OpDecls.hascasl.output revision d601fb0d7be0f4e8de9f01b5293df7d80673d76a
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
s : Type
t : Type
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
__+__ : t -> t -> t
: t � t -> t
: s � s -> s
a : t
: s
b : t
: s
c : s = (op __+__ : s � s -> s) ((op a : s), (op b : s))
d : s = (op __+__ : s � s -> s) ((op a : s), (op a : s))
e : s � s -> s = (op __+__ : s � s -> s)
f : s � s -> s = (op __+__ : s � s -> s)
i1 : s = (op incr : s -> s) (op a : s)
i2 : s = (op incr : s -> s) (op a : s)
i3 : s = (op incr : s -> s) (op a : s)
incr : s -> s
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
Hint (line 7, column 14) type 't' is not unifiable with 's'
Hint (line 8, column 14) type 't' is not unifiable with 't � t'
Hint (line 7, column 14) type 't' is not unifiable with 's � s'
Hint (line 3, column 12) type 't' is not unifiable with 's'
Hint (line 3, column 12) type 't' is not unifiable with 's'
Error (line 21, column 17) ambiguous mixfix term: (a, b)
((op a : t), (op b : t))
((op a : s), (op b : t))
((op a : t), (op b : s))
((op a : s), (op b : s))
FatalError (line 23, column 13) no resolution for term: (__ + __) (a, b)