HolLight2DG.hs revision 31d6d9286988dc31639d105841296759aeb743e0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : jonathan.von_schroeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module HolLight.HolLight2DG where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.LibName
--import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import HolLight.Sign
import HolLight.Sentence
import HolLight.Term
import HolLight.Logic_HolLight
import Driver.Options
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
importData :: FilePath -> IO ((Sign,[Sentence]))
importData fp = do
s <- readFile fp
let (tps,ts) = (read s) :: ([HolType], [(String,Term)])
let sg = Sign {
types = Set.fromList tps }
let sens = map (\(n,t) -> Sentence { name = n, term = t, proof = Nothing }) ts
return (sg, sens)
anaHolLightFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaHolLightFile _opts path = do
(sig, sens) <- importData path
let gt = G_theory HolLight (makeExtSign HolLight sig) startSigId
(toThSens $ map (makeNamed "") sens) startThId
labelK = newInfoNodeLab
(newNodeInfo DGEmpty)
k = getNewNodeDG emptyDG
insN = [InsertNode (k, labelK)]
newDG = changesDGH emptyDG insN
ln = emptyLibName path
le = Map.insert ln newDG Map.empty
labCh = [SetNodeLab labelK (k, labelK
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory le newDG
(k, labelK) })]
newDG1 = changesDGH newDG labCh
le' = Map.insert ln newDG1 le
return (Just (ln, le'))
-- data SenInfo = SenInfo Int Bool [Int] String deriving (Read,Show)
-- term_sig :: Term -> Sign
-- term_sig (Var s _) = Sign (Set.singleton s)
-- term_sig (Comb t1 t2) = sigUnion (term_sig t1) (term_sig t2)
-- term_sig (Abs t1 t2) = sigUnion (term_sig t1) (term_sig t2)
-- term_sig _ = Sign Set.empty
-- anaHol2HetsFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
-- anaHol2HetsFile _ fp = do
-- s <- readFile fp
-- let s' = (read s) :: [(Term,SenInfo)]
-- let (dg,lnks,m) = foldl (\(dg,ls,mp) (t,SenInfo id axiom inc name) ->
-- let gt = G_theory HolLight (makeExtSign HolLight (term_sig t)) startSigId (toThSens [makeNamed name (Sentence name t Nothing)]) startThId in
-- let (n,dg') = insGTheory dg (NodeName (mkSimpleId name) "" 0 []) DGEmpty gt in
-- (dg',ls++(Prelude.map (\i -> (i,n)) inc),Map.insert id (n) mp)
-- ) (emptyDG,[],Map.empty) s'
-- let dg' = foldl (\d (i,n) ->
-- let n1 = case Map.lookup i m of
-- Just s -> s
-- Nothing -> error "encountered internal error while importing data exported from Hol Light" in
-- let incl = subsig_inclusion HolLight (case n1 of (NodeSig _ s) -> case s of (G_sign _ s' _) -> case s' of (ExtSign s'' _) -> s'') (case n1 of (NodeSig _ s) -> case s of (G_sign _ s' _) -> case s' of (ExtSign s'' _) -> s'') in
-- let gm = case maybeResult incl of
-- Nothing -> error "encountered an internal error importing data exported from Hol Light"
-- Just inc -> gEmbed $ mkG_morphism HolLight inc in
-- insLink d gm globalDef TEST (getNode n1) (getNode n)
-- ) dg lnks
-- let ln = emptyLibName fp
-- lib = Map.singleton ln $
-- computeDGraphTheories Map.empty dg
-- return $ Just (ln, lib)