Docs.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
the doc monad for HsPretty and AHsPretty
module Haskell.Hatchet.Docs where
import qualified Common.Lib.Pretty as P
infixl 5 $$$
-- pretty printing monad
data PPLayout = PPOffsideRule -- classical layout
| PPSemiColon -- classical layout made explicit
| PPInLine -- inline decls, \n between them
| PPNoLayout -- everything on a single line
deriving Eq
type Indent = Int
data PPHsMode = PPHsMode {
classIndent :: Indent, -- class, instance
doIndent :: Indent,
caseIndent :: Indent,
letIndent :: Indent,
whereIndent :: Indent,
onsideIndent :: Indent,
spacing :: Bool, -- blank lines between statements?
layout :: PPLayout, -- to do
comments :: Bool -- to come later
defaultMode = PPHsMode{
classIndent = 8,
doIndent = 3,
caseIndent = 4,
letIndent = 4,
whereIndent = 6,
onsideIndent = 2,
spacing = True,
layout = PPOffsideRule,
comments = True
newtype DocM s a = DocM (s -> a)
instance Functor (DocM s) where
fmap f xs = do x <- xs; return (f x)
instance Monad (DocM s) where
(>>=) = thenDocM
(>>) = then_DocM
return = retDocM
{-# INLINE thenDocM #-}
{-# INLINE then_DocM #-}
{-# INLINE retDocM #-}
{-# INLINE unDocM #-}
{-# INLINE getPPEnv #-}
thenDocM m k = DocM $ (\s -> case unDocM m $ s of a -> unDocM (k a) $ s)
then_DocM m k = DocM $ (\s ->case unDocM m $ s of a -> unDocM k $ s)
retDocM a = DocM (\s -> a)
unDocM :: DocM s a -> (s -> a)
unDocM (DocM f) = f
-- all this extra stuff, just for this one function..
getPPEnv :: DocM s s
getPPEnv = DocM id
-- So that pp code still looks the same
-- this means we lose some generality though
type Doc = DocM PPHsMode P.Doc
-- The pretty printing combinators
empty :: Doc
empty = return P.empty
nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
nest i m = m >>= return . P.nest i
-- Literals
text, ptext :: String -> Doc
text = return . P.text
ptext = return . P.text
char :: Char -> Doc
char = return . P.char
int :: Int -> Doc
int = return .
integer :: Integer -> Doc
integer = return . P.integer
float :: Float -> Doc
float = return . P.float
double :: Double -> Doc
double = return . P.double
rational :: Rational -> Doc
rational = return . P.rational
-- Simple Combining Forms
parens, brackets, braces,quotes,doubleQuotes :: Doc -> Doc
parens d = d >>= return . P.parens
brackets d = d >>= return . P.brackets
braces d = d >>= return . P.braces
quotes d = d >>= return . P.quotes
doubleQuotes d = d >>= return . P.doubleQuotes
-- Constants
semi,comma,colon,space,equals :: Doc
semi = return P.semi
comma = return P.comma
colon = return P.colon
space = return
equals = return P.equals
lparen,rparen,lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace :: Doc
lparen = return P.lparen
rparen = return P.rparen
lbrack = return P.lbrack
rbrack = return P.rbrack
lbrace = return P.lbrace
rbrace = return P.rbrace
-- Combinators
(<>),(<+>),($$),($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
aM <> bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.<> b)}
aM <+> bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.<+> b)}
aM $$ bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.$$ b)}
aM $+$ bM = do{a<-aM;b<-bM;return (a P.$+$ b)}
hcat,hsep,vcat,sep,cat,fsep,fcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.hcat
hsep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.hsep
vcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.vcat
sep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.sep
cat dl = sequence dl >>= return .
fsep dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.fsep
fcat dl = sequence dl >>= return . P.fcat
-- Some More
hang :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
hang dM i rM = do{d<-dM;r<-rM;return $ P.hang d i r}
-- Yuk, had to cut-n-paste this one from Pretty.hs
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate p [] = []
punctuate p (d:ds) = go d ds
go d [] = [d]
go d (e:es) = (d <> p) : go e es
-- this is the equivalent of runM now.
renderWithMode :: PPHsMode -> Doc -> String
renderWithMode ppMode d = P.render . unDocM d $ ppMode
render :: Doc -> String
render = renderWithMode defaultMode
fullRenderWithMode :: PPHsMode -> P.Mode -> Int -> Float ->
(P.TextDetails -> a -> a) -> a -> Doc -> a
fullRenderWithMode ppMode m i f fn e mD =
P.fullRender m i f fn e $ (unDocM mD) ppMode
fullRender :: P.Mode -> Int -> Float -> (P.TextDetails -> a -> a)
-> a -> Doc -> a
fullRender = fullRenderWithMode defaultMode
------------------------- pp utils -------------------------
maybePP :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
maybePP pp Nothing = empty
maybePP pp (Just a) = pp a
parenList :: [Doc] -> Doc
parenList = parens . myFsepSimple . punctuate comma
braceList :: [Doc] -> Doc
braceList = braces . myFsepSimple . punctuate comma
bracketList :: [Doc] -> Doc
bracketList = brackets . myFsepSimple
-- Monadic PP Combinators -- these examine the env
blankline :: Doc -> Doc
blankline dl = do{e<-getPPEnv;if spacing e && layout e /= PPNoLayout
then space $$ dl else dl}
topLevel :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
topLevel header dl = do
e <- fmap layout getPPEnv
case e of
PPOffsideRule -> header $$ vcat dl
PPSemiColon -> header $$ (braces . vcat . punctuate semi) dl
PPInLine -> header $$ (braces . vcat . punctuate semi) dl
PPNoLayout -> header <+> (braces . hsep . punctuate semi) dl
body :: (PPHsMode -> Int) -> [Doc] -> Doc
body f dl = do
e <- fmap layout getPPEnv
case e of PPOffsideRule -> indent
PPSemiColon -> indentExplicit
_ -> inline
inline = braces . hsep . punctuate semi $ dl
indent = do{i <-fmap f getPPEnv;nest i . vcat $ dl}
indentExplicit = do {i <- fmap f getPPEnv;
nest i . braces . vcat . punctuate semi $ dl}
($$$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
a $$$ b = layoutChoice (a $$) (a <+>) b
mySep :: [Doc] -> Doc
mySep = layoutChoice mySep' hsep
-- ensure paragraph fills with indentation.
mySep' [x] = x
mySep' (x:xs) = x <+> fsep xs
mySep' [] = error "Internal error: mySep"
myVcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
myVcat = layoutChoice vcat hsep
myFsepSimple :: [Doc] -> Doc
myFsepSimple = layoutChoice fsep hsep
-- same, except that continuation lines are indented,
-- which is necessary to avoid triggering the offside rule.
myFsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
myFsep = layoutChoice fsep' hsep
where fsep' [] = empty
fsep' (d:ds) = do
e <- getPPEnv
let n = onsideIndent e
nest n (fsep (nest (-n) d:ds))
layoutChoice :: (a -> Doc) -> (a -> Doc) -> a -> Doc
layoutChoice a b dl = do e <- getPPEnv
if layout e == PPOffsideRule ||
layout e == PPSemiColon
then a dl else b dl
parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
parensIf True = parens
parensIf False = id