Wrapper.hs revision 3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecd
{- |
Module: $Header$
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2003
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
extract Haskell code from String
stops at unbalanced "}"
"then" may be recognized if it is not preceded by "if"
but that's not worth the trouble, because ...
"and" is used by Haskell,
"with", "hide", "reveal", "within", "end"
may be userdefined in Haskell
module Haskell.Wrapper where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Lexer
import Data.Char
hStuff, stuff :: CharParser st String
hStuff = flat $ many stuff
stuff = lineComment <|> nestComment <|> stringLit <|> charLit
<|> balanced "{}"
<|> balanced "()"
<|> balanced "[]"
<|> satisfy isAlpha <:> many (satisfy isAlphaNum <|> prime)
<|> single (noneOf "])}") <?> ""
balanced :: String -> CharParser st String
balanced [o, c] = char o <:> hStuff <++> string [c]
balanced _ = error "balanced"
nestComment :: CharParser st String
nestComment = nestedComment "{-" "-}"
lineComment, stringLit, charLit :: CharParser st String
lineComment = try (string "--") <++> many (noneOf "\n\r")
<++> many (oneOf "\n\r")
stringLit = enclosedBy (flat $ many $ single (noneOf "\\\"")
<|> char '\\' <:> single anyChar) $ char '\"'
charLit = try (string "'''") <|>
enclosedBy (flat $ many $ single (noneOf "\\\'")
<|> char '\\' <:> single anyChar)
(char '\'')