outcome = OldToploop.print_exception_outcome
let execute_phrase = OldToploop.execute_phrase
let use_file = fun f s -> if begin_load s then let ret = OldToploop.use_file f s and _ = end_load() in ret else true
let use_silently = fun f s -> if begin_load s then let ret = OldToploop.use_silently f s and _ = end_load in ret else true
let eval_path = OldToploop.eval_path
let print_value = OldToploop.print_value
let print_untyped_exception = OldToploop.print_untyped_exception
let install_printer = OldToploop.install_printer
let remove_printer = OldToploop.remove_printer
let max_printer_depth = OldToploop.max_printer_depth
let max_printer_steps = OldToploop.max_printer_steps
let parse_toplevel_phrase = OldToploop.parse_toplevel_phrase
let parse_use_file = OldToploop.parse_use_file
let print_location = OldToploop.print_location
let print_error = OldToploop.print_error
let print_warning = OldToploop.print_warning
let input_name = OldToploop.input_name
let print_out_value = OldToploop.print_out_value
let print_out_type = OldToploop.print_out_type
let print_out_class_type = OldToploop.print_out_class_type
let print_out_module_type = OldToploop.print_out_module_type
let print_out_sig_item = OldToploop.print_out_sig_item
let print_out_signature = OldToploop.print_out_signature
let print_out_phrase = OldToploop.print_out_phrase
let read_interactive_input = OldToploop.read_interactive_input
let toplevel_startup_hook = OldToploop.toplevel_startup_hook
let may_trace = OldToploop.may_trace
let use_file s =
if Toploop.use_file Format.std_formatter s then ()
else (Format.print_string("Error in included file "^s);