Logic_Haskell.hs revision 5c53db0f07c1032e2850dc6e7df344c82a6dec57
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Sonja Groening, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
Here is the place where the class Logic is instantiated for Haskell.
Also the instances for Syntax an Category.
- writing real functions
module Haskell.Logic_Haskell (Haskell(..), HaskellMorphism) where
import Data.Dynamic
import Common.DynamicUtils
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Haskell.ATC_Haskell -- generated ATerm conversions
import Haskell.HatParser
import Haskell.HatAna
import Logic.Logic
hsDeclsTc :: TyCon
hsDeclsTc = mkTyCon "Haskell.HatParser.HsDecls"
instance Typeable HsDecls where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp hsDeclsTc []
tyconSign :: TyCon
tyconSign = mkTyCon "Haskell.HatAna.Sign"
instance Typeable Sign where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp tyconSign []
tyconPNT :: TyCon
tyconPNT = mkTyCon "Haskell.HatAna.PNT"
instance Typeable PNT where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp tyconPNT []
hsDeclItc :: TyCon
hsDeclItc = mkTyCon "Haskell.HatAna.TiDecl"
instance Typeable i => Typeable (TiDecl i) where
typeOf s = mkTyConApp hsDeclItc [typeOf $ (undefined :: TiDecl a -> a) s]
instance PrintLaTeX HsDecls where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrintLaTeX (TiDecl PNT) where
printLatex0 = printText0
-- a dummy datatype for the LogicGraph and for identifying the right
-- instances
data Haskell = Haskell deriving (Show)
instance Language Haskell where
description _ =
"Haskell - a purely functional programming language,\
\ featuring static typing, higher-order functions, polymorphism,\
\ type classes and monadic effects.\
\ See http://www.haskell.org"
type HaskellMorphism = (Sign,Sign)
instance Category Haskell Sign HaskellMorphism where
dom Haskell = fst
cod Haskell = snd
ide Haskell sig = (sig,sig)
comp Haskell (sig1,sig) (sig2,sig3) = if sig == sig2 then
return (sig1,sig3) else
fail "target of first and source of second Haskell morphism are different"
-- abstract syntax, parsing (and printing)
type SYMB_ITEMS = ()
type SYMB_MAP_ITEMS = ()
instance Syntax Haskell HsDecls
parse_basic_spec Haskell = Just hatParser
parse_symb_items Haskell = Nothing
parse_symb_map_items Haskell = Nothing
type Haskell_Sublogics = ()
type Symbol = ()
type RawSymbol = ()
instance Sentences Haskell (TiDecl PNT) () Sign HaskellMorphism Symbol where
map_sen Haskell _m s = return s
print_named Haskell ga (NamedSen lab sen) = printText0 ga sen <>
if null lab then empty
else space <> text "{-" <+> text lab <+> text "-}"
provers Haskell = []
cons_checkers Haskell = []
instance PrettyPrint HaskellMorphism where
printText0 ga (sig1,sig2) =
printText0 ga sig1 $$ ptext "->" $$ printText0 ga sig2
instance PrintLaTeX HaskellMorphism where
printLatex0 ga (sig1,sig2) =
printLatex0 ga sig1 $$ ptext "\\rightarrow" $$ printLatex0 ga sig2
instance StaticAnalysis Haskell HsDecls
(TiDecl PNT) ()
Symbol RawSymbol where
basic_analysis Haskell = Just hatAna
empty_signature Haskell = emptySign
signature_union Haskell s = return . addSign s
final_union Haskell = signature_union Haskell
inclusion Haskell sig1 sig2 = return (sig1,sig2)
is_subsig Haskell = isSubSign
instance Logic Haskell Haskell_Sublogics
Symbol RawSymbol ()