MixfixTerms.casl.output revision bf0a12ff587940621f70ef590176d498ff4c7847
4 * x ^ 4 + 3 * x ^ 3 + 2 * x ^ 2 + 1 * x ^ 1 + 0 * x ^ 0
12 + 34 * "afa"
"" + ""
(op x : a) (a, b)
*** Error 10.8, unknown type 'a'
a + b
a (: s + b : s)
*** Error 13.3-13.9, not a class 's'
parse error at 14.12:
unexpected "as" or "a"
expecting "[", "%", "->", cross, ->, "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
parse error at 15.7:
unexpected "as" or "a"
expecting "[", "%", "->", cross, ->, "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
[ ]
+ a
a + b
a when a < b else b
a when (pred a : b) else b
*** Error 20.9-20.16, unknown type 'b'
{ a b }
*** Error 22.1-22.5,
ambiguous mixfix term
(a b) p
a b p
(a b) p
*** Error 23.1-23.5,
ambiguous mixfix term
(q a) b
q a b
*** Error 24.1-24.4,
ambiguous mixfix term
B ([ b ])
B [ b ]
*** Error 25.1-25.11,
ambiguous mixfix term
B ((a (c :: ([ d ]))) :: ([ b ]))
[ a, [ c, d ], b ]
*** Error 27.1-27.10,
ambiguous mixfix term
(a (c :: ([ d ]))) :: ([ b ])
a[c,d] :: ([ b ])
a B[a[c,d],b] b
parse error at 29.15:
unexpected "do" or "d"
expecting "%", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
parse error at 30.15:
unexpected "do" or "d"
expecting "%", "=e=", "=", id/literal, "{", "[", "(", "if", "when", "forall", exists, "\\", "case", "let", "where" or end of input
{ a { b c } }
*** Error 32.1-32.10,
ambiguous mixfix term
a :: ([ (A (0 B)) ])
a :: ([ ((A 0) B) ])
*** Error 33.1-33.9,
ambiguous mixfix term
A (A (0 B) B)
A (A ((0 B) B))
(A (A 0 B)) B
A (A (0 B)) B
*** Error 34.1-34.13,
ambiguous mixfix term
(b + (A (0 B))) + b
(b + ((A 0) B)) + b
*** Error 35.1-35.7,
ambiguous mixfix term
- (A (0 B))
- ((A 0) B)
a ! ! !
Pl7 { nicht_wenden } -- folge_dem_Gang --> { nicht_wenden } Pl3
--> RS3
--> RS6
(a + b) * c
a * (b * c)
c * (a + b)
a * b * c
s n * c
(- a) !