HatParser.hs revision 84933d742dc5bcf760653b5d1784e00cee342032
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : calling programatica's parser
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(multiple parameter class, functional dependency)
Wrapper for Haskell parsing.
Parses Haskell declarations (not a whole module), for use
in heterogeneous specifications
module Haskell.HatParser (module P, HsDecls(..), hatParser) where
import AST4ModSys as P(toMod)
import DefinedNames as P(DefinedNames)
import Ents as P(Ent(Ent))
import HasBaseName as P(HasBaseName(getBaseName))
import HsConstants as P(mod_Prelude)
import HsName as P (HsName)
import Lift as P(Lift(lift))
import Modules as P(inscope)
import MUtils as P(mapFst)
import Names as P(QualNames(getQualified), QName)
import NewPrettyPrint as P(pp)
import OrigTiMonad as P(withStdNames, inModule, extendts,
extendkts, extendIEnv)
import ParseMonad as P(parseTokens)
import PNT as P(PNT(PNT))
import PPfeInstances()
import PrettyPrint2 as P(Printable)
import PropLexer as P(pLexerPass0)
import PropParser as P(parse)
import PropPosSyntax as P hiding(SN, Id, HsName)
import ReAssocBase as P(getInfixes)
import ReAssocModule as P(reAssocModule)
import Relations as P(applyRel, minusRel, mapDom, emptyRel, Rel)
import ScopeModule as P(origName, scopeModule)
import SourceNames as P(fakeSN, SN(SN))
import TiClasses as P(TAssump, TypeCheckDecls(tcTopDecls), HasDefs(fromDefs))
import TiDefinedNames as P(definedType)
import TiInstanceDB as P(Instance)
import TiNames as P(ValueId(topName))
import TiPropDecorate as P(TiDecl, TiDecls)
import TiTypes as P(Kind, Scheme, Typing((:>:)), Assump, TypeInfo)
import TypedIds as P(IdTy(Value), HasNameSpace(namespace))
import UniqueNames as P(noSrcLoc, Orig(G), PN(PN))
import WorkModule as P(mkWM, WorkModuleI)
import Haskell.Wrapper
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Data.Char
instance Pretty HsDecls where
pretty = printHsDecls
printHsDecls :: HsDecls -> Doc
printHsDecls ds =
vcat (map (text . ((++) "\n") . pp) $ hsDecls ds)
data HsDecls = HsDecls { hsDecls :: [HsDeclI (SN HsName)] } deriving (Show, Eq)
hatParser :: GenParser Char st HsDecls
hatParser = do p <- getPosition
s <- hStuff
let (l, c) = (sourceLine p, sourceColumn p)
front = takeWhile (not . isSpace) $ dropWhile isSpace s
s2 = if front == "module" then s else
(replicate (l-2) '\n' ++
"module Prelude where\n" ++
replicate (c-1) ' ' ++ s)
ts = pLexerPass0 True s2
case parseTokens P.parse (sourceName p) ts of
Result _ (Just (HsModule _ _ _ _ ds)) ->
return $ HsDecls ds
Result ds Nothing -> unexpected
('\n' : unlines (map diagString ds)
++ "(in Haskell code after " ++ shows p ")")