TIPhase.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
a couple of analysis phases taken from the original Hatchet
TIModule and Main module
Copyright: The Hatchet Team (see file Contributors)
Module: TIModule
Description: Type checking for a single module given
information about imported entities.
Primary Authors: Bernie Pope, Bryn Humberstone
Notes: See the file License for license information
module Haskell.Hatchet.TIPhase where
import Haskell.Hatchet.Infix (infixer)
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsSyn (HsModule, SrcLoc(..))
import Haskell.Hatchet.AnnotatedHsSyn(
AHsName (..),
AModule (..),
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsParsePostProcess (fixFunBindsInModule)
import Haskell.Hatchet.SynConvert (toAHsModule)
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsParseMonad (ParseResult (..))
import Haskell.Hatchet.HsParser (parse)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Desugar (desugarTidyModule)
import Haskell.Hatchet.TIMain (TypeEnv, Program, tiProgram)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Rename (renameTidyModule, IdentTable)
import Haskell.Hatchet.KindInference (KindEnv, kiModule)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Representation (Scheme)
import Haskell.Hatchet.DataConsAssump (dataConsEnv)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Utils (Binding (..), getDeclName)
import Haskell.Hatchet.FiniteMaps (addToFM)
import Haskell.Hatchet.TidyModule (TidyModule (..))
import Haskell.Hatchet.TypeSigs (SigEnv, collectSigs)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Class (-- addInstancesToHierarchy,
-- instanceToTopDecls,
import Haskell.Hatchet.Env (listToEnv,
import Haskell.Hatchet.Type (assumpId, assumpToPair)
import Haskell.Hatchet.MultiModuleBasics (ModuleInfo(..))
import Haskell.Hatchet.DependAnalysis (getBindGroups)
import Haskell.Hatchet.DeclsDepends (getDeclDeps)
import Haskell.Hatchet.HaskellPrelude
-- | read the source file and parse
parseFile :: String -> IO HsModule
parseFile srcFile =
src <- readFile srcFile
return (parseHsSource src)
-- | call the haskell parser and check for errors
parseHsSource :: String -> HsModule
parseHsSource s = case parse s (SrcLoc 1 1) 0 [] of
Ok _ e -> e
Failed err -> error err
-- | prelude module
preludeModInfo :: ModuleInfo
preludeModInfo = ModuleInfo {
moduleName = AModule "Prelude",
varAssumps = (listToEnv $ map assumpToPair preludeDefs),
tyconsMembers = tyconsMembersHaskellPrelude,
dconsAssumps = (listToEnv $ map assumpToPair preludeDataCons),
classHierarchy = listToEnv preludeClasses,
kinds = (listToEnv preludeTyconAndClassKinds),
infixDecls = preludeInfixDecls,
synonyms = preludeSynonyms
-- | map the abstract syntax into the annotated abstract syntax
getAnnotedSyntax :: HsModule -> AHsModule
getAnnotedSyntax moduleSyntax =
{- re-group matches into their associated funbinds
(patch up the output from the parser) -}
let moduleSyntaxFixedFunBinds = fixFunBindsInModule moduleSyntax
in toAHsModule moduleSyntaxFixedFunBinds
desugarTM :: ModuleInfo -> TidyModule -> TidyModule
desugarTM imports tidyMod = desugarTidyModule (synonyms imports) tidyMod
renameTM :: ModuleInfo -> TidyModule -> (TidyModule, IdentTable)
renameTM imports desugaredTidyModule =
-- TODO: we probably need to worry about synonyms and
-- the like as well but at the moment we can live
-- with vars and datacons only.
let importVarEnv = varAssumps imports
importDConsEnv = dconsAssumps imports
importClassHierarchy = classHierarchy imports
importKindEnv = kinds imports
importTyconMembers = tyconsMembers imports
importedNames = getNamesFromEnv importVarEnv
++ getNamesFromEnv importDConsEnv
++ getNamesFromTycons importTyconMembers
++ getNamesFromEnv importClassHierarchy
++ getNamesFromEnv importKindEnv
getNamesFromTycons :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])] -> [AHsName]
getNamesFromTycons = concatMap snd
(renamedTidyModule', identTable) =
renameTidyModule importedNames desugaredTidyModule
-- we pass in the imported infix decls
-- and also the ones from the local module
renamedTidyModule = infixer (tidyInFixDecls renamedTidyModule'
++ infixDecls imports) renamedTidyModule'
in (renamedTidyModule, identTable)
-- | collect all the type signatures from the module
-- (this must be done after renaming)
getAllTypeSigs :: TidyModule -> [AHsDecl]
getAllTypeSigs renamedTidyModule =
let rTySigs = tidyTySigs renamedTidyModule
rFunBinds = tidyFunBinds renamedTidyModule
rPatBinds = tidyPatBinds renamedTidyModule
in collectSigs (rFunBinds ++ rPatBinds) ++ rTySigs
-- | kind inference for all type constructors type variables and classes
getKindInfo :: TidyModule -> ModuleInfo -> KindEnv
getKindInfo renamedTidyModule imports =
let rDataDecls = tidyDataDecls renamedTidyModule
rNewTyDecls = tidyNewTyDecls renamedTidyModule
rClassDecls = tidyClassDecls renamedTidyModule
classAndDataDecls = rDataDecls ++ rNewTyDecls ++ rClassDecls
in kiModule (kinds imports) classAndDataDecls
-- | collect types for data constructors
getLocalDConsEnv :: TidyModule -> KindEnv -> TypeEnv
getLocalDConsEnv = getLocalDConsEnv2 True
-- | True gets constructors, False selectors
getLocalDConsEnv2 :: Bool -> TidyModule -> KindEnv -> TypeEnv
getLocalDConsEnv2 b renamedTidyModule kindInfo =
let rNewTyDecls = tidyNewTyDecls renamedTidyModule
rDataDecls = tidyDataDecls renamedTidyModule
in dataConsEnv b kindInfo (rDataDecls ++ rNewTyDecls)
getGlobalDConsEnv :: Env Scheme -> ModuleInfo -> TypeEnv
getGlobalDConsEnv localDConsEnv imports =
localDConsEnv `joinEnv` dconsAssumps imports
getClassHierarchy :: TidyModule -> ModuleInfo -> KindEnv -> ClassHierarchy
getClassHierarchy renamedTidyModule imports kindInfo =
let mname = tidyModName renamedTidyModule
importClassHierarchy = classHierarchy imports
rClassDecls = tidyClassDecls renamedTidyModule
resultClassHierarchy = foldl (flip (addClassToHierarchy mname
kindInfo)) importClassHierarchy
{- add type class instances to the class hierarchy XXX this is broken
addInstancesToHierarchy kindInfo classHierarchy
(rinstanceDecls ++ rdataDecls) -}
in resultClassHierarchy
-- lift the instance methods up to top-level decls
let liftedInstances
= concatMap (instanceToTopDecls cHierarchyWithInstances)
let liftedInstanceNames
= mapMaybe maybeGetDeclName liftedInstances
let identTableWithInstances
= foldl (\fm name -> addToFM name (bogusASrcLoc, Instance) fm)
identTable liftedInstanceNames
when (doDump dumps "instances") $
do {putStrLn " \n\n ---- lifted instance declarations ---- \n\n",
putStr $
unlines $
map (renderWithMode prettySemiColonMode . AHsPretty.ppAHsDecl)
getIdentTableWithMethods :: IdentTable -> ClassHierarchy -> IdentTable
getIdentTableWithMethods identTable cHierarchyWithInstances =
let classMethodAssumptions = classMethodAssumps cHierarchyWithInstances
classMethodNames = map (\assump -> assumpId assump)
in foldl (\fm name -> addToFM name (bogusASrcLoc, ClassMethod) fm)
identTable classMethodNames
-- | binding groups for top-level variables
getProgramBgs :: TidyModule -> [[AHsDecl]]
getProgramBgs renamedTidyModule =
let rFunBinds = tidyFunBinds renamedTidyModule
rPatBinds = tidyPatBinds renamedTidyModule
in getBindGroups (rFunBinds ++ rPatBinds) getDeclName getDeclDeps
-- sigEnv = listSigsToSigEnv kindInfo allTypeSigs
-- program = makeProgram sigEnv programBgs
-- | type inference checking for all variables
getLocalVarEnv :: TidyModule -> ModuleInfo -> SigEnv -> KindEnv
-> ClassHierarchy -> TypeEnv -> Program -> TypeEnv
getLocalVarEnv renamedTidyModule imports sigEnv kindInfo
cHierarchyWithInstances globalDConsEnv program =
let sels = getLocalDConsEnv2 False renamedTidyModule kindInfo
importVarEnv = varAssumps imports
mname = tidyModName renamedTidyModule
in tiProgram
-- name of the module
-- environment of type signatures
-- kind information about classes and type constructors
-- class hierarchy with instances
-- data constructor type environment
(joinEnv sels importVarEnv)
-- type environment
-- binding groups