ContraVariance.hascasl.output revision 93b7bcd9dcf6b2dc4549b5ef261c688d1c4a7dd7
type p a := Pred (Pred a)
%% should be correct
type m b := b
type m b := b
%% both contradict
m : -Type -> Type;
p : +Type -> Type
m := \ b : -Type . b;
p := \ a : +Type . Pred (Pred a)
### Hint 2.32, wrong covariance of 'a'
### Hint 2.32, no kind found for 'a'
*** Error 2.27-2.32, no kind found for 'Pred a'
*** Error 4.6,
incompatible kind of: m
expected: -Type -> Type
found: +Type -> Type