ZMapArgs.hascasl.output revision f8a1ab8012a1f36060d6ce9b63399fa4a8a2981c
free type Tree a ::= Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a | EmptyLeaf;
free type Nat ::= Zero | Suc Nat;
op caseTree : forall a . Tree Nat -> Tree Nat
forall h : Tree Nat; n : Nat; t : Tree Nat
. caseTree t =
(case t of
EmptyLeaf -> EmptyLeaf |
Leaf n -> EmptyLeaf |
Node EmptyLeaf n -> EmptyLeaf |
Node (Node h n) n -> h |
Node (Leaf n) n -> Leaf n);
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
: Type
%[free type Nat ::=
Zero : Nat
Suc : Nat -> Nat(Nat)]%
: Type -> Type
%[free type Tree(a : Type) ::=
Leaf : a -> Tree a(a)
Node : Tree a -> a -> Tree a(Tree a)(a)
EmptyLeaf : Tree a]%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
EmptyLeaf : forall a : Type . Tree a %(construct Tree)%
Leaf : forall a : Type . a -> Tree a %(construct Tree)%
Node : forall a : Type . Tree a -> a -> Tree a %(construct Tree)%
Suc : Nat -> Nat %(construct Nat)%
Zero : Nat %(construct Nat)%
caseTree : Tree Nat -> Tree Nat %(op)%
%% Variables -------------------------------------------------------------
h : Tree Nat
n : Nat
t : Tree Nat
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
free type Tree(a : Type) ::=
Leaf : a -> Tree a(a)
Node : Tree a -> a -> Tree a(Tree a)(a)
EmptyLeaf : Tree a %(ga_Tree)%
free type Nat ::=
Zero : Nat
Suc : Nat -> Nat(Nat) %(ga_Nat)%
caseTree t =
(case t of
EmptyLeaf -> EmptyLeaf |
Leaf n -> EmptyLeaf |
Node EmptyLeaf n -> EmptyLeaf |
Node (Node h n) n -> h |
Node (Leaf n) n -> Leaf n)
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
### Warning 1.18, missing kind for type variable 'a'
### Warning 4.23, missing kind for type variable 'a'
### Warning 4.27-4.44, ignoring unused variable(s)
a in 'Tree Nat -> Tree Nat'
### Hint 6.9, not a kind 'Tree Nat'
### Hint 7.9, not a class 'Nat'
### Hint 7.16, not a kind 'Tree Nat'
### Hint 10.27, rebound variable 'n'
### Hint 11.37, rebound variable 'n'
### Hint 12.33, rebound variable 'h'
### Hint 12.35, rebound variable 'n'
### Hint 12.37, rebound variable 'n'
### Hint 13.33, rebound variable 'n'
### Hint 13.36, rebound variable 'n'