Prelude.hascasl.output revision 13b24998210d193b38cae06485da6f06c61d7f62
%% predefined universe containing all types,
%% superclass of all other classes
class Type < Type
var s : Type; t : Type
%% invisible type "Unit" for formulae
type Unit
%% flat cpo with bottom
%% type aliases
type Pred __ : Type -> Type := \ t : Type- . t ->? Unit
type ? __ := \ t : Type . Unit ->? t
predfun true, false : Unit ->? Unit
predfun __/\__, __\/__, __=>__, __if__, __<=>__ : Unit �
Unit ->? Unit
predfun not : Unit ->? Unit
predfun __=__ : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
%% =e=
%% (builtin) type (constructors)
type __->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
%% nested pairs are different from n-tupels (n > 2)
type __*__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
type : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
%% ...
%% "pred p args = e" abbreviates "op p args :? unit = e"
%% CASL requires "<=>" for pred-defn and disallows "()" as result
op def, tt : forall s : Type . Pred s
var x : s
program (op def : forall s : Type . Pred s) = \ (var x : s) . ()
%% def is also total (identical to tt)
program (op tt : forall s : Type . Pred s) = \ (var x : s) . ()
%% tt is total "op tt(x: s): unit = ()"
program __ und __ (x, y : Unit) : Unit = ()
%% total function type
type __->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
type __->__(s : Type)(t : Type) < s ->? t
%% total functions
op __res__ : s � t ->? s = (var x : s)
op fst : s � t ->? s = (var x : s)
program snd (x : s, y : t) : t = y
%% trivial because its the strict function property
. (predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) (\ ((var x : s),
(var y : t)) . (fun def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit) ((op __res__ : s �
t ->? s) ((var x : s),
(var y : t))),
\ ((var x : s), (var y : t)) . (def y) und
(def x))
. (predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) ((op fst : s � t ->? s),
(op __res__ : s � t ->? s))
%% Internal Logic
predfun eq : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit
. (predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) (\ (var x : s) . (predfun eq : forall s : Type . s �
s ->? Unit) ((var x : s),
(var x : s)),
(op tt : forall s : Type . Pred s))
%% then %def
%% notation "\ ." abbreviates "\bla:unit."
%% where "bla" is never used, but only "()" instead
%% for type inference
%% an implicit cast from s to ?s of a term "e" yields the term "\ . e"
type s < ? s
program all (p : Pred (s)) : Pred Unit = eq (p, tt)
%% the cast from ?s to s is still done manually here (for the strict "und")
program And (x, y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = t1 () und t2 ()
%% use "And" instead of "und" to avoid cast from "?unit" to "unit"
program __ impl __ (x, y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit : Pred Unit =
eq (x, x And y)
program __ or __ (x, y : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit : Pred Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . ((x impl r) und (y impl r)) impl r)
program ex (p : Pred (s)) : Pred Unit =
all (\ r : Pred Unit . all (\ x : s . p (x) impl r) impl r)
program ff () : Pred Unit = all (\ r : Pred Unit . r ())
program neg (r : Pred Unit) : Pred Unit = r impl ff
%% the type instance for the first "eq" should be "?t"
%% this is explicitely enforced by "\ .f(x)"
%% Recursion (requires "free type nat ::= 0 | Suc(nat)" and "+"
type nat
class Cpo < Type
{var c : Cpo; predfun __<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c � c ->? Unit; ;
predfun isChain(s : nat -> c) :? Unit = all
(\ n : nat . s (n) <<= s (Suc (n)));
predfun isBound(x : c; s : nat -> c) :? Unit = all
(\ n : nat . s (n) <<= x);
op sup : forall c : Cpo . (nat -> c) ->? c;}
class Pcpo < Cpo
{var p : Pcpo; op bottom : forall p : Pcpo . p;}
class instance Flatcpo < Cpo
{var f : Flatcpo; program __ <<= [f] __ = eq}
var c : Cpo; d : Cpo
type instance __*__ : Cpo+ -> Cpo+ -> Cpo
var x1 : c; x2 : c; y1 : d; y2 : d
program (predfun __<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c �
c ->? Unit) (((var x1 : _var_69), (var y1 : _var_70)),
((var x2 : _var_71), (var y2 : _var_72)))
= (x1 <<= x2) und (y1 <<= y2)
type instance __*__ : Pcpo+ -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo
type Unit : Pcpo
%% Pcont
type instance __-->?__ : Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Pcpo
type __-->?__(c : Cpo)(d : Cpo) < c ->? d
program f <<= [c -->? d] g =
all (\ x : c . def (f x) impl f (x) <<= g (x))
%% Tcont
type instance __-->__ : Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Cpo
type __-->__(c : Cpo)(d : Cpo) < c -->? d
var f : c --> d; g : c --> d
program (predfun __<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c �
c ->? Unit) ((var f : _var_94), (var g : _var_95))
= f <<= [c -->? d] g
type instance __-->__ : Cpo- -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo
op Y : (p -->? p) --> p
op undefined : c -->? p = Y (\ x : c -->? p .! x)
%% user stuff
free type bool ::= true |
type bool : Flatcpo
type nat : Flatcpo
%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
Cpo < Type
Flatcpo < Cpo
Pcpo < Cpo
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
Pred : Type -> Type := \ a : Type . a ->? Unit
Unit : Pcpo := Unit
__*__ : (Pcpo+ -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo, Cpo+ -> Cpo+ -> Cpo,
Type+ -> Type+ -> Type)
__-->__ : (Cpo- -> Pcpo+ -> Pcpo, Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Cpo,
Type- -> Type+ -> Type) < c -->? d
__-->?__ : (Cpo- -> Cpo+ -> Pcpo, Type- -> Type+ -> Type) < c ->? d
__->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type < s ->? t
__->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__�__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
bool : Flatcpo %[free type __ ::=
true : -> __
false : -> __]%
c : Cpo %(var)%
d : Cpo %(var)%
f : Flatcpo %(var)%
nat : Flatcpo
p : Pcpo %(var)%
s : Type %(var)%
t : Type %(var)%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
__/\__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__<<=__ : forall c : Cpo . c � c ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__=e=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__\/__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__if__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
__res__ : s � t ->? s %(Op)% = \ ((var x : s),
(var y : t)) .! (var x : s)
__when__else__ : forall a : Type . a � Unit � a ->? a %(Fun)%
bottom : forall p : Pcpo . p %(Op)%
def : forall s : Type . Pred s %(Op)% = \ (var x : s) . ()
def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
eq : forall s : Type . s � s ->? Unit %(Pred)%
f : c --> d %(var)%
false : bool %(construct bool)%
: Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
: Unit %(Fun)%
fst : s � t ->? s %(Op)% = \ ((var x : s),
(var y : t)) .! (var x : s)
g : c --> d %(var)%
if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . Unit � a � a ->? a %(Fun)%
not : Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
not__ : Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
sup : forall c : Cpo . (nat -> c) ->? c %(Op)%
true : bool %(construct bool)%
: Unit ->? Unit %(Pred)%
: Unit %(Fun)%
tt : forall s : Type . Pred s %(Op)% = \ (var x : s) . ()
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
(predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) (\ ((var x : s),
(var y : t)) . (fun def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit) ((op __res__ : s �
t ->? s) ((var x : s),
(var y : t))),
\ ((var x : s), (var y : t)) . (def y) und
(def x)) %()%
(predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((op fst : s �
t ->? s),
(op __res__ : s � t ->? s)) %()%
(predfun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) (\ (var x : s) . (predfun eq : forall s : Type . s �
s ->? Unit) ((var x : s),
(var x : s)),
(op tt : forall s : Type . Pred s)) %()%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
*** Error 4.7, illegal universe class declaration 'Type'
*** Hint 6.5, is type variable 's'
*** Hint 6.7, is type variable 't'
*** Hint 11.6, redeclared type 'Unit'
*** FatalError 14.11, illegal type pattern argument: __
*** FatalError 15.8, illegal type pattern argument: __
*** Hint 27.8, redeclared type '__->?__'
*** FatalError 31.6, illegal type pattern: __ * __ * __
*** Error 46.11, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 46.9, unexpected term '__ und __ (x, y : Unit)'
*** Error 46.9, illegal toplevel pattern '__ und __ (x, y : Unit)'
*** Hint 50.8, redeclared type '__->__'
*** Error 52.8, incompatible kind of: __->__
expected: Type- -> Type+ -> Type
found: Type -> Type -> Type
*** Error 54.32, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 54.6, unexpected mixfix token: :
*** Hint 60.9, no type match for: snd
with type: '_var_8 ->? t' (60.28)
known types:
*** Hint 60.9, wrong result type 't' (60.28)
for application 'snd ((var x : s), (var y : t))'
*** Error 60.9, no typing for 'snd(((var x : s), (var y : t))) : t'
*** Error 65.59, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 65.52, unexpected term '(def y) und (def x)'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_42'
*** Hint 75.15, no type match for: x
with type: 's' (58.16)
known types:
*** Hint 75.17, wrong result type '_var_49'
for application '(__res__) (x, eq (x, y))'
*** Hint 75.30, wrong result type 'Unit'
for application '(__=__) (\ ((var x : _var_42), (var y : s)) . (__res__)(x,
eq (x, y)),
\ ((var x : _var_43), (var y : s)) . (__res__)(y, eq (x, y)))'
*** Error 75.30, no typing for '(__=__)(\ ((var x : _var_42), (var y : s)) . (__res__)(x,
eq (x, y)),
\ ((var x : _var_43), (var y : s)) . (__res__)(y, eq (x, y)))'
*** Hint 85.6, redeclared type 's'
*** Error 85.6, merge: TypeVarDefn of 's'
*** Error 85.11, illegal supertype for variable '? s'
*** Hint 87.9, no type match for: all
with type: '_var_55 ->? Pred Unit' (87.28)
known types:
*** Hint 87.9, wrong result type 'Pred Unit' (87.28)
for application 'all (var p : Pred s)'
*** Error 87.9, no typing for 'all((var p : Pred s)) : Pred Unit'
*** Hint 90.9, no type match for: And
with type: '_var_57 ->? Pred Unit' (90.33)
known types:
*** Hint 90.9, wrong result type 'Pred Unit' (90.33)
for application 'And ((var x : _var_56), (var y : Pred Unit))'
*** Error 90.9, no typing for 'And(((var x : _var_56), (var y : Pred Unit))) : Pred Unit'
*** Error 93.11, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 93.9, unexpected term '__ impl __ (x, y : Pred Unit)'
*** Error 93.53, unexpected mixfix token: x
*** Error 95.11, unexpected mixfix token: or
*** Error 95.9, unexpected term '__ or __ (x, y : Pred Unit)'
*** Error 96.19, unexpected mixfix token: x
*** Error 95.48, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Hint 98.9, no type match for: ex
with type: '_var_60 ->? Pred Unit' (98.27)
known types:
*** Hint 98.9, wrong result type 'Pred Unit' (98.27)
for application 'ex (var p : Pred s)'
*** Error 98.9, no typing for 'ex((var p : Pred s)) : Pred Unit'
*** Hint 101.9, no type match for: ff
with type: '_var_61 ->? Pred Unit' (101.17)
known types:
*** Hint 101.9, wrong result type 'Pred Unit' (101.17)
for application 'ff ()'
*** Error 101.9, no typing for 'ff(()) : Pred Unit'
*** Hint 103.9, no type match for: neg
with type: '_var_62 ->? Pred Unit' (103.30)
known types:
*** Hint 103.9, wrong result type 'Pred Unit' (103.30)
for application 'neg (var r : Pred Unit)'
*** Error 103.9, no typing for 'neg((var r : Pred Unit)) : Pred Unit'
*** Error 108.51, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 108.22, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 108.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Hint 117.5, is type variable 'c'
*** Error 121.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 122.31, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 122.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 123.31, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 123.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 125.55, unexpected mixfix token: Suc
*** Error 125.32, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 126.38, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 131.42, unexpected mixfix token: isBound
*** Error 130.32, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 130.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 134.20, unexpected mixfix token: isChain
*** Error 134.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Hint 139.5, is type variable 'p'
*** Error 143.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Hint 148.6, is type variable 'f'
*** Error 150.15, unexpected mixfix token: [
*** Hint 153.5, is type variable 'c'
*** Hint 153.5, redeclared type 'c'
*** Hint 153.8, is type variable 'd'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_69'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_70'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_71'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_72'
*** Error 159.34, unexpected mixfix token: x1
*** Error 169.9, incompatible kind of: __-->?__
expected: Type- -> Type+ -> Type
found: Type -> Type -> Type
*** Error 171.35, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 174.45, unexpected mixfix token: +
*** Error 173.40, unexpected mixfix token: und
*** Error 172.28, unexpected mixfix token: isChain
*** Error 171.9, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 170.7, unexpected mixfix token: :
*** Hint 10.18, no type match for: __::__
with type: '_var_93 ->? _var_92 ->? _var_83'
known types:
*** Hint 10.18, wrong result type '_var_92 ->? _var_83'
for application '(__::__) (c((var -->? : _var_84)) (var d : _var_85), ([]))'
*** Hint 10.18, wrong result type '_var_83'
for application '(__::__)(c((var -->? : _var_84)) (var d : _var_85),
([])) (var g : _var_86)'
*** Error 176.13, wrongly typed application '(__<<=__) ((var f : _var_83),
(__::__)(c((var -->? : _var_84)) (var d : _var_85),
([])) (var g : _var_86))'
*** Error 176.13, no typing for '(__<<=__)((var f : _var_83),
(__::__)(c((var -->? : _var_84)) (var d : _var_85),
([])) (var g : _var_86))'
*** Error 181.9, incompatible kind of: __-->__
expected: Type- -> Type+ -> Type
found: Type -> Type -> Type
*** Error 182.36, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 182.7, unexpected mixfix token: :
*** Error , unknown type '_var_94'
*** Error , unknown type '_var_95'
*** Error 186.20, unexpected mixfix token: f
*** Error 190.9, incompatible kind of: p -->? p
expected: Cpo-
found: Type
*** Error 193.32, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 192.27, unexpected mixfix token: Y
*** Error 192.3, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Error 195.27, unexpected mixfix token: Y