Functor.hascasl.output revision 3aa7e4492a7e28b37d1a0b23f5bfe2109f87d4d6
vars a, b, c : Type; x : a; f : a -> b; g : b -> c
ops __comp__ : (b -> c) * (a -> b) -> a -> c;
id : a -> a
. id x = x
. (g comp f) x = g (f x);
class Functor < Type -> Type
{vars a, b, c : Type; F : Functor; f : a -> b; g : b -> c
op map : (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
. map id = (id : F a -> F a)
. (map (g comp f) : F a -> F c) = map g comp map f;
class PolyFunctor < Functor
class PolyBifunctor < Type -> PolyFunctor
vars F : Functor; a, b : Type
type Alg F a := F a -> a
op __::__->__ : Pred ((a -> b) * (Alg F a) * (Alg F b))
class DTFunctor < Functor
{vars F : DTFunctor; a : Type
type InitialCarrier F
ops initialAlg : Alg F (InitialCarrier F);
fold : Alg F a -> InitialCarrier F -> a
vars alpha : Alg F a; g : InitialCarrier F -> a
. g :: initialAlg -> alpha <=> g = fold alpha;
class PolyFunctor < DTFunctor
var G : PolyBifunctor
type ParamDT G a := InitialCarrier (G a)
type ParamDT G : DTFunctor
vars l : ParamDT G a; f : a -> a
DTFunctor < Type -> Type;
Functor < Type -> Type;
PolyBifunctor < Type -> Type -> Type;
PolyFunctor < Type -> Type
DTFunctor < Functor;
PolyBifunctor < Type -> PolyFunctor;
PolyFunctor < DTFunctor
Alg : Functor -> Type -> Type;
InitialCarrier : DTFunctor -> Type;
ParamDT : PolyBifunctor -> DTFunctor
Alg (F : Functor) (a : Type) := F a -> a;
ParamDT (G : PolyBifunctor) (a : Type) := InitialCarrier (G a)
F : DTFunctor %(var_59)%;
G : PolyBifunctor %(var_75)%;
a : Type %(var_60)%;
b : Type %(var_56)%;
c : Type %(var_12)%
op __::__->__ : forall F : Functor; a : Type; b : Type
. Pred ((a -> b) * Alg F a * Alg F b)
op __comp__ : forall a : Type; b : Type; c : Type
. (b -> c) * (a -> b) -> a -> c
op fold : forall F : DTFunctor; a : Type
. Alg F a -> InitialCarrier F -> a
op id : forall a : Type . a -> a
op initialAlg : forall F : DTFunctor . Alg F (InitialCarrier F)
op map : forall a : Type; b : Type; F : Functor
. (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
alpha : Alg F a;
f : a -> a;
g : InitialCarrier F -> a;
l : ParamDT G a;
x : a
forall a : Type; x : a . id x = x
forall a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; f : a -> b; g : b -> c; x : a
. (g comp f) x = g (f x)
forall F : Functor; a : Type . map id = (id : F a -> F a)
F : Functor; a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; f : a -> b; g : b -> c
. (map (g comp f) : F a -> F c) = map g comp map f
F : DTFunctor; a : Type; alpha : Alg F a; g : InitialCarrier F -> a
. g :: initialAlg -> alpha <=> g = fold alpha
1.6: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
1.8: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
1.10: ### Hint: is type variable 'c'
1.20: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
1.26: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
1.26: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
1.37: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
1.37: ### Hint: not a class 'c'
### Hint: no kind found for 'b -> c'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
### Hint: no kind found for 'b -> c'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
8.7: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
8.7: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
8.9: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
8.9: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
8.11: ### Hint: is type variable 'c'
8.11: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'c'
8.20: ### Hint: is type variable 'F'
8.33: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
8.33: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
8.32: ### Hint: rebound variable 'f'
8.44: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
8.44: ### Hint: not a class 'c'
8.43: ### Hint: rebound variable 'g'
16.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'F'
16.5: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'F'
16.17: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
16.17: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
16.19: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
16.19: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
### Hint: no kind found for 'a -> b'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
### Hint: no kind found for 'a -> b'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
21.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'F'
21.5: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'F'
21.19: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
21.19: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
25.10: ### Hint: not a kind 'Alg F a'
25.22: ### Hint: not a kind 'InitialCarrier F -> a'
25.21: ### Hint: rebound variable 'g'
28.7-28.17: ### Warning: refined class 'PolyFunctor'
29.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'G'
33.7: ### Hint: not a kind 'ParamDT G a'
33.23: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
33.23: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
33.22: ### Hint: rebound variable 'f'
### Hint: in type of '(var l : ParamDT G a)'
type 'InitialCarrier' (30.21)
is not unifiable with differently kinded type '_v82_F' (9.21)
34.9: ### Hint: untypeable term (with type: _v82_F _v80_a) 'l'
### Hint: untypeable term (with type: ? _v79_a * ? _v79_a)
'(map f l, fold initialAlg l)'
34.11: *** Error: no typing for 'map f l = fold initialAlg l'