Prelude.hascasl revision a9ac4d0904b5547e612f9a394b24666c1ea02ccb
%% predefined universe containing all types,
%% superclass of all other classes
class Type
var s,t : Type
%% invisible type "Unit" for formulae
type Unit: Type %% flat cpo with bottom
%% type aliases
type Pred __ (t: -Type) := t ->? Unit
type ? __ (t:Type) := Unit ->? t
pred true, false : Unit
preds __/\__, __\/__, __=>__, __if__,__<=>__ : Unit * Unit
pred not : Unit
pred __=__ : s * s %% =e=
%% (builtin) type (constructors)
type __->?__ : -Type -> +Type -> Type
%% nested pairs are different from n-tupels (n > 2)
type __*__ : +Type -> +Type -> Type
type __*__*__ : +Type -> +Type -> +Type -> Type
%% ...
%% "pred p args = e" abbreviates "op p args :? unit = e"
%% CASL requires "<=>" for pred-defn and disallows "()" as result
op def, tt : Pred s
var x : s
program def = \x: s . () %% def is also total (identical to tt)
program tt = \x: s . () %% tt is total "op tt(x: s): unit = ()"
program __und__ (x, y: Unit) : Unit = ()
%% total function type
type __->__ : -Type -> +Type -> Type
type __->__ < __ ->? __
. __ in s -> t = \f: s ->? t . all(\x:s. def f(x))
%% total functions
op __res__ (x: s; y: t) : s = x
op fst (x: s; y: t) : s = x
program snd (x: s, y: t) : t = y
%% trivial because its the strict function property
. (\ (x:s, y:t). def (x res y)) = (\ (x:s, y:t). (def y) und (def x))
. fst = (__ res__)
%% Internal Logic
pred eq : s * s
. (\x: s. eq(x, x)) = tt
. (\(x, y:s). x res eq(x,y)) = (\(x, y:s). y res eq(x,y))
%% then %def
%% notation "\ ." abbreviates "\bla:unit."
%% where "bla" is never used, but only "()" instead
%% for type inference
%% an implicit cast from s to ?s of a term "e" yields the term "\ . e"
type s < ?s
program all (p: Pred(s)) : Pred Unit = eq(p, tt)
%% the cast from ?s to s is still done manually here (for the strict "und")
program And (x, y: Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = t1() und t2()
%% use "And" instead of "und" to avoid cast from "?unit" to "unit"
program __impl__ (x, y: Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = eq(x, x And y)
program __or__ (x, y: Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = all(\r: Pred Unit.
((x impl r) und (y impl r)) impl r)
program ex (p: Pred(s)) : Pred Unit = all(\r: Pred Unit.
all(\x:s. p(x) impl r) impl r)
program ff () : Pred Unit = all(\r: Pred Unit. r())
program neg (r: Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = r impl ff
%% the type instance for the first "eq" should be "?t"
%% this is explicitely enforced by "\ .f(x)"
. all(\(f,g): s->?t. all(\x:s. eq(\ . f(x), g(x)) impl eq(f, g)))
%% Recursion (requires "free type nat ::= 0 | Suc(nat)" and "+"
type nat
class Cpo < Type
var c : Cpo
pred __<<=__ : c * c
. all(\x: c. x <<= x) %(reflexive)%
. all(\(x,y,z: c). ((x <<= y) und (y <<= z)) impl x <<= z) %(transitive)%
. all(\(x,y,z: c). ((x <<= y) und (y <<= x)) impl eq(x,y)) %(antisymmetric)%
pred isChain (s: nat -> c) <=> all(\n:nat. s(n) <<= s(Suc(n)))
pred isBound (x: c; s: nat -> c) <=> all(\n:nat. s(n) <<= x)
op sup : (nat -> c) ->? c
. all(\s: nat -> c. def(sup s) impl
(isBound(sup s, s) und all(\x:c. isBound(x, s) impl sup(s) <<= x)))
%(sup is minimally bound)%
. all(\s:nat -> c. isChain(s) impl def(sup(s))) %(sup exists)%
class Pcpo < Cpo
var p : Pcpo
op bottom : p
. all(\x : p. bottom <<= x)
class instance Flatcpo < Cpo
var f : Flatcpo
program __<<=[f]__ = eq
var c, d: Cpo
type instance __*__ : +Cpo -> +Cpo -> Cpo
var x1,x2 : c; y1, y2 : d
program (x1, y1) <<= (x2, y2) = (x1 <<= x2) und (y1 <<= y2)
type instance __*__ : +Pcpo -> +Pcpo -> Pcpo
type Unit : Pcpo
%% Pcont
type instance __-->?__ : -Cpo -> +Cpo -> Pcpo
type __-->?__ < __->?__
. __ in c -->? d = \f : c ->? d .
all(\(x,y: c). (def (f x) und x <<= y) impl def (f y)) und
all(\s: nat -> c. (isChain(s) und def f(sup(s))) impl
ex(\m:nat. def f(s(m)) und
eq(sup(\n:nat.!f(s(n+m))), f(sup(s)))))
program f <<=[c -->? d] g = all(\x:c. def (f x) impl f(x) <<= g(x))
%% Tcont
type instance __-->__ : -Cpo -> +Cpo -> Cpo
type __-->__ < __-->?__
. __ in c --> d = \f : c -->? d . all(\x:c. def f(x))
var f, g : c --> d
program f <<= g = f <<=[c -->? d] g
type instance __-->__ : -Cpo -> +Pcpo -> Pcpo
fun Y : (p --> p) --> p
. all(\f: p -->? p . eq(f(Y(f)), Y(f)) und
all(\x:p . eq(f(x), x) impl Y(f) <<= x))
var f : p --> p; x : p
. f(Y(f)) = Y(f)
. f(x) = x => Y(f) <<= x
op undefined : c --> p = Y((\x': c --> p . x') as (c --> p) --> c --> p)
%% user stuff
free type bool ::= true | false
type bool : Flatcpo
type nat : Flatcpo