Expr.hascasl.output revision 5c933f3c61d2cfa7e76e4eb610a4b0bac988be47
type bool ::= True | False
op a : bool = True;
op notA : bool = case a of True -> False | False -> True;
op b : bool = let x = True; y = False; z = x in True;
op b : bool -> bool = \ x .! x;
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
bool : Type %[type bool ::= True | False]%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
False : bool %(construct bool)%
True : bool %(construct bool)%
a : bool %(op)% = (op True : bool) as bool
: bool -> bool
%(op)% = (\ (var x : bool) .! (var x : bool)) as bool -> bool
: bool
%(op)% =
(let (var x : bool) = (op True : bool);
(var y : bool) = (op False : bool);
(var z : bool) = (var x : bool)
(op True : bool))
as bool
: bool
%(op)% =
(case (op a : bool) of
(op True : bool) -> (op False : bool) |
(op False : bool) -> (op True : bool))
as bool
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
type bool ::= True | False %(ga_bool)%
a = (True as bool) %(def_a)%
notA = ((case a of True -> False | False -> True) as bool)
(op b : bool) = ((let x = True; y = False; z = x in True) as bool)
(op b : bool -> bool) = ((\ x .! x) as bool -> bool) %(def_b)%