Helper.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Helper functions for dealing with terms
(mainly for pretty printing which is
directly adapted from hollight)
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module HolLight.Helper where
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, catMaybes)
import HolLight.Term
import Data.List (union, (\\), find)
import Common.Doc
import Data.Char as Char
names :: [String]
names =
nextName [] = "a"
nextName (x : xs) = if Char.ord x >= 122
then 'a' : nextName xs
else Char.chr (Char.ord x + 1) : xs
in iterate (reverse . nextName . reverse) "a"
freeName :: [String] -> String
freeName ns = head (filter (\ x -> case find (== x) ns
of Nothing -> True
_ -> False) names)
fromRight :: Either t t1 -> t1
fromRight e = case e of
Right t -> t
Left _ -> error "fromRight"
isPrefix :: Term -> Bool
isPrefix tm = case tm of
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (PrefixT, _)) -> True
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (PrefixT, _)) -> True
_ -> False
ppPrintType :: HolType -> Doc
ppPrintType = sot 0
soc :: String -> Bool -> [Doc] -> Doc
soc sep' flag ss = if null ss then empty
else let s = foldr1 (\ s1 s2 -> hcat [s1, text sep', s2]) ss
in if flag then parens s else s
sot :: Int -> HolType -> Doc
sot pr ty = case (destVartype ty, destType ty) of
-- exactly one of these is not Nothing
(Just vtype, _) -> text vtype
(_, Just t) -> case t of
(con, []) -> text con
("fun", [ty1, ty2]) -> soc "->" (pr > 0) [sot 1 ty1, sot 0 ty2]
("sum", [ty1, ty2]) -> soc "+" (pr > 2) [sot 3 ty1, sot 2 ty2]
("prod", [ty1, ty2]) -> soc "#" (pr > 4) [sot 5 ty1, sot 4 ty2]
("cart", [ty1, ty2]) -> soc "^" (pr > 6) [sot 6 ty1, sot 7 ty2]
(con, args) -> hcat [soc "," True (map (sot 0) args), text con]
_ -> empty -- doesn't happen
revAssocd :: Eq t1 => t1 -> [(t, t1)] -> t -> t
revAssocd a l d = case l of
[] -> d
(x, y) : t -> if y == a then x
else revAssocd a t d
destVar :: Term -> Maybe (String, HolType)
destVar v = case v of
Var s ty _ -> Just (s, ty)
_ -> Nothing
isVar :: Term -> Bool
isVar v = isJust (destVar v)
frees :: Term -> [Term]
frees tm = case tm of
Var {} -> [tm]
Const {} -> []
Abs bv bod -> frees bod \\ [bv]
Comb s t -> frees s `union` frees t
vfreeIn :: Term -> Term -> Bool
vfreeIn v tm = case tm of
Abs bv bod -> v /= bv && vfreeIn v bod
Comb s t -> vfreeIn v s || vfreeIn v t
_ -> tm == v
variant :: [Term] -> Term -> Maybe Term
variant avoid v = if not (any (vfreeIn v) avoid) then Just v
else case v of
Var s ty p -> variant avoid (Var (s ++ "'") ty p)
_ -> Nothing
vsubst :: [(Term, Term)] -> Term -> Maybe Term
vsubst =
let vsubst' ilist tm = case tm of
Var {} -> Just $ revAssocd tm ilist tm
Const {} -> Just tm
Comb s t -> case (vsubst' ilist s, vsubst ilist t) of
(Just s', Just t') -> Just $ if s' == s && t' == t
then tm
else Comb s' t'
_ -> Nothing
Abs v s -> let ilist' = filter (\ (_, x) -> x /= v)
in if null ilist' then Just tm
else case vsubst ilist' s of
Just s' | s' == s -> Just tm
| any (\ (t, x) -> vfreeIn v t
&& vfreeIn x s)
ilist' ->
case variant [s'] v of
Just v' -> case vsubst
((v', v) : ilist') s of
Just t' ->
Just (Abs v' t')
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (Abs v s')
_ -> Nothing
in \ theta ->
if null theta then Just else
if all (\ (t, x) -> case (typeOf t, destVar x) of
(Just t', Just (_, x')) -> t' == x'
_ -> False) theta then vsubst' theta
else const Nothing
destComb :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destComb c = case c of
Comb f x -> Just (f, x)
_ -> Nothing
isComb :: Term -> Bool
isComb c = isJust (destComb c)
destConst :: Term -> Maybe (String, HolType)
destConst c = case c of
Const s ty _ -> Just (s, ty)
_ -> Nothing
isConst :: Term -> Bool
isConst c = isJust (destConst c)
destAbs :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destAbs a = case a of
Abs v b -> Just (v, b)
_ -> Nothing
isAbs :: Term -> Bool
isAbs a = isJust (destAbs a)
rator :: Term -> Maybe Term
rator tm = fmap fst (destComb tm)
rand :: Term -> Maybe Term
rand tm = fmap snd (destComb tm)
splitlist :: (t -> Maybe (a, t)) -> t -> ([a], t)
splitlist dest x = case dest x of
Just (l, r) -> let (ls, res) = splitlist dest r
in (l : ls, res)
_ -> ([], x)
revSplitlist :: (t -> Maybe (t, t1)) -> t -> (t, [t1])
revSplitlist dest x =
let rsplist ls x' = case dest x' of
Just (l, r) -> rsplist (r : ls) l
_ -> (x', ls)
in rsplist [] x
typeOf :: Term -> Maybe HolType
typeOf tm = case tm of
Var _ ty _ -> Just ty
Const _ ty _ -> Just ty
Comb s _ -> case typeOf s of
Just t -> case destType t of
Just (_, _ : x1 : _) -> Just x1
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
Abs (Var _ ty _) t -> case typeOf t of
Just t' -> Just (TyApp "fun" [ty, t'])
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
destType :: HolType -> Maybe (String, [HolType])
destType a = case a of
TyApp s ty -> Just (s, ty)
_ -> Nothing
destVartype :: HolType -> Maybe String
destVartype t = case t of
TyVar s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
typeSubst :: [(HolType, HolType)] -> HolType -> HolType
typeSubst i ty = case ty of
TyApp tycon args -> let args' = map (typeSubst i) args
in if args' == args then ty else TyApp tycon args'
_ -> revAssocd ty i ty
mkEq :: (Term, Term) -> Maybe Term
mkEq (l, r) = case (typeOf l, mkConst ("=", [])) of
(Just ty, Just eq) -> case inst [(ty, TyVar "A")] eq of
Right eq_tm -> case mkComb (eq_tm, l) of
Just m1 -> mkComb (m1, r)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
inst :: [(HolType, HolType)] -> Term -> Either Term Term
inst =
let inst' env tyin tm = case tm of
Var n ty at -> let ty' = typeSubst tyin ty
in let tm' = if ty' == ty then tm
else Var n ty' at
in if revAssocd tm' env tm == tm
then Right tm'
else Left tm'
Const c ty at -> let ty' = typeSubst tyin ty
in Right $ if ty' == ty
then tm
else Const c ty' at
Comb f x -> case (inst' env tyin f,
inst' env tyin x) of
(Right f', Right x') ->
Right $ if f' == f && x' == x
then tm else Comb f' x'
(Left c, _) -> Left c
(_, Left c) -> Left c
Abs y t -> case inst' [] tyin y of
Right y' -> let env' = (y, y') : env
in case inst' env' tyin t of
Right t' ->
Right $ if y' == y && t' == t
then tm else Abs y' t'
Left w' -> if w' /= y'
then Left w'
else let ifrees = map (fromRight .
inst' [] tyin)
(frees t) in
case variant ifrees y' of
Just y'' ->
case (destVar y'', destVar y) of
(Just (v1, _), Just (_, v2)) ->
let z = Var v1 v2
(Normal, Nothing))
in case vsubst [(z, y)] t of
Just s -> inst' env tyin
(Abs z s)
_ -> Left w'
_ -> Left w'
_ -> Left w'
_ -> Left tm
in (\ tyin -> if null tyin then Right else inst' [] tyin)
mkComb :: (Term, Term) -> Maybe Term
mkComb (f, a) = case typeOf f of
Just (TyApp "fun" [ty, _]) -> case typeOf a of
Just t -> if ty == t then Just (Comb f a) else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
eqType :: HolType
eqType = TyApp "fun" [
TyVar "A",
TyApp "fun" [
TyVar "A",
TyApp "bool" []
mkConst :: (String, [(HolType, HolType)]) -> Maybe Term
mkConst (name, theta) = if name == "="
then Just (Const name
(typeSubst theta eqType)
(HolTermInfo (InfixR 12, Nothing)))
else Nothing
destBinder :: String -> Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destBinder s tm = case tm of
Comb (Const s' _ _) (Abs x t) ->
if s' == s then Just (x, t)
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
destExists :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destExists = destBinder "?"
stripExists :: Term -> ([Term], Term)
stripExists = splitlist destExists
destForall :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destForall = destBinder "!"
stripForall :: Term -> ([Term], Term)
stripForall = splitlist destForall
stripComb :: Term -> (Term, [Term])
stripComb = revSplitlist destComb
body :: Term -> Maybe Term
body tm = case destAbs tm of
Just (_, ret) -> Just ret
_ -> Nothing
destNumeral :: Term -> Maybe Integer
destNumeral tm' =
let dest_num tm = case destConst tm of
Just ("_0", _) -> Just (toInteger (0 :: Int))
_ -> case destComb tm of
Just (l, r) -> case dest_num r of
Just i ->
let n = toInteger (2 :: Int) * i
in case destConst l of
Just ("BIT0", _) -> Just n
Just ("BIT1", _) -> Just (n
+ toInteger (1 :: Int))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
in case destComb tm' of
Just (l, r) -> case destConst l of
Just ("NUMERAL", _) -> dest_num r
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
destBinary' :: String -> Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destBinary' s tm = case tm of
Comb (Comb (Const s' _ _) l) r -> if s' == s then Just (l, r)
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
destCons :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destCons = destBinary' "CONS"
destList :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
destList tm = let (tms, nil) = splitlist destCons tm
in case destConst nil of
Just ("NIL", _) -> Just tms
_ -> Nothing
destGabs :: Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destGabs tm =
let dest_geq = destBinary' "GEQ"
in if isAbs tm then destAbs tm
else case destComb tm of
Just (l, r) -> case destConst l of
Just ("GABS", _) -> case body r of
Just b -> case dest_geq (snd (stripForall b)) of
Just (ltm, rtm) -> case rand ltm of
Just r' -> Just (r', rtm)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
isGabs :: Term -> Bool
isGabs tm = isJust (destGabs tm)
stripGabs :: Term -> ([Term], Term)
stripGabs = splitlist destGabs
destFunTy :: HolType -> Maybe (HolType, HolType)
destFunTy ty = case ty of
TyApp "fun" [ty1, ty2] -> Just (ty1, ty2)
_ -> Nothing
destLet :: Term -> Maybe ([(Term, Term)], Term)
destLet tm = let (l, aargs) = stripComb tm
in case (aargs, destConst l) of
(a : as, Just ("LET", _)) ->
let (vars, lebod) = stripGabs a
in let eqs = zip vars as
in case destComb lebod of
Just (le, bod) -> case destConst le of
Just ("LET_END", _) -> Just (eqs, bod)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
nameOf :: Term -> String
nameOf tm = case tm of
Var x _ _ -> x
Const x _ _ -> x
_ -> ""
-- - pp_print_term
reverseInterface :: (String, Term) -> (String, Maybe HolParseType)
reverseInterface (s, tm) = case tm of
Var _ _ ti -> case ti of
HolTermInfo (_, Just (s'', pt)) -> (s'', Just pt)
_ -> (s, Nothing)
Const _ _ ti -> case ti of
HolTermInfo (_, Just (s'', pt)) -> (s'', Just pt)
_ -> (s, Nothing)
_ -> (s, Nothing)
destBinary :: Term -> Term -> Maybe (Term, Term)
destBinary c tm = case destComb tm of -- original name: DEST_BINARY
Just (il, r) -> case destComb il of
Just (i, l) -> if (i == c) ||
(isConst i && isConst c &&
(fst (reverseInterface (fst (fromJust (destConst i)), i))
== fst (reverseInterface (fst (fromJust (destConst c)), i))))
then Just (l, r)
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
powerof10 :: Integer -> Bool
powerof10 n = (10 * div n 10) == n
boolOfTerm :: Term -> Maybe Bool
boolOfTerm t = case t of
Const "T" _ _ -> Just True
Const "F" _ _ -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
codeOfTerm :: Num b => Term -> Maybe b
codeOfTerm t =
let (f, tms) = stripComb t in
if not (isConst f && fst (fromJust (destConst f)) == "ASCII")
|| length tms /= 8
then Nothing
else let bools = map boolOfTerm (reverse tms)
in if notElem Nothing bools then
Just (foldr (\ b f' -> if b then 1 + 2 * f' else 2 * f')
0 (catMaybes bools))
else Nothing
randRator :: Term -> Maybe Term
randRator v = case rator v of
Just v1 -> rand v1
_ -> Nothing
destClause :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
destClause tm = case fmap stripExists (maybe Nothing body (body tm)) of
Just (_, pbod) -> let (s, args) = stripComb pbod
in case (nameOf s, length args) of
case (randRator (head args),
randRator (args !! 1)) of
(Just _1, Just _2) -> Just [_1, _2]
_ -> Nothing
case (randRator (head args),
randRator (args !! 2)) of
(Just _1, Just _3) -> Just [_1, args !! 1, _3]
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
destClauses :: Term -> Maybe [[Term]]
destClauses tm = let (s, args) = stripComb tm
in if nameOf s == "_SEQPATTERN" && length args == 2
then case destClauses (args !! 1) of
Just cs -> case destClause (head args) of
Just c -> Just (c : cs)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
else case destClause tm of
Just c -> Just [c]
_ -> Nothing
aright :: Term -> Bool
aright tm = case tm of
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR _, _)) -> True
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR _, _)) -> True
_ -> False
getPrec :: Term -> Int
getPrec tm = case tm of
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR i, _)) -> i
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR i, _)) -> i
_ -> 0
parsesAsBinder :: Term -> Bool
parsesAsBinder tm = case tm of
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (Binder, _)) -> True
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (Binder, _)) -> True
_ -> False
canGetInfixStatus :: Term -> Bool
canGetInfixStatus tm = case tm of
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR _, _)) -> True
Var _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixL _, _)) -> True
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixR _, _)) -> True
Const _ _ (HolTermInfo (InfixL _, _)) -> True
_ -> False