WrongMixfixTerms.hascasl.output revision bf0a12ff587940621f70ef590176d498ff4c7847
*** Error 1.1-1.9,
ambiguous mixfix term
a < (a < a)
(a < a) < a
*** Error 2.1-2.40,
ambiguous mixfix term
((i div p) <= (j div q)) <=> ((i * q) <= (j * p))
(i div p) <= ((j div q) <=> (i * q)) <= (j * p)
*** Error 3.1-3.19,
ambiguous mixfix term
L --> ([ x ])
L --> ([ x ])
*** Error 4.1-4.17,
ambiguous mixfix term
(f a) <= ((f a) <= (f a))
((f a) <= (f a)) <= (f a)
(f a) <= (f a) <= (f a)
*** Error 5.1-5.5,
ambiguous mixfix term
(m #) #
(m #) #
(m #) #
*** Error 6.1-6.5,
ambiguous mixfix term
D (A b)
(D A) b
*** Error 7.1-7.20, expected further mixfix token: ["p","x"]
*** Error 8.1-8.8, expected further mixfix token: ["else"]
parse error at 9.3:
unexpected "then" or "t"
expecting "%", ":", "as", "in", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
parse error at 10.3:
unexpected "else" or "e"
expecting "%", ":", "as", "in", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
parse error at 11.7:
unexpected end of input
expecting casl char, "_", "%", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case" or "let"
parse error at 12.3:
unexpected "then" or "t"
expecting "%", ":", "as", "in", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
parse error at 13.3:
unexpected "else" or "e"
expecting "%", ":", "as", "in", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input