ExtHaskellCvrt.hs revision f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bb
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Sonja Groening, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Converts a Haskell module with pure AXIOM-Pragma to a Haskell
module with AXIOM-Pragmas and corresponding lambda-expressions
module Hatchet.ExtHaskellCvrt where
import Data.Char(toLower)
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsSyn
cvrtHsModule :: HsModule -> HsModule
cvrtHsModule (HsModule name exports imports declList) =
HsModule name
(cvrtHsDeclList declList)
cvrtHsDeclList :: [HsDecl] -> [HsDecl]
cvrtHsDeclList [] = []
cvrtHsDeclList (x:xs) = case x of
HsAxiomBind b ->
x:cvrtAxBinding b ++ cvrtHsDeclList xs
_ -> x:cvrtHsDeclList xs
cvrtAxBinding :: AxBinding -> [HsDecl]
cvrtAxBinding (AxiomDecl name formula) =
[HsPatBind (SrcLoc (-1) (-1))
(cvrtAxiomName name)
(cvrtFormula formula) []]
cvrtAxBinding (AndBindings b1 b2) = cvrtAxBinding b1 ++ cvrtAxBinding b2
cvrtFormula :: Formula -> HsRhs
cvrtFormula f = case f of
AxQuant quant form -> HsUnGuardedRhs (cvrtWithQuant
quant form)
_ -> HsUnGuardedRhs (cvrtWithoutQuant f)
cvrtWithQuant :: Quantifier -> Formula -> HsExp
cvrtWithQuant (AxForall []) f = cvrtWithoutQuant f
cvrtWithQuant (AxForall (a:axbList)) f =
HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "allof")))
(HsParen (HsLambda (SrcLoc (-1) (-1))
[HsPVar (cvrtAxiomBndr a)]
(cvrtWithQuant (AxForall axbList) f)))
cvrtWithQuant (AxExists []) f = cvrtWithoutQuant f
cvrtWithQuant (AxExists (a:axbList)) f =
HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "ex")))
(HsParen (HsLambda (SrcLoc (-1) (-1))
[HsPVar (cvrtAxiomBndr a)]
(cvrtWithQuant (AxForall axbList) f)))
cvrtWithQuant (AxExistsOne []) f = cvrtWithoutQuant f
cvrtWithQuant (AxExistsOne (a:axbList)) f =
HsApp (HsVar (UnQual (HsIdent "exone")))
(HsParen (HsLambda (SrcLoc
(-1) (-1)) [HsPVar
(cvrtAxiomBndr a)]
(cvrtWithQuant (AxForall axbList)
cvrtWithoutQuant :: Formula -> HsExp
cvrtWithoutQuant (AxExp expr) = expr
cvrtWithoutQuant (AxEq form expr _) = HsInfixApp
(cvrtWithoutQuant form)
(HsVar (UnQual (HsSymbol "==="))) expr
cvrtWithoutQuant _ = error "cvrtWithoutQuant"
cvrtAxiomBndr :: AxiomBndr -> HsName
cvrtAxiomBndr (AxiomBndr name) = name
cvrtAxiomBndr (AxiomBndrSig name _) = name
cvrtAxiomName :: AxiomName -> HsPat
cvrtAxiomName (n:ame) = HsPVar (HsIdent ((toLower n):ame))
cvrtAxiomName "" = error "cvrtAxiomName"