h2hf.hs revision df29370ae8d8b41587957f6bcdcb43a3f1927e47
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : meader@tzi.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable(uses programatica)
test translation from Haskell to Isabelle
module Main where
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Result
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCF
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Haskell.HatAna as HatAna
import Haskell.HatParser
pickParser :: (Continuity, Bool)
-> AParser () (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
pickParser c = do
b <- hatParser
let res@(Result _ m) = do
(_, _, sig, sens) <- hatAna (b, HatAna.emptySign, emptyGlobalAnnos)
transTheory (fst c) (snd c) sig sens
case m of
Nothing -> fail $ show res
Just x -> return x
main :: IO ()
main = do
let err = "command line input error: first argument must be"
++ " either h (HOL), hc (HOLCF), mh (HOL with theory morphisms),"
++ " mhc (HOLCF with theory morphisms)."
l <- getArgs
case l of
[] -> putStrLn err
c : fs -> let elm = elem $ map toLower c in
mapM_ (process (if elm ["h", "hol"] then (NotCont,False)
else if elm ["hc", "holcf"] then (IsCont,False)
else if elm ["mh", "mhol"] then (IsCont,True)
else if elm ["mhc", "mholcf"] then (IsCont,True)
else error err)) fs
process :: (Continuity,Bool) -> FilePath -> IO ()
process c fn = do
putStrLn $ "translating " ++ show fn ++ " to " ++ case c of
(IsCont,False) -> "HOLCF"
(NotCont,False) -> "HOL"
(IsCont,True) -> "HOLCF with theory morphisms"
(NotCont,True) -> "HOL with theory morphisms"
s <- readFile fn
ld <- getEnv "HETS_LIB"
case runParser (pickParser c) (emptyAnnos ()) fn s of
Right (sig, hs) -> do
let tn = takeWhile (/= '.')
(reverse . takeWhile ( \ x -> x /= '/') $ reverse fn) ++ "_"
++ case c of
(IsCont,False) -> "hc"
(NotCont,False) -> "h"
(IsCont,True) -> "mhc"
(NotCont,True) -> "mh"
nsig = sig {theoryName = tn}
doc = printIsaTheory tn ld nsig hs
thyFile = tn ++ ".thy"
putStrLn $ "writing " ++ show thyFile
writeFile thyFile (shows doc "\n")
Left err -> putStrLn $ show err