HatAna.hs revision 95fd3c9e30e20c1f0953f08c77448b1e0a21346b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : maeder@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
This module supplies a signature type and a type checking function
for the Haskell logic.
module Haskell.HatAna (module Haskell.HatAna, PNT, TiDecl) where
import Haskell.HatParser hiding (hatParser)
import Haskell.PreludeString
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id(Pos(..),Range(..))
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Set as DSet
type Scope = Rel (SN HsName) (Ent (SN String))
data Sign = Sign
{ instances :: [Instance PNT]
, types :: Map.Map (HsIdentI PNT) (Kind, TypeInfo PNT)
, values :: Map.Map (HsIdentI PNT) (Scheme PNT)
, scope :: Scope
, fixities :: Map.Map (HsIdentI (SN String)) HsFixity
} deriving (Show, Eq)
diffSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
diffSign e1 e2 = emptySign
{ instances = instances e1 \\ instances e2
, types = types e1 `Map.difference` types e2
, values = values e1 `Map.difference` values e2
, scope = scope e1 `minusRel` scope e2
, fixities = fixities e1 `Map.difference` fixities e2
addSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
addSign e1 e2 = emptySign
{ instances = let is = instances e2 in (instances e1 \\ is) ++ is
, types = types e1 `Map.union` types e2
, values = values e1 `Map.union` values e2
, scope = scope e1 `DSet.union` scope e2
, fixities = fixities e1 `Map.union` fixities e2
isSubSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubSign e1 e2 = diffSign e1 e2 == emptySign
instance Eq (TypeInfo i) where
_ == _ = True
instance Eq (TiDecl PNT) where
s1 == s2 = show s1 == show s2
instance Ord (TiDecl PNT) where
s1 <= s2 = show s1 <= show s2
instance PrettyPrint (TiDecl PNT) where
printText0 _ = text . pp
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 _ Sign { instances = is, types = ts,
values = vs, fixities = fs, scope = sc }
= text "{-" $$ (if null is then empty else
text "instances:" $$
vcat (map (text . pp . fst) is)) $$
(if Map.null ts then empty else
text "\ntypes:" $$
vcat (map (text . pp)
[ a :>: b | (a, b) <- Map.toList ts ])) $$
(if Map.null vs then empty else
text "\nvalues:" $$
vcat (map (text . pp)
[ a :>: b | (a, b) <- Map.toList vs ])) $$
(if Map.null fs then empty else
text "\nfixities:" $$
vcat [ text (pp b) <+> text (pp a)
| (a, b) <- Map.toList fs ]) $$
text "\nscope:" $$
text (pp sc) $$
text "-}" $$
text "module Dummy where"
extendSign :: Sign -> [Instance PNT]
-> [TAssump PNT]
-> [Assump PNT]
-> Scope
-> [(HsIdentI (SN String), HsFixity)]
-> Sign
extendSign e is ts vs s fs = addSign e emptySign
{ instances = is
, types = Map.fromList [ (a, b) | (a :>: b) <- ts ]
, values = Map.fromList [ (a, b) | (a :>: b) <- vs ]
, scope = s
, fixities = Map.fromList fs
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = Sign
{ instances = []
, types = Map.empty
, values = Map.empty
, scope = emptyRel
, fixities = Map.empty
hatAna :: (HsDecls, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (HsDecls, Sign, Sign, [Named (TiDecl PNT)])
hatAna (HsDecls hs, e, ga) = do
let (rs, ds) = preludeConflicts hs
Result ds $ Just ()
(decls, diffSig, accSig, sens) <-
hatAna2 (HsDecls rs, addSign e preludeSign, ga)
return (decls, diffSig, diffSign accSig preludeSign, sens)
preludeSign :: Sign
preludeSign = case maybeResult $ hatAna2
(HsDecls $ preludeDecls,
emptySign, emptyGlobalAnnos) of
Just (_, _, sig, _) -> sig
_ -> error "preludeSign"
hatAna2 :: (HsDecls, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (HsDecls, Sign, Sign, [Named (TiDecl PNT)])
hatAna2 (hs@(HsDecls ds), e, _) = do
let parsedMod = HsModule loc0 (SN mod_Prelude loc0) Nothing [] ds
astMod = toMod parsedMod
insc = inscope astMod (const emptyRel)
osc = scope e `DSet.union` insc
expScope :: Rel (SN String) (Ent (SN String))
expScope = mapDom (fmap hsUnQual) osc
wm :: WorkModuleI QName (SN String)
wm = mkWM (osc, expScope)
fixs = mapFst getQualified $ getInfixes parsedMod
fixMap = Map.fromList fixs `Map.union` fixities e
rm = reAssocModule wm [(mod_Prelude, Map.toList fixMap)] parsedMod
(HsModule _ _ _ _ sds, _) =
scopeModule (wm, [(mod_Prelude, expScope)]) rm
ent2pnt (Ent m (HsCon i) t) =
HsCon (topName Nothing m (bn i) (origt m t))
ent2pnt (Ent m (HsVar i) t) =
HsVar (topName Nothing m (bn i) (origt m t))
bn i = getBaseName i
origt m = fmap (osub m)
osub m n = origName n m n
findPredef ns (_, n) =
case filter ((==ns) . namespace) $ applyRel expScope (fakeSN n) of
[v] -> Right (ent2pnt v)
_ -> Left ("'" ++ n ++ "' unknown or ambiguous")
inMyEnv = withStdNames findPredef
. inModule (const mod_Prelude) []
. extendts [ a :>: b | (a, b) <- Map.toList $ values e ]
. extendkts [ a :>: b | (a, b) <- Map.toList $ types e ]
. extendIEnv (instances e)
case sds of
[] -> return ()
d : _ -> Result [Diag Hint ("\n" ++ pp sds)
(Range [formSrcLoc $ srcLoc d])] $ Just ()
fs :>: (is, (ts, vs)) <-
lift $ inMyEnv $ tcTopDecls id sds
let accSign = extendSign e is ts vs insc fixs
return (hs, diffSign accSign e, accSign, map emptyName $ fromDefs
(fs :: TiDecls PNT))
-- filtering some Prelude stuff
formSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> Pos
formSrcLoc (SrcLoc file _ line col) = SourcePos file line col
getHsDecl :: (Rec a b, GetBaseStruct b (DI i e p ds t [t] t)) =>
a -> DI i e p ds t [t] t
getHsDecl = maybe (HsFunBind loc0 []) id . basestruct . struct
-- use a dummy for properties
preludeConflicts :: [HsDecl] -> ([HsDecl], [Diagnosis])
preludeConflicts =
foldr ( \ d (es, ds) -> let e = getHsDecl d
p = [formSrcLoc $ srcLoc e]
if preludeEntity e then
Diag Warning ("possible Prelude conflict:\n " ++ pp e)
(Range p) : ds)
else (d : es, ds)) ([], [])
preludeEntity :: (Printable i, Show t, DefinedNames i t) =>
DI i e p ds t [t] t -> Bool
preludeEntity d = case d of
HsFunBind _ ms -> any preludeMatch ms
HsTypeSig _ ts _ _ -> any (flip Set.member preludeValues . pp) ts
HsTypeDecl _ ty _ -> Set.member (pp $ definedType ty) preludeTypes
HsDataDecl _ _ ty cs _ -> Set.member (pp $ definedType ty) preludeTypes
|| any preludeConstr cs
_ -> True -- ignore others
preludeMatch :: Printable i =>
HsMatchI i e p ds -> Bool
preludeMatch m = case m of
HsMatch _ n _ _ _ -> let s = pp n in
Set.member s preludeValues || prefixed s
preludeConstr :: Printable i => HsConDeclI i t [t] -> Bool
preludeConstr c = let s = pp $ case c of
HsConDecl _ _ _ n _ -> n
HsRecDecl _ _ _ n _ -> n
in Set.member s preludeConstrs
genPrefixes :: [String]
genPrefixes = ["$--", "default__", "derived__Prelude", "inst__Prelude"]
prefixed :: String -> Bool
prefixed s = any (flip isPrefixOf s) genPrefixes
preludeValues :: Set.Set String
preludeValues = Set.fromList $ filter (not . prefixed) $ map pp
$ Map.keys $ values preludeSign
preludeConstrs :: Set.Set String
preludeConstrs =
Set.filter ( \ s -> not (null s) && isUpper (head s)) preludeValues
preludeTypes :: Set.Set String
preludeTypes = Set.fromList $ map pp $ Map.keys $ types preludeSign