log revision 895a60f3f11b5f1210f146324e9ffe5e1b9c211f
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename ex_class_hc.thy .thy
+ j=ex_class_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "ex_class_hc";print_depth 300;theory "ex_class_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "ex_class_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "ex_class_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_MPList ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_MPList ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_Color ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_Color ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_MyList ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_class_hc.Prelude_MyList ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
ex_class_hc} : theory
val it =
"myEqual == LAM x y. If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$x$y then TT else FF fi"),
("ex_class_hc.Prelude_Color.reach","fix$Prelude_Color_copy$?x = ?x"),
("ex_class_hc.Prelude_MPList.reach","fix$Prelude_MPList_copy$?x = ?x"),
("ex_class_hc.Prelude_MyList.reach","fix$Prelude_MyList_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Red == LAM a. Prelude_Color_abs$(sinl$a)"),
"Prelude_Color_rep$(Prelude_Color_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Color_abs$(Prelude_Color_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Blue == LAM a. Prelude_Color_abs$(sinr$a)"),
"Prelude_Color_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Color_abs oo
Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. sinl$a)$(LAM a. sinr$a)"),
"Prelude_Color_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Color_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Color_when == LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$f1$f2$(Prelude_Color_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_MPList_rep$(Prelude_MPList_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_MPList_abs$(Prelude_MPList_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_MyList_rep$(Prelude_MyList_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_MyList_abs$(Prelude_MyList_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Red_1 == Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. a)$UU"),
"Prelude_Color_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x = Red$a & x' = Red$a) |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x = Blue$a & x' = Blue$a)"),
"Prelude_MPList_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_MPList_abs oo
Prelude_MPList_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a b P'. sinr$(:a, b, f$P':))"),
"Prelude_MPList_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_MPList_copy UU"),
"Prelude_MPList_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x.
sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(ssplit$(LAM a. ssplit$(f2$a)))$(Prelude_MPList_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_MyList_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_MyList_abs oo
Prelude_MyList_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a P'. sinr$(:a, f$P':))"),
"Prelude_MyList_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_MyList_copy UU"),
"Prelude_MyList_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(ssplit$f2)$(Prelude_MyList_rep$x)"),
"Blue_1 == Prelude_Color_when$UU$(LAM a. a)"),
"Prelude_Color_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Color_take n$x = x"),
"is_Red == Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM a. FF)"),
"MPNil == Prelude_MPList_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_MPList_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = MPNil & x' = MPNil |
(EX a b P' P''.
a ~= UU &
b ~= UU &
P' ~= UU &
P'' ~= UU & R P' P'' & x = MPCons$a$b$P' & x' = MPCons$a$b$P'')"),
"MyNil == Prelude_MyList_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_MyList_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = MyNil & x' = MyNil |
(EX a P' P''.
a ~= UU &
P' ~= UU &
P'' ~= UU & R P' P'' & x = MyCons$a$P' & x' = MyCons$a$P'')"),
"is_Blue == Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM a. TT)"),
"MPCons == LAM a b P'. Prelude_MPList_abs$(sinr$(:a, b, P':))"),
"Prelude_MPList_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_MPList_take n$x = x"),
"MyCons == LAM a P'. Prelude_MyList_abs$(sinr$(:a, P':))"),
"Prelude_MyList_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_MyList_take n$x = x"),
"match_Red == Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM a. fail)"),
"MPCons_1 == Prelude_MPList_when$UU$(LAM a b P'. a)"),
"MPCons_2 == Prelude_MPList_when$UU$(LAM a b P'. b)"),
"MPCons_3 == Prelude_MPList_when$UU$(LAM a b P'. P')"),
"is_MPNil == Prelude_MPList_when$TT$(LAM a b P'. FF)"),
"MyCons_1 == Prelude_MyList_when$UU$(LAM a P'. a)"),
"MyCons_2 == Prelude_MyList_when$UU$(LAM a P'. P')"),
"is_MyNil == Prelude_MyList_when$TT$(LAM a P'. FF)"),
"match_Blue == Prelude_Color_when$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM a. return$a)"),
"is_MPCons == Prelude_MPList_when$FF$(LAM a b P'. TT)"),
"is_MyCons == Prelude_MyList_when$FF$(LAM a P'. TT)"),
"match_MPNil == Prelude_MPList_when$(return$())$(LAM a b P'. fail)"),
"match_MyNil == Prelude_MyList_when$(return$())$(LAM a P'. fail)"),
"match_MPCons == Prelude_MPList_when$fail$(LAM a b P'. return$<a, b, P'>)"),
"match_MyCons == Prelude_MyList_when$fail$(LAM a P'. return$<a, P'>)")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename ex_fibon_hc.thy .thy
+ j=ex_fibon_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "ex_fibon_hc";print_depth 300;theory "ex_fibon_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "ex_fibon_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "ex_fibon_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
ex_fibon_hc} : theory
val it =
"fibon ==
FIX fibon.
run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 1
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 1
else fliftbin op +$(fibon$(fliftbin op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
2))) fi fi))")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename ex_let_hc.thy .thy
+ j=ex_let_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "ex_let_hc";print_depth 300;theory "ex_let_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "ex_let_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "ex_let_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
ex_let_hc} : theory
val it =
"foon ==
LAM a b c.
let testName1 >>= myEqual$a$b
in Let (myEqual$b$c) (Rep_CFun (trand$testName1))"),
"myEqual == LAM x y. If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$x$y then TT else FF fi")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename ex_list_hc.thy .thy
+ j=ex_list_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "ex_list_hc";print_depth 300;theory "ex_list_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "ex_list_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "ex_list_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
ex_list_hc} : theory
val it =
"myMap ==
FIX myMap.
run$(return$(LAM x f.
case x of lNil => lNil
| lCons$pX1$pX2 => lCons$(f$pX1)$(myMap$pX2$f)))"),
"funOne ==
LAM x y.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$x$(lCons$(lHd$x)$(lTl$y)) then TT else FF fi")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename ex_mutrec_hc.thy .thy
+ j=ex_mutrec_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "ex_mutrec_hc";print_depth 300;theory "ex_mutrec_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "ex_mutrec_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "ex_mutrec_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_MyList ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_MyList ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_Form ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_Form ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_CList ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_LColor ...
Proving induction properties of domain ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
ex_mutrec_hc} : theory
val it =
"fibon ==
FIX fibon.
run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 1
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 1
else fliftbin op +$(fibon$(fliftbin op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
2))) fi fi))"),
"myEqual == LAM x y. If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$x$y then TT else FF fi"),
"hasColor ==
LAM x y.
If myEqual$x$y
then Red$((LAM z. Square$x$z)$x) else Blue$(Rectangle$x$y) fi"),
"mRecFun1 ==
cfst$(FIX <mRecFun1, mRecFun2>.
<run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 0
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 2
else fliftbin op +$(mRecFun1$(fliftbin
op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
2))) fi fi)),
run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 0
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 0
else fliftbin op +$(mRecFun1$(fliftbin
op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
1))) fi fi))>)"),
"mRecFun2 ==
csnd$(FIX <mRecFun1, mRecFun2>.
<run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 0
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 2
else fliftbin op +$(mRecFun1$(fliftbin
op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
2))) fi fi)),
run$(return$(LAM n.
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 0)
then Def 0
else If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$n$(Def 1)
then Def 0
else fliftbin op +$(mRecFun1$(fliftbin
op -$n$(Def
op -$n$(Def
1))) fi fi))>)"),
("ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_Form.reach","fix$Prelude_Form_copy$?x = ?x"),
"cfst$(fix$Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_copy)$?x1.0 = ?x1.0"),
"Prelude_Form_rep$(Prelude_Form_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Form_abs$(Prelude_Form_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"csnd$(fix$Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_copy)$?x2.0 = ?x2.0"),
("ex_mutrec_hc.Prelude_MyList.reach","fix$Prelude_MyList_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Prelude_CList_rep$(Prelude_CList_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_CList_abs$(Prelude_CList_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Form_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Form_abs oo
Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. sinl$(:a, b:))$(LAM a b. sinr$(:a, b:))"),
"Prelude_Form_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Form_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Form_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$(ssplit$f1)$(ssplit$f2)$(Prelude_Form_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_CList_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_CList_abs oo
Prelude_CList_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM P'1 P'2. sinr$(:P'1, cfst$f$P'2:))"),
"Prelude_CList_take ==
%n. cfst$(iterate n Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_copy UU)"),
"Prelude_CList_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(ssplit$f2)$(Prelude_CList_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_Form_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
(EX a b. a ~= UU & b ~= UU & x = Square$a$b & x' = Square$a$b) |
(EX a b. a ~= UU & b ~= UU & x = Rectangle$a$b & x' = Rectangle$a$b)"),
"Red == LAM a. Prelude_LColor_abs$(sinr$(sinl$a))"),
"Prelude_LColor_rep$(Prelude_LColor_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_LColor_abs$(Prelude_LColor_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_MyList_rep$(Prelude_MyList_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_MyList_abs$(Prelude_MyList_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"CCons == LAM P'1 P'2. Prelude_CList_abs$(sinr$(:P'1, P'2:))"),
"Trans == Prelude_CList_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Square == LAM a b. Prelude_Form_abs$(sinl$(:a, b:))"),
"Prelude_Form_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Form_take n$x = x"),
"Blue == LAM a. Prelude_LColor_abs$(sinl$a)"),
"Prelude_LColor_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_LColor_abs oo
Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. sinl$a)$(LAM a. sinr$(sinl$a))$(LAM P'.
"Prelude_LColor_take ==
%n. csnd$(iterate n Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_copy UU)"),
"Prelude_LColor_when ==
LAM f1 f2 f3 x. sscase$f1$(sscase$f2$f3)$(Prelude_LColor_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_MyList_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_MyList_abs oo
Prelude_MyList_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a P'. sinr$(:a, f$P':))"),
"Prelude_MyList_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_MyList_copy UU"),
"Prelude_MyList_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(ssplit$f2)$(Prelude_MyList_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_CList_finite == %x1. EX n. Prelude_CList_take n$x1 = x1"),
"Multi == LAM P'. Prelude_LColor_abs$(sinr$(sinr$P'))"),
"Red_1 == Prelude_LColor_when$UU$(LAM a. a)$UU"),
"MyNil == Prelude_MyList_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_MyList_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = MyNil & x' = MyNil |
(EX a P' P''.
a ~= UU &
P' ~= UU &
P'' ~= UU & R P' P'' & x = MyCons$a$P' & x' = MyCons$a$P'')"),
"CCons_1 == Prelude_CList_when$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'1)"),
"CCons_2 == Prelude_CList_when$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'2)"),
"Square_1 == Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. a)$UU"),
"Square_2 == Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. b)$UU"),
"Blue_1 == Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. a)$UU$UU"),
"Prelude_LColor_finite == %x2. EX n. Prelude_LColor_take n$x2 = x2"),
"is_Red == Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM P'. FF)"),
"MyCons == LAM a P'. Prelude_MyList_abs$(sinr$(:a, P':))"),
"Prelude_MyList_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_MyList_take n$x = x"),
"is_CCons == Prelude_CList_when$FF$(LAM P'1 P'2. TT)"),
"is_Trans == Prelude_CList_when$TT$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"Rectangle == LAM a b. Prelude_Form_abs$(sinr$(:a, b:))"),
"is_Square == Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. TT)$(LAM a b. FF)"),
"Multi_1 == Prelude_LColor_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'. P')"),
"is_Blue == Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'. FF)"),
"is_Multi == Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'. TT)"),
"MyCons_1 == Prelude_MyList_when$UU$(LAM a P'. a)"),
"MyCons_2 == Prelude_MyList_when$UU$(LAM a P'. P')"),
"is_MyNil == Prelude_MyList_when$TT$(LAM a P'. FF)"),
"Rectangle_1 == Prelude_Form_when$UU$(LAM a b. a)"),
"Rectangle_2 == Prelude_Form_when$UU$(LAM a b. b)"),
"match_Red ==
Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM P'. fail)"),
"is_MyCons == Prelude_MyList_when$FF$(LAM a P'. TT)"),
"match_CCons == Prelude_CList_when$fail$(LAM P'1 P'2. return$<P'1, P'2>)"),
"match_Trans == Prelude_CList_when$(return$())$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"is_Rectangle == Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. FF)$(LAM a b. TT)"),
"match_Square ==
Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. return$<a, b>)$(LAM a b. fail)"),
"match_Blue ==
Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'. fail)"),
"match_Multi ==
Prelude_LColor_when$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'. return$P')"),
"match_MyNil == Prelude_MyList_when$(return$())$(LAM a P'. fail)"),
"match_MyCons == Prelude_MyList_when$fail$(LAM a P'. return$<a, P'>)"),
"match_Rectangle ==
Prelude_Form_when$(LAM a b. fail)$(LAM a b. return$<a, b>)"),
"Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_copy ==
LAM f. <Prelude_CList_copy$f, Prelude_LColor_copy$f>"),
"Prelude_CList_Prelude_LColor_bisim ==
(ALL x1 x1'.
fst R x1 x1' -->
x1 = UU & x1' = UU |
x1 = Trans & x1' = Trans |
(EX P'1 P'2 P'2'.
P'1 ~= UU &
P'2 ~= UU &
P'2' ~= UU &
fst R P'2 P'2' & x1 = CCons$P'1$P'2 & x1' = CCons$P'1$P'2')) &
(ALL x2 x2'.
snd R x2 x2' -->
x2 = UU & x2' = UU |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x2 = Blue$a & x2' = Blue$a) |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x2 = Red$a & x2' = Red$a) |
(EX P'. P' ~= UU & x2 = Multi$P' & x2' = Multi$P'))")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename incmpl_hc.thy .thy
+ j=incmpl_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "incmpl_hc";print_depth 300;theory "incmpl_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "incmpl_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "incmpl_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain incmpl_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving induction properties of domain incmpl_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain incmpl_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
Proving induction properties of domain incmpl_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
incmpl_hc} : theory
val it =
"map1 ==
LAM x f.
case x of Zx => Sx$(f$(Def 0)) | Sx$pX1 => Sx$(f$pX1)
| SSx$pX2$pX1 => UU"),
("incmpl_hc.Prelude_Natx.reach","fix$Prelude_Natx_copy$?x = ?x"),
("incmpl_hc.Prelude_Boolx.reach","fix$Prelude_Boolx_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Sx == LAM a. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinl$a))"),
("incmpl_hc.Prelude_Natx.Zx_def","Zx == Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"SSx == LAM P'1 P'2. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinr$(:P'1, P'2:)))"),
"Prelude_Natx_rep$(Prelude_Natx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Natx_abs$(Prelude_Natx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_rep$(Prelude_Boolx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_abs$(Prelude_Boolx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Sx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$(LAM a. a)$UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Natx_abs oo
Prelude_Natx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a. sinr$(sinl$a))$(LAM P'1 P'2.
"Prelude_Natx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Natx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 f3 x.
sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(sscase$f2$(ssplit$f3))$(Prelude_Natx_rep$x)"),
("incmpl_hc.Prelude_Boolx.Minx_def","Minx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_copy ==
LAM f. Prelude_Boolx_abs oo Prelude_Boolx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Boolx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Boolx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x.
case Prelude_Boolx_rep$x of sinl$dummy => f1 | sinr$dummy => f2"),
"SSx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'1)"),
"SSx_2 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'2)"),
"Prelude_Natx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = Zx & x' = Zx |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x = Sx$a & x' = Sx$a) |
(EX P'2 P'1 P'1'.
P'2 ~= UU &
P'1 ~= UU &
P'1' ~= UU & R P'1 P'1' & x = SSx$P'1$P'2 & x' = SSx$P'1'$P'2)"),
"is_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"is_Zx == Prelude_Natx_when$TT$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU | x = Minx & x' = Minx | x = Plusx & x' = Plusx"),
"Prelude_Natx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Natx_take n$x = x"),
"is_SSx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. TT)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Boolx_take n$x = x"),
"is_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$TT$FF"),
"match_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"match_Zx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$(return$())$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"is_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$FF$TT"),
"match_SSx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. return$<P'1, P'2>)"),
"match_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$(return$())$fail"),
"match_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$fail$(return$())")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename mrec3_hc.thy .thy
+ j=mrec3_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "mrec3_hc";print_depth 300;theory "mrec3_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "mrec3_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "mrec3_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain mrec3_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving induction properties of domain mrec3_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain mrec3_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
Proving induction properties of domain mrec3_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
mrec3_hc} : theory
val it =
"map1 ==
cfst$(FIX <map1, map2>.
<run$(return$(LAM x f.
case x of Zx => Sx$(f$(Def 0))
| Sx$pX1 => Sx$(f$pX1)
| SSx$pX1$pX2 => map2$pX1$pX2$f)),
run$(return$(LAM x w f.
case x of Zx => Zx
| Sx$pX1 => Sx$(fliftbin op +$pX1$(Def 1))
| SSx$pX1$pX2 =>
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$pX2$Minx
then SSx$pX1$w else map1$pX1$f fi))>)"),
"map2 ==
csnd$(FIX <map1, map2>.
<run$(return$(LAM x f.
case x of Zx => Sx$(f$(Def 0))
| Sx$pX1 => Sx$(f$pX1)
| SSx$pX1$pX2 => map2$pX1$pX2$f)),
run$(return$(LAM x w f.
case x of Zx => Zx
| Sx$pX1 => Sx$(fliftbin op +$pX1$(Def 1))
| SSx$pX1$pX2 =>
If (LAM x y. Def (x = y))$pX2$Minx
then SSx$pX1$w else map1$pX1$f fi))>)"),
("mrec3_hc.Prelude_Natx.reach","fix$Prelude_Natx_copy$?x = ?x"),
("mrec3_hc.Prelude_Boolx.reach","fix$Prelude_Boolx_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Sx == LAM a. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinl$a))"),
("mrec3_hc.Prelude_Natx.Zx_def","Zx == Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"SSx == LAM P'1 P'2. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinr$(:P'1, P'2:)))"),
"Prelude_Natx_rep$(Prelude_Natx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Natx_abs$(Prelude_Natx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_rep$(Prelude_Boolx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_abs$(Prelude_Boolx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Sx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$(LAM a. a)$UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Natx_abs oo
Prelude_Natx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a. sinr$(sinl$a))$(LAM P'1 P'2.
"Prelude_Natx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Natx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 f3 x.
sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(sscase$f2$(ssplit$f3))$(Prelude_Natx_rep$x)"),
("mrec3_hc.Prelude_Boolx.Minx_def","Minx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_copy ==
LAM f. Prelude_Boolx_abs oo Prelude_Boolx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Boolx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Boolx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x.
case Prelude_Boolx_rep$x of sinl$dummy => f1 | sinr$dummy => f2"),
"SSx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'1)"),
"SSx_2 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'2)"),
"Prelude_Natx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = Zx & x' = Zx |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x = Sx$a & x' = Sx$a) |
(EX P'2 P'1 P'1'.
P'2 ~= UU &
P'1 ~= UU &
P'1' ~= UU & R P'1 P'1' & x = SSx$P'1$P'2 & x' = SSx$P'1'$P'2)"),
"is_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"is_Zx == Prelude_Natx_when$TT$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU | x = Minx & x' = Minx | x = Plusx & x' = Plusx"),
"Prelude_Natx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Natx_take n$x = x"),
"is_SSx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. TT)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Boolx_take n$x = x"),
"is_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$TT$FF"),
"match_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"match_Zx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$(return$())$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"is_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$FF$TT"),
"match_SSx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. return$<P'1, P'2>)"),
"match_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$(return$())$fail"),
"match_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$fail$(return$())")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename mrec_hc.thy .thy
+ j=mrec_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "mrec_hc";print_depth 300;theory "mrec_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "mrec_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "mrec_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain mrec_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
Proving induction properties of domain mrec_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF, mrec_hc}
: theory
val it =
"fun1 ==
cfst$(FIX <fun1, fun2>.
<run$(return$(LAM x.
case x of Zx => <Zx, Def 0>
| Sx$pX1$pX2 =>
fliftbin op *$pX1$(fun2$pX2)>)),
run$(return$(LAM x.
case x of Zx => Def 0
| Sx$pX1$pX2 =>
fliftbin op +$(csnd$(fun1$pX2))$pX1))>)"),
"fun2 ==
csnd$(FIX <fun1, fun2>.
<run$(return$(LAM x.
case x of Zx => <Zx, Def 0>
| Sx$pX1$pX2 =>
fliftbin op *$pX1$(fun2$pX2)>)),
run$(return$(LAM x.
case x of Zx => Def 0
| Sx$pX1$pX2 =>
fliftbin op +$(csnd$(fun1$pX2))$pX1))>)"),
("mrec_hc.Prelude_Natx.reach","fix$Prelude_Natx_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Sx == LAM a P'. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(:a, P':))"),
("mrec_hc.Prelude_Natx.Zx_def","Zx == Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Natx_rep$(Prelude_Natx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Natx_abs$(Prelude_Natx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Sx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$(LAM a P'. a)"),
"Sx_2 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$(LAM a P'. P')"),
"Prelude_Natx_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Natx_abs oo
Prelude_Natx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a P'. sinr$(:a, f$P':))"),
"Prelude_Natx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Natx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x. sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(ssplit$f2)$(Prelude_Natx_rep$x)"),
"Prelude_Natx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = Zx & x' = Zx |
(EX a P' P''.
a ~= UU &
P' ~= UU & P'' ~= UU & R P' P'' & x = Sx$a$P' & x' = Sx$a$P'')"),
"is_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a P'. TT)"),
"is_Zx == Prelude_Natx_when$TT$(LAM a P'. FF)"),
"Prelude_Natx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Natx_take n$x = x"),
"match_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a P'. return$<a, P'>)"),
"match_Zx == Prelude_Natx_when$(return$())$(LAM a P'. fail)")]
: (string * thm) list
+ for i in '*.thy'
++ basename wcard_hc.thy .thy
+ j=wcard_hc
+ isabelle -q -e 'use_thy "wcard_hc";print_depth 300;theory "wcard_hc";axioms_of it;quit();' HOLCF
val it = false : bool
ML> val commit = fn : unit -> bool
Loading theory "HsHOLCF" (required by "wcard_hc")
fliftbin :: "('a => 'b => 'c) => 'a lift -> 'b lift -> 'c lift"
Proving isomorphism properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Proving induction properties of domain HsHOLCF.llist ...
Loading theory "wcard_hc"
[opening /home/maeder/casl/CASL-lib/Isabelle/prelude.ML]
structure Header :
sig val record : string -> unit
val initialize : string list -> unit end
val it = () : unit
Proving isomorphism properties of domain wcard_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving induction properties of domain wcard_hc.Prelude_Boolx ...
Proving isomorphism properties of domain wcard_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
Proving induction properties of domain wcard_hc.Prelude_Natx ...
val it = () : unit
val it = () : unit
val it =
{ProtoPure, Pure, CPure, HOL, Lattice_Locales, Orderings, LOrder, Set,
Typedef, Fun, Product_Type, FixedPoint, Sum_Type, Relation, Record,
Inductive, Transitive_Closure, Wellfounded_Recursion, OrderedGroup,
Ring_and_Field, Nat, NatArith, Datatype_Universe, Datatype, Divides,
Power, Finite_Set, Wellfounded_Relations, Equiv_Relations, IntDef,
Numeral, IntArith, SetInterval, Recdef, IntDiv, NatBin, NatSimprocs,
Presburger, Relation_Power, Parity, GCD, Binomial, PreList, List, Map,
Refute, SAT, Hilbert_Choice, Infinite_Set, Extraction, Reconstruction,
Main, Porder, Pcpo, Ffun, Cont, Adm, Pcpodef, Cfun, Cprod, Sprod, Ssum,
Up, Discrete, Lift, One, Tr, Fix, Fixrec, Domain, HOLCF, HsHOLCF,
wcard_hc} : theory
val it =
"map1 ==
LAM x f.
case x of Zx => Sx$(f$(Def 0)) | Sx$pX1 => Sx$(f$pX1)
| SSx$pX2$pX1 => x"),
("wcard_hc.Prelude_Natx.reach","fix$Prelude_Natx_copy$?x = ?x"),
("wcard_hc.Prelude_Boolx.reach","fix$Prelude_Boolx_copy$?x = ?x"),
"Sx == LAM a. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinl$a))"),
("wcard_hc.Prelude_Natx.Zx_def","Zx == Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"SSx == LAM P'1 P'2. Prelude_Natx_abs$(sinr$(sinr$(:P'1, P'2:)))"),
"Prelude_Natx_rep$(Prelude_Natx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Natx_abs$(Prelude_Natx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_rep$(Prelude_Boolx_abs$?x) = ?x"),
"Prelude_Boolx_abs$(Prelude_Boolx_rep$?x) = ?x"),
"Sx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$(LAM a. a)$UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_copy ==
LAM f.
Prelude_Natx_abs oo
Prelude_Natx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(LAM a. sinr$(sinl$a))$(LAM P'1 P'2.
"Prelude_Natx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Natx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Natx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 f3 x.
sscase$(LAM dummy. f1)$(sscase$f2$(ssplit$f3))$(Prelude_Natx_rep$x)"),
("wcard_hc.Prelude_Boolx.Minx_def","Minx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinl$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_copy ==
LAM f. Prelude_Boolx_abs oo Prelude_Boolx_when$(sinl$ONE)$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_take == %n. iterate n Prelude_Boolx_copy UU"),
"Prelude_Boolx_when ==
LAM f1 f2 x.
case Prelude_Boolx_rep$x of sinl$dummy => f1 | sinr$dummy => f2"),
"SSx_1 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'1)"),
"SSx_2 == Prelude_Natx_when$UU$UU$(LAM P'1 P'2. P'2)"),
"Prelude_Natx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU |
x = Zx & x' = Zx |
(EX a. a ~= UU & x = Sx$a & x' = Sx$a) |
(EX P'2 P'1 P'1'.
P'2 ~= UU &
P'1 ~= UU &
P'1' ~= UU & R P'1 P'1' & x = SSx$P'1$P'2 & x' = SSx$P'1'$P'2)"),
"is_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. TT)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"is_Zx == Prelude_Natx_when$TT$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. FF)"),
"Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_abs$(sinr$ONE)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_bisim ==
ALL x x'.
R x x' -->
x = UU & x' = UU | x = Minx & x' = Minx | x = Plusx & x' = Plusx"),
"Prelude_Natx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Natx_take n$x = x"),
"is_SSx == Prelude_Natx_when$FF$(LAM a. FF)$(LAM P'1 P'2. TT)"),
"Prelude_Boolx_finite == %x. EX n. Prelude_Boolx_take n$x = x"),
"is_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$TT$FF"),
"match_Sx == Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. return$a)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"match_Zx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$(return$())$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. fail)"),
"is_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$FF$TT"),
"match_SSx ==
Prelude_Natx_when$fail$(LAM a. fail)$(LAM P'1 P'2. return$<P'1, P'2>)"),
"match_Minx == Prelude_Boolx_when$(return$())$fail"),
"match_Plusx == Prelude_Boolx_when$fail$(return$())")]
: (string * thm) list