HolLight2DG.hs revision 6ad9bcb1be234d475541a44c750ecf6f57294dce
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : jonathan.von_schroeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module HolLight.HolLight2DG where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.LibName
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (getTempFile, getEnvDef)
import HolLight.Sign
import HolLight.Sentence
import HolLight.Term
import HolLight.Logic_HolLight
import HolLight.Helper(names)
import Driver.Options
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Directory (removeFile, canonicalizePath, doesFileExist)
import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import System.IO (hPutStr,hGetContents)
import Text.XML.Expat.SAX
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
type SaxEvL = [SAXEvent String String]
parsexml :: L.ByteString -> SaxEvL
parsexml txt = parse defaultParseOptions txt
is_space :: String -> Bool
is_space = all Data.Char.isSpace
tag :: SaxEvL -> SaxEvL
tag = dropWhile (\e -> case e of
(CharacterData d) -> is_space d
_ -> False)
dropSpaces :: SaxEvL -> SaxEvL
dropSpaces = tag
whileJust :: b -> (b -> (Maybe a,b)) -> (Maybe [a],b)
whileJust d f =
case f d of
(Just r,d') ->
case whileJust d' f of
(Just l,d'') -> (Just (r:l),d'')
_ -> (Just [r],d')
_ -> (Just [],d)
readL :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> String -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe [a],SaxEvL)
readL f s d = case tag d of
((StartElement s' _):d') -> if (s'/=s) then (Nothing,d) else case whileJust d' f of
(Just l,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement s''):d''') -> if (s''/=s) then (Nothing,d) else (Just l,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
--reads list in reverse
readList' :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe [a],SaxEvL)
readList' f d = case whileJust d f of
(Just l,d') -> (Just l,d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
whileJust' :: b -> (b -> a -> (Maybe a,b)) -> a -> (Maybe a,b)
whileJust' d f s = case f d s of
(Just s',d') -> case whileJust' d' f s' of
r@(Just _,_) -> r
_ -> (Just s',d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
foldS :: (SaxEvL -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> b -> String -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)
foldS f b s d = case tag d of
((StartElement s' _):d') -> if (s'/=s) then (Nothing,d) else case whileJust' d' f b of
(Just b',d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement s''):d''') -> if (s''/=s) then (Nothing,d) else (Just b',d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTuple :: (Show a,Show b) => (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> (SaxEvL -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe (a,b),SaxEvL)
readTuple f1 f2 d = case tag d of
((StartElement "tuple" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((StartElement "fst" _):d2) -> case f1 d2 of
(Just r1,d3) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "fst"):d4) -> case tag d4 of
((StartElement "snd" _):d5) -> case f2 d5 of
(Just r2,d6) -> case tag d6 of
((EndElement "snd"):d7) -> case tag d7 of
((EndElement "tuple"):d8) -> (Just (r1,r2),d8)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTuple' :: (SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)) -> (SaxEvL -> a -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)) -> SaxEvL -> b -> (Maybe b,SaxEvL)
readTuple' f1 f2 d b = case tag d of
((StartElement "tuple" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((StartElement "fst" _):d2) -> case f1 d2 of
(Just r1,d3) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "fst"):d4) -> case tag d4 of
((StartElement "snd" _):d5) -> case f2 d5 r1 b of
(Just r2,d6) -> case tag d6 of
((EndElement "snd"):d7) -> case tag d7 of
((EndElement "tuple"):d8) -> (Just r2,d8)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readWord' :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String, SaxEvL)
readWord' d = case d of
((CharacterData s):d') -> let b = Data.Char.isSpace
in case readWord' d' of
(Just s',d'') -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b (s++s'))))),d'')
_ -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b s)))),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readWord :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String,SaxEvL)
readWord d = case dropSpaces d of
((CharacterData s):d') -> let b = Data.Char.isSpace
in case readWord' d' of
(Just s',d'') -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b (s++s'))))),d'')
_ -> (Just (reverse (dropWhile b (reverse (dropWhile b s)))),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readStr :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe String,SaxEvL)
readStr d = case tag d of
((StartElement "s" _):d') -> case readWord d' of
(Just s,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement "s"):d''') -> (Just s,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readInt :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe Int,SaxEvL)
readInt d = case readWord d of
(Just s,d') -> (Just ((read s)::Int),d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readInt' :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe Int,SaxEvL)
readInt' d = case tag d of
((StartElement "i" _):d') -> case readInt d' of
(Just i,d'') -> case tag d'' of
((EndElement "i"):d''') -> (Just i,d''')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readMappedInt :: Map.Map Int a -> SaxEvL -> (Maybe a,SaxEvL)
readMappedInt m d = case readInt d of
(Just i,d') -> case Map.lookup i m of
(Just a) -> (Just a,d')
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
listToTypes :: Map.Map Int HolType -> [Int] -> Maybe [HolType]
listToTypes m l = case l of
(x:xs) -> case Map.lookup x m of
(Just t) -> case listToTypes m xs of
(Just ts) -> Just (t:ts)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
[] -> Just []
readSharedHolType :: Map.Map Int String -> SaxEvL -> Map.Map Int HolType -> (Maybe (Map.Map Int HolType),SaxEvL)
readSharedHolType sl d m = case tag d of
((StartElement "TyApp" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt (readList' readInt') d1 of
(Just (i,l),d2) -> case Map.lookup i sl of
(Just s) -> case listToTypes m l of
(Just l') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "TyApp"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (TyApp s (reverse l')) m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "TyVar" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case Map.lookup i sl of
(Just s) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "TyVar"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (TyVar s) m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readParseType :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe HolParseType,SaxEvL)
readParseType d = case tag d of
((StartElement "Prefix" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Prefix"):d2) -> (Just Prefix,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "InfixR" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "InfixR"):d3) -> (Just (InfixR i),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "InfixL" _):d1) -> case readInt d1 of
(Just i,d2) -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "InfixL"):d3) -> (Just (InfixL i),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Normal" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Normal"):d2) -> (Just Normal,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Binder" _):d1) -> case tag d1 of
((EndElement "Binder"):d2) -> (Just Binder,d2)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readTermInfo :: SaxEvL -> (Maybe HolTermInfo,SaxEvL)
readTermInfo d = case readParseType d of
(Just p,d1) -> case readTuple readWord readParseType d1 of
(Just (s,p1),d2) -> (Just (HolTermInfo (p, Just (s,p1))),d2)
_ -> (Just (HolTermInfo (p,Nothing)),d1)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
readSharedHolTerm :: Map.Map Int HolType -> Map.Map Int String -> SaxEvL -> Map.Map Int Term -> (Maybe (Map.Map Int Term),SaxEvL)
readSharedHolTerm ts sl d m = case tag d of
((StartElement "Var" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (n,t),d2) -> case readTermInfo d2 of
(Just ti,d3) -> case Map.lookup n sl of
(Just name) -> case Map.lookup t ts of
(Just tp) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "Var"):d4) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Var name tp ti) m),d4)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Const" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (n,t),d2) -> case readTermInfo d2 of
(Just ti,d3) -> case Map.lookup n sl of
(Just name) -> case Map.lookup t ts of
(Just tp) -> case tag d3 of
((EndElement "Const"):d4) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Const name tp ti) m),d4)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Comb" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (t1,t2),d2) -> case (Map.lookup t1 m,Map.lookup t2 m) of
(Just t1',Just t2') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "Comb"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Comb t1' t2') m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
((StartElement "Abs" _):d1) -> case readTuple readInt readInt d1 of
(Just (t1,t2),d2) -> case (Map.lookup t1 m,Map.lookup t2 m) of
(Just t1',Just t2') -> case tag d2 of
((EndElement "Abs"):d3) -> (Just (Map.insert ((Map.size m)+1) (Abs t1' t2') m),d3)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
_ -> (Nothing,d)
importData :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath
-> IO ([(String, [(String, Term)])], [(String, String)])
importData opts fp' = do
fp <- canonicalizePath fp'
dmtcpRestartPath <- getEnvDef "HETS_HOLLIGHT_TOOLS" "HolLight/OcamlTools/imageTools/dmtcp/bin/dmtcp_restart"
imageFile <- getEnvDef "HETS_HOLLIGHT_IMAGE" "HolLight/OcamlTools/hol_light.dmtcp"
e1 <- doesFileExist dmtcpRestartPath
e2 <- doesFileExist imageFile
if not e1 then (fail "dmtcp_restart not found") else return ()
if not e2 then (fail "hol_light.dmtcp not found") else return ()
tempFile <- getTempFile "" (takeBaseName fp)
(inp,sout,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess dmtcpRestartPath
[imageFile] Nothing Nothing
forkIO (hPutStr inp
("use_file "++ (show fp) ++";;\n"
++ "inject_hol_include "++ (show fp) ++";;\n"
++ "export_libs (get_libs()) "++ (show tempFile) ++";;\n"
++ "exit 0;;\n"))
ex <- waitForProcess pid
case ex of
ExitFailure _ -> do
err' <- hGetContents err
fail err'
ExitSuccess -> do
s <- L.readFile tempFile
let e = ([], [])
r <- return $ case tag (parsexml s) of
StartElement "HolExport" _ : d -> case readL readStr "Strings" d of
(Just sl, d1) -> let strings = Map.fromList (zip [1..] sl) in
case foldS (readSharedHolType strings)
Map.empty "SharedHolTypes" d1 of
(Just hol_types, d2) ->
case foldS (readSharedHolTerm hol_types strings)
Map.empty "SharedHolTerms" d2 of
(Just hol_terms, d3) ->
case readL (readTuple readWord
(readList' (readTuple readWord
(readMappedInt hol_terms)))) "Libs" d3 of
(Just libs, d4) ->
case readL (readTuple readWord readWord) "LibLinks" d4 of
(Just liblinks, _) -> (libs, liblinks)
_ -> e
_ -> e
_ -> e
_ -> e
_ -> e
_ -> e
sout' <- hGetContents sout
when (length (fst r) > 0) $ putIfVerbose opts 5 sout'
removeFile tempFile
return r
get_types :: Map.Map String Int -> HolType -> Map.Map String Int
get_types m t = case t of
(TyVar _) -> m
(TyApp s ts) -> let m' = foldl get_types m ts in
Map.insert s (length ts) m'
mergeTypesOps :: (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String HolType)
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String HolType)
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String HolType)
mergeTypesOps (ts1,ops1) (ts2,ops2) =
(Map.union ts1 ts2,Map.union ops1 ops2)
get_ops :: Term
-> (Map.Map String Int,Map.Map String HolType)
get_ops tm = case tm of
(Var _ t _) -> let ts = get_types Map.empty t
in (ts,Map.empty)
(Const s t _) -> let ts = get_types Map.empty t
in (ts,Map.insert s t Map.empty)
(Comb t1 t2) -> mergeTypesOps
(get_ops t1)
(get_ops t2)
(Abs t1 t2) -> mergeTypesOps
(get_ops t1)
(get_ops t2)
calcSig :: [(String,Term)] -> Sign
calcSig tm = let (ts,os) = foldl
(\p (_,t) -> (mergeTypesOps (get_ops t) p))
(Map.empty,Map.empty) tm
in Sign {
types = ts
,ops = os }
sigDepends :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
sigDepends s1 s2 = ((Map.size (Map.intersection (types s1) (types s2))) /= 0) ||
((Map.size (Map.intersection (ops s1) (ops s2))) /= 0)
prettifyTypeVarsTp :: HolType -> Map.Map String String -> (HolType,Map.Map String String)
prettifyTypeVarsTp (TyVar s) m = case Map.lookup s m of
Just s' -> (TyVar s',m)
Nothing -> let s' = '\'':(names!!(Map.size m))
in (TyVar s',Map.insert s s' m)
prettifyTypeVarsTp (TyApp s ts) m = let (ts',m') =
foldl (\(ts'',m'') t ->
let (t',m''') = prettifyTypeVarsTp t m''
in (t':ts'',m''')
) ([],m) ts
in (TyApp s ts',m')
prettifyTypeVarsTm :: Term -> Map.Map String String -> (Term,Map.Map String String)
prettifyTypeVarsTm (Const s t p) _ =
let (t1,m1) = prettifyTypeVarsTp t Map.empty
in (Const s t1 p,m1)
prettifyTypeVarsTm (Comb tm1 tm2) m =
let (tm1',m1) = prettifyTypeVarsTm tm1 m
(tm2',m2) = prettifyTypeVarsTm tm2 m1
in (Comb tm1' tm2',m2)
prettifyTypeVarsTm (Abs tm1 tm2) m =
let (tm1',m1) = prettifyTypeVarsTm tm1 m
(tm2',m2) = prettifyTypeVarsTm tm2 m1
in (Abs tm1' tm2',m2)
prettifyTypeVarsTm t m = (t,m)
prettifyTypeVars :: ([(String,[(String,Term)])],[(String,String)]) ->
prettifyTypeVars (libs,lnks) =
let libs' = map (\(s,terms) ->
let terms' = foldl (\tms (ts,t) ->
let (t',_) = prettifyTypeVarsTm t Map.empty
in ((ts,t'):tms))
[] terms
in (s,terms')
) libs
in (libs',lnks)
treeLevels :: [(String,String)] -> Map.Map Int [(String,String)]
treeLevels l = let lk = foldr (\(imp,t) l' -> case lookup t l' of
Just (p,_) -> (imp,(p+1,t)):l'
Nothing -> (imp,(1,t)):(t,(0,"")):l') [] l
in foldl (\m (imp,(p,t)) ->
let s = Map.findWithDefault [] p m
in Map.insert p ((imp,t):s) m) Map.empty lk
makeNamedSentence :: String -> Term -> Named Sentence
makeNamedSentence n t = makeNamed n $ Sentence { term = t, proof = Nothing }
_insNodeDG :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> String -> (DGraph, Map.Map String (String,Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Node,DGNodeLab)) -> (DGraph, Map.Map String (String,Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.Node,DGNodeLab))
_insNodeDG sig sens n (dg,m) = let gt = G_theory HolLight (makeExtSign HolLight sig) startSigId
(toThSens sens) startThId
n' = snd (System.FilePath.Posix.splitFileName n)
labelK = newInfoNodeLab
(makeName (mkSimpleId n'))
(newNodeInfo DGEmpty)
k = getNewNodeDG dg
m' = Map.insert n (n,k,labelK) m
insN = [InsertNode (k,labelK)]
newDG = changesDGH dg insN
labCh = [SetNodeLab labelK (k, labelK
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty newDG
(k, labelK) })]
newDG1 = changesDGH newDG labCh in (newDG1,m')
anaHolLightFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaHolLightFile opts path = do
(libs_, lnks_) <- importData opts path
let (libs,lnks) = prettifyTypeVars ((libs_, lnks_))
let h = treeLevels lnks
let fixLinks m l = case l of
(l1:l2:l') -> if ((snd l1) == (snd l2)) && (sigDepends
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig (fst l1) m)
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig (fst l2) m)) then
((fst l1,fst l2):(fixLinks m (l2:l')))
else (l1:l2:(fixLinks m l'))
l' -> l'
let uniteSigs m lnks' = foldl (\m' (s,t) -> case resultToMaybe (sigUnion
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig s m')
(Map.findWithDefault emptySig t m')) of
Nothing -> m'
Just new_tsig -> Map.insert t new_tsig m') m lnks'
let m = foldl (\m' (s,l) -> Map.insert s (calcSig l) m') Map.empty libs
let (m',lnks') = foldr (\lvl (m'',lnks_loc) -> let lvl' = Map.findWithDefault [] lvl h
lnks_next = fixLinks m'' (reverse lvl')
{- we'd probably need to take care of dependencies on previously imported files not imported by the file imported last -}
in (uniteSigs m'' lnks_next,lnks_next++lnks_loc)
) (m,[]) [0..((Map.size h)-1)]
let (dg',node_m) = foldr (\(lname,lterms) (dg,node_m') ->
let sig = Map.findWithDefault emptySig lname m'
sens = map (\(n,t) -> makeNamedSentence n t) lterms in
_insNodeDG sig sens lname (dg,node_m')) (emptyDG,Map.empty) libs
dg'' = foldr (\(source,target) dg -> case Map.lookup source node_m of
Just (n,k,_) -> case Map.lookup target node_m of
Just (n1,k1,_) -> let sig = Map.findWithDefault emptySig n m'
sig1 = Map.findWithDefault emptySig n1 m' in
case resultToMaybe $ subsig_inclusion HolLight sig sig1 of
Nothing -> dg
Just incl ->
let inclM = gEmbed $ mkG_morphism HolLight incl
insE = [InsertEdge (k, k1,globDefLink inclM DGLinkImports)]
in changesDGH dg insE
Nothing -> dg
Nothing -> dg) dg' lnks'
le = Map.insert (emptyLibName (System.FilePath.Posix.takeBaseName path)) dg'' (Map.empty)
return (Just (emptyLibName (System.FilePath.Posix.takeBaseName path), computeLibEnvTheories le))