export_helper.ml revision ebf1f382d1d71d90fdf477878b8e95fb9da45822
#load "str.cma";;
let replace f = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string f)
type sharedHolType = Styvar of int
| Styapp of int * (int list)
type sharedTerm = Svar of int * int * (string * hol_type)
| Sconst of int * int * (string * hol_type)
| Scomb of int * int
| Sabs of int * int
let hol_strings = Hashtbl.create 1000
let shared_hol_types = Hashtbl.create 1000
let shared_hol_terms = Hashtbl.create 1000
let insertOrIdx htbl d = try Hashtbl.find htbl d
with Not_found -> let idx = (Hashtbl.length htbl) + 1
in Hashtbl.add htbl d idx; idx
let rec mkSharedHolType tp = match tp with
Tyvar s -> insertOrIdx shared_hol_types
(Styvar (insertOrIdx hol_strings s))
| Tyapp (s,l) -> insertOrIdx shared_hol_types
(Styapp ((insertOrIdx hol_strings s),
(List.map mkSharedHolType l)))
let rec mkSharedTerm t = match t with
Var (s,tp) -> insertOrIdx shared_hol_terms
(Svar ((insertOrIdx hol_strings s),
mkSharedHolType tp,(s,tp)))
| Const (s,_) -> let tp = snd (List.find (fun x -> (String.compare (fst x) s)==0) (constants()))
in insertOrIdx shared_hol_terms
(Sconst ((insertOrIdx hol_strings s),
mkSharedHolType tp,(s,tp)))
| Comb (t1,t2) -> insertOrIdx shared_hol_terms
(Scomb (mkSharedTerm t1, mkSharedTerm t2))
| Abs (t1,t2) -> insertOrIdx shared_hol_terms
(Sabs (mkSharedTerm t1, mkSharedTerm t2))
let xml_escape_str s = replace "<" "&lt;"
(replace "'" "&apos;"
(replace ">" "&gt;"
(replace "\"" "&quot;"
(replace "&" "&amp;" s))))
let pp_int fmt i = Format.fprintf fmt "%i" i
let pp_str fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (xml_escape_str s)
let pp_inner_indented s e pi fmt i = Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>@[<hv 1>%s@,%a@]@,@]%s" s pi i e
let pp_inner_tuple p1 p2 fmt (_1,_2) = Format.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a" (pp_inner_indented "<fst>" "</fst>" p1) _1 (pp_inner_indented "<snd>" "</snd>" p2) _2
let pp_tuple p1 p2 fmt t = pp_inner_indented "<tuple>" "</tuple>" (pp_inner_tuple p1 p2) fmt t
let pp_parse_type fmt s =
if is_prefix s then Format.fprintf fmt "<Prefix />"
else if can get_infix_status s then
match get_infix_status s with
(i,"right") -> Format.fprintf fmt "<InfixR>%u</InfixR>" i
| (i,"left") -> Format.fprintf fmt "<InfixL>%u</InfixL>" i
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "<Normal />"
else if parses_as_binder s then Format.fprintf fmt "<Binder />"
else Format.fprintf fmt "<Normal />"
let pp_term_info fmt (s0,ty0) = try let s = fst(find (fun (s,(s',ty)) -> s' = s0 & can (type_match ty ty0) []) (!the_interface))
in Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a@,%a@]" pp_parse_type s0 (pp_tuple pp_str pp_parse_type) (s,s)
with Failure _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>%a@]" pp_parse_type s0
let rec pp_list pp_el fmt = function
| [h] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_el h
| h::t -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a" pp_el h (pp_list pp_el) t
| [] -> ()
let rec pp_shared_hol_type fmt = function
| Styvar s -> pp_inner_indented "<TyVar>" "</TyVar>" pp_int fmt s
| Styapp (s,ts) -> pp_inner_indented "<TyApp>" "</TyApp>" (pp_tuple pp_int (pp_list (pp_inner_indented "<i>" "</i>" pp_int))) fmt (s,ts)
let rec pp_shared_term fmt = function
| Svar (s,h,t) -> pp_inner_indented "<Var>" "</Var>" (fun fmt (s,h,t) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a" (pp_tuple pp_int pp_int) (s,h) pp_term_info t) fmt (s,h,t)
| Sconst (s,h,t) -> pp_inner_indented "<Const>" "</Const>" (fun fmt (s,h,t) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a" (pp_tuple pp_int pp_int) (s,h) pp_term_info t) fmt (s,h,t)
| Scomb (t1,t2) -> pp_inner_indented "<Comb>" "</Comb>" (fun fmt (t1,t2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_tuple pp_int pp_int) (t1,t2)) fmt (t1,t2)
| Sabs (t1,t2) -> pp_inner_indented "<Abs>" "</Abs>" (fun fmt (t1,t2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_tuple pp_int pp_int) (t1,t2)) fmt (t1,t2)
let htbl_to_list htbl f = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v l -> (f k v)::l) htbl [];;
let sharedtbl_to_list tbl = List.sort (fun (v1,_) (v2,_) -> v1-v2) (htbl_to_list tbl (fun k v -> (v,k)))
let map_snd = List.map snd
let pp_shared_hol_type_snd fmt d = pp_shared_hol_type fmt (snd d)
let pp_shared_term_snd fmt d = pp_shared_term fmt (snd d)
let pp_hol_strings fmt d = pp_inner_indented "<Strings>" "</Strings>" (pp_list (pp_inner_indented "<s>" "</s>" pp_str)) fmt (map_snd (sharedtbl_to_list d))
let pp_shared_hol_types fmt d = pp_inner_indented "<SharedHolTypes>" "</SharedHolTypes>" (pp_list pp_shared_hol_type_snd) fmt (sharedtbl_to_list d)
let pp_shared_hol_terms fmt d = pp_inner_indented "<SharedHolTerms>" "</SharedHolTerms>" (pp_list pp_shared_term_snd) fmt (sharedtbl_to_list d)
let pp_libs = pp_inner_indented "<Libs>" "</Libs>" (pp_list (pp_tuple pp_str (pp_list (pp_tuple pp_str pp_int))))
let pp_liblinks = pp_inner_indented "<LibLinks>" "</LibLinks>" (pp_list (pp_tuple pp_str pp_str))
let pp_export fmt (k,l) = pp_inner_indented "<HolExport>" "</HolExport>" (fun fmt (k,l) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a@,%a@,%a@,%a@,%a" pp_hol_strings hol_strings pp_shared_hol_types shared_hol_types pp_shared_hol_terms shared_hol_terms pp_libs k pp_liblinks l) fmt (k,l)
let print_to_file printer obj fname =
let out_ch = open_out fname in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_ch in
printer fmt obj;
close_out out_ch;;
let export_libs (h,l) f = print_to_file pp_export (htbl_to_list h (fun k v -> (k,htbl_to_list v (fun k1 v1 -> (k1,mkSharedTerm v1)))),l) f;;