HParser.hs revision fee96087e751b3c8eee92c7eda744a2834669d8f
-- needs -package haskell-src
Authors: C. Maeder
Year: 2003
toDo: maybe change Language.Haskell.Parser
and export the parser for HsDecl
positions in successfully parsed abstract syntax are wrong
(they start with 3)
module HParser where
import Wrapper
import Language.Haskell.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Pretty
import Language.Haskell.Parser
import Common.Lib.Parsec
import PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
instance PrettyPrint HsDecls where
printText0 _ hsDecls =
vcat (map (text . ((++) "\n") . prettyPrint) hsDecls)
type HsDecls = [HsDecl]
hParser :: GenParser Char st HsDecls
hParser = do p <- getPosition
s <- hStuff
let r = parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode $ sourceName p)
("\nmodule Anonymous where\n" ++ s)
case r of
ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ hsDecls) ->
return hsDecls
ParseFailed loc msg -> do
let q = setSourceColumn (setSourceLine p
(srcLine loc + sourceLine p - 3))
$ srcColumn loc
setPosition q
consumeNothing -- throw "(un)expect..." away
fail msg