HolLight2DG.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : jonathan.von_schroeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module HolLight.HolLight2DG where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.LibName
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import HolLight.Sign
import HolLight.Sentence
import HolLight.Term
import HolLight.Logic_HolLight
import HolLight.Helper
import Driver.Options
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Char
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix
import Text.XML.Expat.SAX
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
type SaxEvL = [SAXEvent String String]
parsexml :: L.ByteString -> SaxEvL
parsexml txt = parse defaultParseOptions txt
is_space :: String -> Bool
is_space = all Data.Char.isSpace
tag :: SaxEvL -> SaxEvL
tag = dropWhile (\e -> case e of
(CharacterData d) -> is_space d
_ -> False)
dropSpaces :: SaxEvL -> SaxEvL
dropSpaces = tag
whileJust :: b -> (b -> (Maybe a,b)) -> (Maybe [a],b)
whileJust d f =
case f d of
(Just r,d') ->
case whileJust d' f of
(Just l,d'') -> (Just (r:l),d'')
_ -> (Just [r],d')
_ -> (Just [],d)
readL :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> String -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe [a],SaxEvL)
readL f s d = case tag d of
((StartElement s' _):d') -> if (s'/=s) then (Nothing,d) else case whileJust d' f of
(Just l,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement s''):d''') -> if (s''/=s) then (Nothing,d) else (Just l,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readList' :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe [a],SaxEvL)
readList' f d = case whileJust d f of
(Just l,d') -> (Just l,d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
whileJust' :: b -> (b -> a -> (Maybe a,b)) -> a -> (Maybe a,b)
whileJust' d f s = case f d s of
(Just s',d') -> case whileJust' d' f s' of
r@(Just _,_) -> r
_ -> (Just s',d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
foldS :: (SaxEvL -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> b -> String -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)
foldS f b s d = case tag d of
((StartElement s' _):d') -> if (s'/=s) then (Nothing,d) else case whileJust' d' f b of
(Just b',d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement s''):d''') -> if (s''/=s) then (Nothing,d) else (Just b',d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTuple :: (Show a,Show b) => (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> (SaxEvL -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe (a,b),SaxEvL)
readTuple f1 f2 d = case tag d of
((StartElement "tuple" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((StartElement "fst" _):d2) -> case f1 d2 of
(Just r1,d3) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "fst"):d4) -> case tag d4 of
((StartElement "snd" _):d5) -> case f2 d5 of
(Just r2,d6) -> case tag d6 of
((EndElement "snd"):d7) -> case tag d7 of
((EndElement "tuple"):d8) -> (Just (r1,r2),d8)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTuple' :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> (SaxEvL -> a -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)
readTuple' f1 f2 d b = case tag d of
((StartElement "tuple" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((StartElement "fst" _):d2) -> case f1 d2 of
(Just r1,d3) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "fst"):d4) -> case tag d4 of
((StartElement "snd" _):d5) -> case f2 d5 r1 b of
(Just r2,d6) -> case tag d6 of
((EndElement "snd"):d7) -> case tag d7 of
((EndElement "tuple"):d8) -> (Just r2,d8)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readWord' :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String, SaxEvL)
readWord' d = case d of
((CharacterData s):d') -> let b = Data.Char.isSpace
in case readWord' d' of
(Just s',d'') -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b (s++s'))))),d'')
_ -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b s)))),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readWord :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String,SaxEvL)
readWord d = case dropSpaces d of
((CharacterData s):d') -> let b = Data.Char.isSpace
in case readWord' d' of
(Just s',d'') -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b (s++s'))))),d'')
_ -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b s)))),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readStr :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String,SaxEvL)
readStr d = case tag d of
((StartElement "s" _):d') -> case readWord d' of
(Just s,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement "s"):d''') -> (Just s,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readInt :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe Int,SaxEvL)
readInt d = case readWord d of
(Just s,d') -> (Just ((read s)::Int),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readInt' :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe Int,SaxEvL)
readInt' d = case tag d of
((StartElement "i" _):d') -> case readInt d' of
(Just i,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement "i"):d''') -> (Just i,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readMappedInt :: Map.Map Int a -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)
readMappedInt m d = case readInt d of
(Just i,d') -> case Map.lookup i m of
(Just a) -> (Just a,d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
listToTypes :: Map.Map Int HolType -> [Int] -> Maybe [HolType]
listToTypes m l = case l of
(x:xs) -> case Map.lookup x m of
(Just t) -> case listToTypes m xs of
(Just ts) -> Just (t:ts)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
[] -> Just []
readSharedHolType :: Map.Map Int String -> SaxEvL -> Map.Map Int HolType -> (Maybe (Map.Map Int HolType),SaxEvL)
readSharedHolType sl d m = case tag d of
((StartElement "TyApp" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt (readList' readInt') d1 of
(Just (i,l),d2) -> case Map.lookup i sl of
(Just s) -> case listToTypes m l of
(Just l') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "TyApp"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (TyApp s l') m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "TyVar" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case Map.lookup i sl of
(Just s) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "TyVar"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (TyVar s) m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readParseType :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe HolParseType,SaxEvL)
readParseType d = case tag d of
((StartElement "Prefix" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Prefix"):d2) -> (Just Prefix,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "InfixR" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "InfixR"):d3) -> (Just (InfixR i),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "InfixL" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "InfixL"):d3) -> (Just (InfixL i),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Normal" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Normal"):d2) -> (Just Normal,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Binder" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Binder"):d2) -> (Just Binder,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTermInfo :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe HolTermInfo,SaxEvL)
readTermInfo d = case readParseType d of
(Just p,d1) -> case readTuple readWord readParseType d1 of
(Just (s,p1),d2) -> (Just (HolTermInfo (p, Just (s,p1))),d2)
_ -> (Just (HolTermInfo (p,Nothing)),d1)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readSharedHolTerm :: Map.Map Int HolType -> Map.Map Int String -> SaxEvL -> Map.Map Int Term -> (Maybe (Map.Map Int Term),SaxEvL)
readSharedHolTerm ts sl d m = case tag d of
((StartElement "Var" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (n,t),d2) -> case readTermInfo d2 of
(Just ti,d3) -> case Map.lookup n sl of
(Just name) -> case Map.lookup t ts of
(Just tp) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "Var"):d4) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Var name tp ti) m),d4)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Const" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (n,t),d2) -> case readTermInfo d2 of
(Just ti,d3) -> case Map.lookup n sl of
(Just name) -> case Map.lookup t ts of
(Just tp) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "Const"):d4) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Const name tp ti) m),d4)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Comb" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (t1,t2),d2) -> case (Map.lookup t1 m,Map.lookup t2 m) of
(Just t1',Just t2') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "Comb"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Comb t1' t2') m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Abs" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (t1,t2),d2) -> case (Map.lookup t1 m,Map.lookup t2 m) of
(Just t1',Just t2') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "Abs"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Abs t1' t2') m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
importData :: FilePath -> IO ([(String,[(String,Term)])],[(String,String)])
importData fp = do
s <- L.readFile fp
let e = ([],[])
case tag (parsexml s) of
((StartElement "HolExport" _):d) -> case readL readStr "Strings" d of
(Just sl,d1) ->
let strings = Map.fromList (zip [1..] sl)
in case foldS (readSharedHolType strings) Map.empty "SharedHolTypes" d1 of
(Just hol_types,d2) -> case foldS (readSharedHolTerm hol_types strings) Map.empty "SharedHolTerms" d2 of
(Just hol_terms,d3) -> case readL (readTuple readWord (readList' (readTuple readWord (readMappedInt hol_terms)))) "Libs" d3 of
(Just libs,d4) -> case readL (readTuple readWord readWord) "LibLinks" d4 of
(Just liblinks,_) -> return (libs,liblinks)
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
_ -> return e
get_types :: Map.Map String Int -> HolType -> Map.Map String Int
get_types m t = case t of
(TyVar s) -> Map.insert s 0 m
(TyApp s ts) -> let m' = foldl get_types m ts in
Map.insert s (length ts) m'
mergeTypesOps :: (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String (Set.Set HolType))
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String (Set.Set HolType))
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String (Set.Set HolType))
mergeTypesOps (ts1,ops1) (ts2,ops2) =
(Map.union ts1 ts2,Map.unionWith Set.union ops1 ops2)
get_ops :: [String] -> Term
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String (Set.Set HolType))
get_ops ign tm = case tm of
(Var s t _) -> let ts = get_types Map.empty t
in if not (elem s ign) then
(ts,Map.insert s (Set.fromList [t]) Map.empty)
else (ts,Map.empty)
(Const s t _) -> let ts = get_types Map.empty t
in (ts,Map.insert s (Set.fromList [t]) Map.empty)
(Comb t1 t2) -> mergeTypesOps
(get_ops ((name_of t1):ign) t1)
(get_ops ((name_of t1):ign) t2)
(Abs t1 t2) -> mergeTypesOps
(get_ops ((name_of t1):ign) t1)
(get_ops ((name_of t1):ign) t2)
calcSig :: [(String,Term)] -> Sign
calcSig tm = let (ts,os) = foldl
(\p (_,t) -> (mergeTypesOps (get_ops [] t) p)) (Map.empty,Map.empty) tm
in Sign {
types = ts
,ops = os }
sigDepends :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
sigDepends s1 s2 = ((Map.size (Map.intersection (types s1) (types s2))) /= 0) ||
(foldl (||) False (map snd (Map.toList (Map.intersectionWith
(\a b -> (Set.size (Set.intersection a b))/=0)
(ops s1) (ops s2)))))
treeLevels :: [(String,String)] -> Map.Map Int [(String,String)]
treeLevels l = let lk = foldr (\(imp,t) l' -> case lookup t l' of
Just (p,_) -> (imp,(p+1,t)):l'
Nothing -> (imp,(1,t)):(t,(0,"")):l') [] l
in foldl (\m (imp,(p,t)) ->
let s = Map.findWithDefault [] p m
in Map.insert p ((imp,t):s) m) Map.empty lk
makeNamedSentence :: String -> Term -> Named Sentence
makeNamedSentence n t = makeNamed n $ Sentence { term = t, proof = Nothing }
_insNodeDG :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> String -> (DGraph, Map.Map String (String,Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Node,DGNodeLab)) -> (DGraph, Map.Map String (String,Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Node,DGNodeLab))
_insNodeDG sig sens n (dg,m) = let gt = G_theory HolLight (makeExtSign HolLight sig) startSigId
(toThSens sens) startThId
n' = snd (System.FilePath.Posix.splitFileName n)
labelK = newInfoNodeLab
(makeName (mkSimpleId n'))
(newNodeInfo DGEmpty)
k = getNewNodeDG dg
m' = Map.insert n (n,k,labelK) m
insN = [InsertNode (k,labelK)]
newDG = changesDGH dg insN
labCh = [SetNodeLab labelK (k, labelK
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty newDG
(k, labelK) })]
newDG1 = changesDGH newDG labCh in (newDG1,m')
anaHolLightFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaHolLightFile _opts path = do
(libs, lnks) <- importData path
let h = treeLevels lnks
let fixLinks m l = case l of
(l1:l2:l') -> if ((snd l1) == (snd l2)) && (sigDepends
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig (fst l1) m)
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig (fst l2) m)) then
((fst l1,fst l2):(fixLinks m (l2:l')))
else (l1:l2:(fixLinks m l'))
l' -> l'
let uniteSigs m lnks' = foldl (\m' (s,t) -> case resultToMaybe (sigUnion
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig s m')
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig t m')) of
Nothing -> m'
Just new_tsig -> Map.insert t new_tsig m') m lnks'
let m = foldl (\m' (s,l) -> Map.insert s (calcSig l) m') Map.empty libs
let (m',lnks') = foldr (\lvl (m'',lnks_loc) -> let lvl' = Map.findWithDefault [] lvl h
lnks_next = fixLinks m'' (reverse lvl')
{- we'd probably need to take care of dependencies on previously imported files not imported by the file imported last -}
in (uniteSigs m'' lnks_next,lnks_next++lnks_loc)
) (m,[]) [0..((Map.size h)-1)]
let (dg',node_m) = foldr (\(lname,lterms) (dg,node_m') ->
let sig = Map.findWithDefault emptySig lname m'
sens = map (\(n,t) -> makeNamedSentence n t) lterms in
_insNodeDG sig sens lname (dg,node_m')) (emptyDG,Map.empty) libs
dg'' = foldr (\(source,target) dg -> case Map.lookup source node_m of
Just (n,k,lk) -> case Map.lookup target node_m of
Just (n1,k1,lk1) -> let sig = Map.findWithDefault emptySig n m'
sig1 = Map.findWithDefault emptySig n1 m' in
case resultToMaybe $ subsig_inclusion HolLight sig sig1 of
Nothing -> dg
Just incl ->
let inclM = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism HolLight incl
insE = [InsertEdge (k, k1,globDefLink inclM DGLinkImports)]
newDG = changesDGH dg insE
updL = [SetNodeLab lk1 (k1, lk1
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty newDG
(k1, lk1) }),
SetNodeLab lk (k, lk
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty newDG
(k, lk) })]
in changesDGH newDG updL
Nothing -> dg
Nothing -> dg) dg' lnks'
le = Map.insert (emptyLibName (System.FilePath.Posix.takeBaseName path)) dg'' (Map.empty)
return (Just (emptyLibName (System.FilePath.Posix.takeBaseName path), le))