Prelude.hascasl.output revision 4cb2ce69a8998bf13679428a9182cefc74225af3
%% predefined universe containing all types,
%% superclass of all other classes
class Type
var s : Type; t : Type
%% invisible type "Unit" for formulae
type Unit
%% flat cpo with bottom
%% type aliases
type Pred__ : Type- -> Type := \ (t : Type)(t : Type-) . t ->? Unit
type ?__ : Type -> Type := \ t : Type . Unit ->? t
op true, false : Unit ->? Unit
op __/\__, __\/__, __=>__, __if__, __<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
op not : Unit ->? Unit
op : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
%% =e=
%% (builtin) type (constructors)
type __->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
%% nested pairs are different from n-tupels (n > 2)
type __*__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
type __*__*__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
%% ...
%% "pred p args = e" abbreviates "op p args :? unit = e"
%% CASL requires "<=>" for pred-defn and disallows "()" as result
op def, tt : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit
var x : s
program def = \ x : s . ()
%% def is also total (identical to tt)
program tt = \ x : s . ()
%% tt is total "op tt(x: s): unit = ()"
program __ und __ (x, y : Unit) : Unit = ()
%% total function type
type __->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
type s->t < s ->? t
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in s -> t,
\ f : s ->? t . all (\ x : s . def f (x)))
%% total functions
op __res__ : s � t ->? s = (var x : s)
op fst : s � t ->? s = (var x : s)
program snd(x : s, y : t) : t = (var y : t)
%% trivial because its the strict function property
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ (x : s,
y : t) . def (x res y),
\ (x : s, y : t) . (def y) und (def x))
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((op fst : s �
t ->? s),
(op __res__ : s � t ->? s))
%% Internal Logic
op eq : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ x : s . eq (x,
(op tt : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit))
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ (x, y : s) . x
res eq (x, y),
\ (x, y : s) . y res eq (x, y))
%% then %def
%% notation "\ ." abbreviates "\bla:unit."
%% where "bla" is never used, but only "()" instead
%% for type inference
%% an implicit cast from s to ?s of a term "e" yields the term "\ . e"
type s < ? s
program all(p : s ->? Unit) : Unit ->? Unit =
(op eq : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit) ((var p : s ->? Unit),
(op tt : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit))
%% the cast from ?s to s is still done manually here (for the strict "und")
program And(x : _var_37, y : Unit ->? Unit) : Unit ->? Unit =
t1 () und t2 ()
%% use "And" instead of "und" to avoid cast from "?unit" to "unit"
program __ impl __
(x, y : Pred Unit) : Unit ->? Unit : Unit ->? Unit
= eq (x, x And y)
program __ or __ (x, y : Pred Unit) : Unit ->? Unit : Unit ->? Unit
= all (\ r : Pred Unit . ((x impl r) und (y impl r)) impl r)
program ex(p : s ->? Unit) : Unit ->? Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . all (\ x : s . p (x) impl r) impl r)
program ff () : Unit ->? Unit : Unit ->? Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . r ())
program neg(r : Unit ->? Unit) : Unit ->? Unit = r impl ff
%% the type instance for the first "eq" should be "?t"
%% this is explicitely enforced by "\ .f(x)"
%% Recursion (requires "free type nat ::= 0 | Suc(nat)" and "+"
type nat
class Cpo < Type
{var c : Cpo; op __<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c � c ->? Unit; ;
op isChain(s : nat -> c) :? Unit = all
(\ n : nat . s (n) <<= s (Suc (n)));
op isBound(x : c, s : nat -> c) :? Unit = all
(\ n : nat . s (n) <<= x);
op sup : forall c : Cpo . (nat -> c) ->? c;}
class Pcpo < Cpo
{var p : Pcpo; op bottom : forall p : Pcpo . p;}
class instance Flatcpo < Cpo
{var f : Flatcpo; program __ <<= [f] __ = eq}
var c : Cpo; d : Cpo
type instance __*__ : Cpo+ -> Cpo+ -> Cpo
var x1 : c; x2 : c; y1 : d; y2 : d
program (__<<=__)((x1 : _var_42, y1 : _var_43),
(x2 : _var_44, y2 : _var_45))
= (x1 <<= x2) und (y1 <<= y2)
type instance __*__ : Pcpo+ -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo
type Unit : Pcpo
%% Pcont
type instance __-->?__ : Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Pcpo
type c-->?d < c ->? d
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in c -->? d,
\ f : c ->? d . all
(\ (x, y : c) . (def (f x) und x
<<= y)
impl def (f y))
und all
(\ s : nat -> c . (isChain (s) und
def f
(sup (s)))
impl ex
(\ m : nat . def
(\ n : nat .! f
program f <<= [c -->? d] g =
all (\ x : c . def (f x) impl f (x) <<= g (x))
%% Tcont
type instance __-->__ : Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Cpo
type c-->d < c -->? d
. (op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in c --> d,
\ f : c -->? d . all (\ x : c . def f (x)))
var f : c --> d; g : c --> d
program (__<<=__)(f : _var_59, g : _var_60) = f <<= [c -->? d] g
type instance __-->__ : Cpo- -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo
op Y : forall p : Pcpo . (p -->? p) --> p
op undefined : c -->? p = (op Y : forall p : Pcpo . (p -->? p) --> p) (\ x : c -->? p .! x)
%% user stuff
free type bool ::= true |
type bool : Flatcpo
type nat : Flatcpo
%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
Flatcpo < Cpo
Pcpo < Cpo
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
? : Type -> Type := \ t : Type . Unit ->? t
?__ : Type -> Type := \ t : Type . Unit ->? t
Pred : (Type -> Type, Type- -> Type) := \ a : Type . a ->? Unit
Pred__ : Type- -> Type := \ (t : Type)(t : Type-) . t ->? Unit
Unit : (Type, Pcpo)
__*__ : (Type+ -> Type+ -> Type, Pcpo+ -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo,
Cpo+ -> Cpo+ -> Cpo)
__*__*__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
__-->__ : (Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Cpo, Cpo- -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo)
__-->?__ : Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Pcpo
__->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
bool : (Type, Flatcpo) %[free type __ ::=
true : -> __
false : -> __]%
c : Cpo %(var)%
c-->d : Type < c -->? d
c-->?d : Type < c ->? d
d : Cpo %(var)%
f : Flatcpo %(var)%
nat : (Type, Flatcpo)
p : Pcpo %(var)%
s : Type < ? s %(var)%
s->t : Type < s ->? t
t : Type %(var)%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
Y : forall p : Pcpo . (p -->? p) --> p
__/\__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
__<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c � c ->? Unit
__<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
__=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit
__=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
__=e=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit
__\/__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
__if__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit
__res__ : s � t ->? s = \ (x : s, y : t) .! (var x : s)
bottom : forall p : Pcpo . p
def : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit
def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit
eq : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
f : c --> d %(var)%
false : bool %(construct bool)%
: Unit ->? Unit
fst : s � t ->? s = \ (x : s, y : t) .! (var x : s)
g : c --> d %(var)%
if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . Unit � a � a ->? a
not : Unit ->? Unit
not__ : Unit ->? Unit
sup : forall c : Cpo . (nat -> c) ->? c
true : bool %(construct bool)%
: Unit ->? Unit
tt : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit
undefined : c -->? p = (op Y : forall p : Pcpo . (p -->? p) --> p) (\ x : c -->? p .! x)
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in s -> t,
\ f : s ->? t . all (\ x : s . def f (x))) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ (x : s,
y : t) . def (x res y),
\ (x : s, y : t) . (def y) und (def x)) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((op fst : s �
t ->? s),
(op __res__ : s � t ->? s)) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ x : s . eq (x,
(op tt : forall s : Type . s ->? Unit)) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (\ (x, y : s) . x
res eq (x, y),
\ (x, y : s) . y res eq (x, y)) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in c -->? d,
\ f : c ->? d . all
(\ (x, y : c) . (def (f x) und x <<=
impl def (f y))
und all
(\ s : nat -> c . (isChain (s) und
def f (sup (s)))
impl ex
(\ m : nat . def f
(\ n : nat .! f
(s)))))) %()%
(op __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) (__ in c --> d,
\ f : c -->? d . all (\ x : c . def f (x))) %()%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
Error (line 4, column 7) illegal universe class declaration 'Type'
Hint (line 6, column 5) is type variable 's'
Hint (line 6, column 7) is type variable 't'
Warning (line 11, column 6) redeclared type 'Unit'
Error (line 14, column 44) incompatible kind of: t ->? Unit
expected: Type
found: Type -> Type
Warning (line 15, column 16) redeclared type 't'
Error (line 22, column 8) wrong type scheme of '__=__'
expected: forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit
found: forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
Error (line 46, column 11) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 46, column 9) no toplevel pattern '__ und __ (x, y : Unit) : Unit : Unit'
Error (line 54, column 3) expected further mixfix token: ["/\\","<=>","=","=>","=e="]
Error (line 54, column 42) ambiguous mixfix term
def f x
(def__)(f) x
Error (line 54, column 32) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 65, column 18) ambiguous mixfix term
def ((__res__)(x, y))
(def__)((__res__)(x, y))
Error (line 65, column 59) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 75, column 15) ambiguous mixfix term
(__res__)(x, eq (x, y))
(__res__)(x, eq) (x, y)
Error (line 75, column 44) ambiguous mixfix term
(__res__)(y, eq (x, y))
(__res__)(y, eq) (x, y)
Warning (line 85, column 6) redeclared type 's'
Error (line 90, column 45) unexpected mixfix token: t1
Error (line 93, column 11) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 93, column 53) unexpected mixfix token: x
Error (line 95, column 11) unexpected mixfix token: or
Error (line 96, column 19) unexpected mixfix token: x
Error (line 95, column 48) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 99, column 32) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 99, column 17) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 98, column 39) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 101, column 13) unexpected mixfix token: )
Error (line 101, column 29) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 103, column 44) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 108, column 51) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 108, column 22) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 108, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Warning (line 115, column 13) redundant universe class
Hint (line 117, column 5) is type variable 'c'
Error (line 121, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 122, column 31) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 122, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 123, column 31) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 123, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 125, column 55) unexpected mixfix token: Suc
Error (line 125, column 32) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 126, column 50) ambiguous mixfix term
s ((__<<=__)(n, x))
(__<<=__)(s n, x)
Error (line 126, column 38) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 131, column 42) unexpected mixfix token: isBound
Error (line 130, column 32) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 130, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 134, column 20) unexpected mixfix token: isChain
Error (line 134, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Hint (line 139, column 5) is type variable 'p'
Error (line 143, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all
Hint (line 148, column 6) is type variable 'f'
Error (line 150, column 15) unexpected mixfix token: [
Hint (line 153, column 5) is type variable 'c'
Warning (line 153, column 5) redeclared type 'c'
Hint (line 153, column 8) is type variable 'd'
Error (line 159, column 45) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 170, column 4) expected further mixfix token: ["/\\","<<=","<=>","=","=>"]
Error (line 171, column 35) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 174, column 45) unexpected mixfix token: +
Error (line 173, column 40) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 172, column 28) unexpected mixfix token: isChain
Error (line 171, column 9) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 176, column 16) unexpected mixfix token: [
Error (line 182, column 4) expected further mixfix token: ["/\\","<<=","<=>","=","=>"]
Error (line 182, column 46) ambiguous mixfix term
def f x
(def__)(f) x
Error (line 182, column 36) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 186, column 25) unexpected mixfix token: [
Error (line 193, column 32) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 192, column 40) unexpected mixfix token: und
Error (line 192, column 3) unexpected mixfix token: all