MultiModuleBasics.hs revision 8b4c68db8b465107cabef8b9cd5b6bc216e1b156
Copyright: The Hatchet Team (see file Contributors)
Module: MultiModuleBasics
Description: More Support code for type checking multi-module
Primary Authors: Bryn Humberstone
Notes: See the file License for license information
module Haskell.Hatchet.MultiModuleBasics where
import Haskell.Hatchet.Env(Env, joinEnv, emptyEnv)
import Haskell.Hatchet.KindInference(KindEnv)
import Haskell.Hatchet.Class(ClassHierarchy)
import Haskell.Hatchet.AnnotatedHsSyn
import Haskell.Hatchet.Representation
data ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo {
moduleName :: AModule,
varAssumps :: Env Scheme, -- function declarations
-- map, mapping names to type schemes
dconsAssumps :: Env Scheme, -- type declarations
-- tyconsMembers is a little bit of a hack (sorry)
-- so that we can see what each type constructor has
-- as its datacons (see getTyconsMembers for an example)
classHierarchy :: ClassHierarchy,
kinds :: KindEnv,
synonyms :: [AHsDecl],
infixDecls :: [AHsDecl], -- infixities
tyconsMembers :: [(AHsName, [AHsName])]
deriving Show
-- takes a module and figures out what type constructor each
-- data constructor belongs to (return something like
-- [(Prelude.Bool, [Prelude.True, Prelude.False])]
getTyconsMembers :: AHsModule -> [(AHsName, [AHsName])]
getTyconsMembers (AHsModule _ _ _ decls)
= [ (tycon, map dconName dataconsDecls) |
(AHsDataDecl _ _ tycon _ dataconsDecls _) <- decls ]
where dconName (AHsConDecl _ name _) = name
dconName (AHsRecDecl _ name _) = name
-- takes a module and just extracts all the InfixDecls (returns
-- it as a list of AHsDecl, all of which are AHsInfixDecl)
getInfixDecls :: AHsModule -> [AHsDecl]
getInfixDecls (AHsModule _ _ _ decls)
= [ d | d@(AHsInfixDecl _ _ _ _) <- decls ]
emptyModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo
= ModuleInfo { varAssumps = emptyEnv,
moduleName = AModule "Empty",
dconsAssumps = emptyEnv,
classHierarchy = emptyEnv,
tyconsMembers = [],
kinds = emptyEnv,
infixDecls = [],
synonyms = [] }
concatModuleInfos :: [ModuleInfo] -> ModuleInfo
concatModuleInfos = foldr joinModuleInfo emptyModuleInfo
joinModuleInfo :: ModuleInfo -> ModuleInfo -> ModuleInfo
joinModuleInfo mod1 mod2
= ModuleInfo {
moduleName = AModule mn,
varAssumps = comb varAssumps joinEnv,
dconsAssumps = comb dconsAssumps joinEnv,
kinds = comb kinds joinEnv,
tyconsMembers = comb tyconsMembers (++),
classHierarchy = comb classHierarchy joinEnv,
synonyms = comb synonyms (++),
infixDecls = comb infixDecls (++)
where comb field joiningMethod = joiningMethod (field mod1) (field mod2)
mn = (\(AModule x) -> x) (moduleName mod1)
modToFilePath :: AModule -> FilePath
modToFilePath (AModule m) = m ++ ".ti"