StateMonad.hascasl.output revision 678e45c045799ce271c4719123ecd9cf4f456d4b
vars m : Type -> Type; a : Type
op ret : a -> m a
var state : Type
type ST state a := state ->? a * state
var x : a
vars p : ST state a; b : Type; q : a ->? ST state b
op __>>=__ : m a * (a -> m b) -> m b
ST : Type -> Type -> Type
ST (state : Type) (a : Type) := state ->? a * state
a : Type %(var_2)%;
b : Type %(var_12)%;
m : Type -> Type %(var_1)%;
state : Type %(var_3)%
op __>>=__ : forall m : Type -> Type; a : Type; b : Type
. m a * (a -> m b) -> m b
op ret : forall m : Type -> Type; a : Type . a -> m a
p : ST state a;
q : a ->? ST state b;
x : a
### Hint 1.7, is type variable 'm'
### Hint 1.24, is type variable 'a'
### Hint 3.7-3.11, is type variable 'state'
### Hint 4.30,
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
### Hint 4.30,
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
### Hint 5.7, not a class 'a'
### Hint 6.8-6.12,
in type of '(op ret : forall m : Type -> Type; a : Type . a -> m a) (var x : a)'
typename 'a' (5.9)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (6.25)
### Hint 6.8-6.14,
untypeable term (with type: ? _v6_a) 'ret x : ST state a'
*** Error 6.3, no typing for 'def (ret x : ST state a)'
### Hint 8.3-8.7,
in type of '(op ret : forall m : Type -> Type; a : Type . a -> m a) (var x : a)'
typename 'a' (5.9)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (8.20)
### Hint 8.3-8.42,
untypeable term (with type: ? _v9_a * ? _v9_a)
'(ret x : ST state a, \ s : state . (x, s))'
*** Error 8.22,
no typing for '(ret x : ST state a) = \ s : state . (x, s)'
### Hint 10.7, not a kind 'ST state a'
### Hint 10.21, is type variable 'b'
### Hint 10.33, not a kind 'a ->? ST state b'
### Hint 11.14-11.16,
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
### Hint 11.14-11.16,
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
### Hint 13.3-13.9,
in type of '((var p : ST state a), (var q : a ->? ST state b))'
typename 'a' (10.35)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (10.18)
### Hint 13.3-13.9,
untypeable term (with type: _v14_m _v15_a * (_v15_a -> _v14_m _v16_b))
'(p, q)'
### Hint 13.5-13.54,
untypeable term (with type: ? _v13_a * ? _v13_a)
'(p >>= q, \ s2 : state . let (z, s2) = p s1 in q z s2)'
*** Error 13.11,
no typing for
'p >>= q = \ s2 : state . let (z, s2) = p s1 in q z s2'