PlainTypes.hascasl.output revision 93b7bcd9dcf6b2dc4549b5ef261c688d1c4a7dd7
classes a, b, c, d
types r : a;
s : a;
s : b;
t : c
types [__], {__} : a -> b
vars u : [ r ]; v : { s }
type tuple3 : a -> b -> c -> d
var x : tuple3 r s t
var y : tuple3 r s
type tuple1 : b -> a
type m : (a -> b) -> c
var z : m [__]
type List : a -> b
var w : m List
var o1 : m
var o2 : m tuple1
var o3 : m tuple3
var nt : a -> (b -> c) -> c -> d
var o4 : nt r List s
types s1, r1, t1 < t
types s2 = r2 = t2
type s3 = {x : t . x = x}
a : Type;
b : Type;
c : Type;
d : Type
List : a -> b;
[__] : a -> b;
m : (a -> b) -> c;
r : a;
r1 : c;
r2 : Type;
s : a;
s : b;
s1 : c;
s2 : Type;
s3 : Type;
t : c;
t1 : c;
t2 : Type;
tuple1 : b -> a;
tuple3 : a -> b -> c -> d;
{__} : a -> b
r1 < t;
r2 < s2;
s1 < t;
s3 < t;
t1 < t;
t2 < r2;
t2 < s2
nt : a -> (b -> c) -> c -> d %(var_1)%
o1 : m;
o2 : m tuple1;
o3 : m tuple3;
o4 : nt r List s;
u : [ r ];
v : { s };
w : m List;
x : tuple3 r s t;
y : tuple3 r s;
z : m [__]
### Hint 7.6, not a kind '[r]'
### Hint 7.8-7.10, a non-compound list: [r]
### Hint 7.14, not a kind '{s}'
### Hint 11.7, not a kind 'tuple3 r s t'
### Hint 12.7, not a kind 'tuple3 r s'
*** Error 12.9-12.18,
no kind found for 'tuple3 r s'
expected: {Type}
found: {c -> d}
### Hint 18.7, not a kind 'm [__]'
### Hint 18.11-18.14, a non-compound list: [__]
### Hint 22.7, not a kind 'm List'
### Hint 24.8, not a class 'm'
*** Error 24.10,
no kind found for 'm'
expected: {Type}
found: {(a -> b) -> c}
### Hint 26.8, not a kind 'm tuple1'
### Hint 26.12,
no kind found for 'tuple1'
expected: {a -> b}
found: {b -> a}
*** Error 26.10-26.12, no kind found for 'm tuple1'
### Hint 28.8, not a kind 'm tuple3'
### Hint 28.12,
no kind found for 'tuple3'
expected: {a -> b}
found: {a -> b -> c -> d}
*** Error 28.10-28.12, no kind found for 'm tuple3'
### Hint 30.5, is type variable 'nt'
### Hint 32.8, not a kind 'nt r List s'
### Hint 32.15,
no kind found for 'List'
expected: {b -> c}
found: {a -> b}
*** Error 32.10-32.20, no kind found for 'nt r List s'
*** Error 36.9, subtyping cycle via 's2' and 'r2'
*** Error 36.12, subtyping cycle via 's2' and 't2'
*** Error 36.12, subtyping cycle via 'r2' and 't2'
### Hint 38.12, rebound variable 'x'