Representation.hs revision 95df121be79af0f220254b38ee826448ee622c39
Copyright: Mark Jones and The Hatchet Team
(see file Contributors)
Module: Representation
Primary Authors: Mark Jones and Bernie Pope
Description: The basic data types for representing objects
in the type inference algorithm.
Notes: See the file License for license information
Large parts of this module were derived from
the work of Mark Jones' "Typing Haskell in
Haskell", (
module Haskell.Hatchet.Representation where
import Haskell.Hatchet.AnnotatedHsSyn (AHsName (..), AModule (..), AHsIdentifier(..))
import Haskell.Hatchet.Env (listToEnv)
import Haskell.Hatchet.PPrint
import qualified Haskell.Hatchet.Utils as Utils (fromAHsName,
import Haskell.Hatchet.FiniteMaps (FiniteMap)
-- Types
data Type = TVar Tyvar
| TCon Tycon
| TAp Type Type
| TGen Int -- type variable with de Bruijn index Int
| TArrow Type Type
| TTuple [Type]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Unquantified type variables
data Tyvar = Tyvar AHsName Kind
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
-- Type constructors
data Tycon = Tycon AHsName Kind
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- pretty printing for types etc:
instance PPrint Type where
pprint t = fst $ runVarName [] Utils.nameSupply $ prettyPrintTypeM t
-- the trickery is to map TVars and TGens into nice
-- variable names: a, b, c, d, and so on when we print them
prettyPrintTypeM :: Type -> VarName Doc
prettyPrintTypeM t
= case t of
TVar tyvar -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return (text nm)
Just v -> return $ text v
TCon tycon -> return $ pprint tycon
-- check for the Prelude.[] special case
TAp t1 t2 -> do case isListCon t1 of
True -> do doc <- prettyPrintTypeM t2
return $ brackets doc
False -> do doc1 <- prettyPrintTypeM t1
doc2 <- maybeParensAp t2
return $ doc1 <+> doc2
TGen i -> do findResult <- lookupInMap t
case findResult of
Nothing -> do nm <- nextName
updateVMap (t, nm)
return (text nm)
Just v -> return $ text v
TArrow t1 t2 -> do doc1 <- maybeParensArrow t1
doc2 <- prettyPrintTypeM t2
return $ doc1 <> text " -> " <> doc2
TTuple ts -> do tsDocs <- mapM prettyPrintTypeM ts
return $ parens $ hcat $ punctuate comma tsDocs
-- XXX this is a bit ugly (below)
isListCon :: Type -> Bool
isListCon t = t == TCon (Tycon (AQual (AModule "Prelude")
(AHsIdent "[]")) (Kfun Star Star))
-- puts parentheses around the doc for a type if needed
maybeParensAp :: Type -> VarName Doc
maybeParensAp t
= do case t of
TAp t1 _ -> do case isListCon t1 of
True -> prettyPrintTypeM t
False -> do doc <- prettyPrintTypeM t
return $ parens doc
_anything -> maybeParensArrow t
maybeParensArrow :: Type -> VarName Doc
maybeParensArrow t
= do case t of
TArrow _ _ -> do doc <- prettyPrintTypeM t
return $ parens doc
_anything -> prettyPrintTypeM t
instance PPrint Tycon where
pprint (Tycon i k) = pprint i
-- Kinds
data Kind = Star
| Kfun Kind Kind
| KVar Kindvar -- variables aren't really allowed in haskell in kinds
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) -- but we need them for kind inference
newtype Kindvar = Kindvar String deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
instance PPrint Kind where
pprint Star = text "*"
pprint (Kfun Star Star) = text "*->*"
pprint (Kfun k1 Star) = text "(" <> pprint k1 <> text ")" <> text "->*"
pprint (Kfun Star k2) = text "*->" <> text "(" <> pprint k2 <> text ")"
pprint (Kfun k1 k2) = text "(" <> pprint k1 <> text ")->(" <> pprint k2 <> text ")"
pprint (KVar kindVar) = pprint kindVar
instance PPrint Kindvar where
pprint (Kindvar s) = text s
-- @* -> * == [*,*]@
-- @(*->*->*) -> * -> * == [(*->*->*), *, *]@
unfoldKind :: Kind -> [Kind]
unfoldKind Star = [Star]
unfoldKind (KVar v) = [KVar v]
unfoldKind (Kfun k1 k2) = k1 : unfoldKind k2
-- Predicates
data Pred = IsIn Class Type
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance PPrint Pred where
-- pprint (IsIn c t) = pprint c <+> pprint t
pprint pred
= fst $ runVarName [] Utils.nameSupply $ prettyPrintPredM pred
prettyPrintPredM :: Pred -> VarName Doc
prettyPrintPredM (IsIn c t)
= do typeDoc <- prettyPrintTypeM t
return $ pprint c <+> typeDoc
-- Qualified entities
data Qual t = [Pred] :=> t
deriving (Show, Eq)
prettyPrintQualPredM :: Qual Pred -> VarName Doc
prettyPrintQualPredM (preds :=> pred)
= do case preds of
[] -> prettyPrintPredM pred
[p] -> do leftPredDoc <- prettyPrintPredM p
rightPredDoc <- prettyPrintPredM pred
return $ hsep [leftPredDoc, text "=>", rightPredDoc]
preds@(_:_:_) -> do docs <- mapM prettyPrintPredM preds
let predsDoc = parens (hcat (punctuate comma docs))
rightPredDoc <- prettyPrintPredM pred
return $ hsep [predsDoc, text "=>", rightPredDoc]
prettyPrintInst :: Inst -> Doc
prettyPrintInst inst
= fst $ runVarName [] Utils.nameSupply $ prettyPrintQualPredM inst
instance PPrint t => PPrint (Qual t) where
pprint (ps :=> t) = pptuple ps <+> text "=>" <+> pprint t
-- special case for qualified types
prettyPrintQualTypeM :: Qual Type -> VarName Doc
prettyPrintQualTypeM (preds :=> t)
= do case preds of
[] -> prettyPrintTypeM t
[p] -> do predDoc <- prettyPrintPredM p
typeDoc <- prettyPrintTypeM t
return $ hsep [predDoc, text "=>", typeDoc]
preds@(_:_:_) -> do docs <- mapM prettyPrintPredM preds
let predsDoc = parens (hcat (punctuate comma docs))
typeDoc <- prettyPrintTypeM t
return $ hsep [predsDoc, text "=>", typeDoc]
-- Class
type Class = AHsName
-- Instance
type Inst = Qual Pred
-- substitutions
type Subst = FiniteMap Tyvar Type
-- schemes
data Scheme = Forall [Kind] (Qual Type) -- kinds for type variables
-- listed by de Bruijn indices
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance PPrint Scheme where
pprint scheme
= fst $ runVarName [] Utils.nameSupply $ prettyPrintSchemeM scheme
prettyPrintSchemeM :: Scheme -> VarName Doc
prettyPrintSchemeM (Forall _kinds qType)
= prettyPrintQualTypeM qType
-- assumptions
data Assump = AHsName :>: Scheme
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance PPrint Assump where
pprint (i :>: s) = (text (show i) <+> text ":>:") $$ nest 2 (pprint s)
-- a monad for matching type variables with nice names for pretty printing
newtype VarName a = VarName (State -> (a, State))
type VMap = [(Type, String)] -- maps type (vars) to strings
type NameSupply = [String] -- a fresh name supply
data State =
State {
vmap :: VMap, -- the map of variables to names
names :: NameSupply -- a fresh name Supply
instance Monad VarName where
return a
= VarName (\state -> (a, state))
VarName comp >>= fun
= VarName (\state -> let (result, newState) = comp state
VarName comp' = fun result
in comp' newState)
runVarName :: VMap -> NameSupply -> VarName a -> (a, State)
runVarName varMap nameSupp (VarName comp)
= (result, newState)
= comp (State {vmap = varMap,
names = nameSupp})
select :: (State -> a) -> VarName a
select selector = VarName (\state -> (selector state, state))
getVMap :: VarName VMap
getVMap = select vmap
updateVMap :: (Type, String) -> VarName ()
updateVMap newEntry
= VarName (\state -> let oldmap = vmap state
in ((), state {vmap = newEntry : oldmap}))
nextName :: VarName String
= VarName (\state -> let oldNames = names state
in (head oldNames, state {names = tail oldNames}))
lookupInMap :: Type -> VarName (Maybe String)
lookupInMap t
= do m <- getVMap
return $ lookup t m