PlainTypes.hascasl.output revision 76fa667489c5e0868ac68de9f0253ac10f73d0b5
class a, b, c, d < Type
type r, s, t
type [__], {__} : a -> b
var u : [r]; v : {s}
type tuple3 : a -> b -> c -> d
var x : tuple3 r s t
var y : tuple3 r s
type tuple1 : b -> a
type m : (a -> b) -> c
type List : a -> b
var v : m List
var o1 : m
var o2 : m tuple1
var o3 : m tuple3
var nt : a -> (b -> c) -> c -> d
var o4 : nt r List s
type s1, r1, t1 < t
type s2 = r2 = t2
type s3
%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
a < Type
b < Type
c < Type
d < Type
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
List : a -> b
Pred : Type -> Type := \ a : Type . a ->? Unit
Unit : Type := Unit
[__] : a -> b
__-->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__-->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__�__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
m : (a -> b) -> c
nt : a -> (b -> c) -> c -> d %(var)%
r : Type
r1 : Type < t
r2 : Type < (t2, r2, s2)
s : Type
s1 : Type < t
s2 : Type < (t2, r2, s2)
s3 : Type
t : Type
t1 : Type < t
t2 : Type < (t2, r2, s2)
tuple1 : b -> a
tuple3 : a -> b -> c -> d
{__} : a -> b
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
__/\__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=e=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__\/__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . Unit � a � a ->? a %(Fun)%
not__ : Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
o1 : m %(var)%
o2 : m tuple1 %(var)%
o3 : m tuple3 %(var)%
o4 : nt r List s %(var)%
u : [r] %(var)%
v : m List %(var)%
: {s} %(var)%
x : tuple3 r s t %(var)%
y : tuple3 r s %(var)%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
Error (line 12, column 9) incompatible kind of: tuple3 r s
expected: Type
found: c -> d
Error (line 18, column 12) unknown type '__'
Error (line 24, column 10) incompatible kind of: m
expected: Type
found: (a -> b) -> c
Error (line 26, column 12) incompatible kind of: tuple1
expected: a -> b
found: b -> a
Error (line 28, column 12) incompatible kind of: tuple3
expected: a -> b
found: a -> b -> c -> d
Hint (line 30, column 5) is type variable 'nt'
Error (line 32, column 15) incompatible kind of: List
expected: b -> c
found: a -> b
Hint (line 11, column 9) type 't' is not unifiable with 'tuple3 r s t'
Hint (line 11, column 9) type 't' is not unifiable with 'tuple3 r s t'
Error (line 38, column 19) ambiguous typings
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((var x : t),
(var x : t))
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a �
a ->? Unit) ((var x : tuple3 r s t), (var x : tuple3 r s t))