CTree.hascasl.output revision 946f62de1b188898dde0c472f2a8a6fb86f4d2f5
vars a, b : Type
generated type Set a ::= empty | add a (Set a)
generated type Sys b ::= node b (Set (Sys b))
type Nat
var a : Type
generated type CTree a ::= leaf a | branch (Nat ->? CTree a)
free type L ::= abs (L -> L)
free type Tree a b ::= leaf b | branch (a -> Tree a b)
free type List a ::= nil | cons (a; List a)
free type Tree a b ::= leaf a | branch (b -> List (Tree a b))
var c : Type
op fold : (a -> c) -> ((b -> List c) -> c) -> Tree a b -> c
vars f : a -> c; g : (b -> List c) -> c; x : a;
s : b -> List (Tree a b)
. fold f g (leaf x) = f x
. def fold f g (branch s);
CTree : Type -> Type;
L : Type;
List : Type -> Type;
Nat : Type;
Set : Type -> Type;
Sys : Type -> Type;
Tree : Type -> Type -> Type
%[generated type CTree(a : Type) ::=
branch (Nat ->? CTree a) | leaf (a)]%;
L %[free type L ::= abs (L -> L)]%;
List %[free type List(a : Type) ::= cons (a; List a) | nil]%;
Set %[generated type Set(a : Type) ::= add (a) (Set a) | empty]%;
Sys %[generated type Sys(b : Type) ::= node (b) (Set (Sys b))]%;
%[free type Tree(a : Type)(b : Type) ::=
branch (b -> List (Tree a b)) | leaf (a)]%
a : Type %(var_5)%;
b : Type %(var_2)%;
c : Type %(var_12)%
op abs : (L -> L) -> L %(constructor)%
op add : forall a : Type . a -> Set a -> Set a %(constructor)%
op branch : forall a : Type . (Nat ->? CTree a) -> CTree a
op branch : forall a : Type; b : Type
. (b -> List (Tree a b)) -> Tree a b
op branch : forall a : Type; b : Type . (a -> Tree a b) -> Tree a b
op cons : forall a : Type . a * List a -> List a %(constructor)%
op empty : forall a : Type . Set a %(constructor)%
op fold : forall b : Type; a : Type; c : Type
. (a -> c) -> ((b -> List c) -> c) -> Tree a b -> c
op leaf : forall a : Type . a -> CTree a %(constructor)%
op leaf : forall a : Type; b : Type . a -> Tree a b %(constructor)%
op nil : forall a : Type . List a %(constructor)%
op node : forall b : Type . b -> Set (Sys b) -> Sys b
f : a -> c;
g : (b -> List c) -> c;
s : b -> List (Tree a b);
x : a
generated type Set(a : Type) ::= add (a) (Set a) | empty %(ga_Set)%
generated type Sys(b : Type) ::= node (b) (Set (Sys b)) %(ga_Sys)%
generated type CTree(a : Type) ::=
branch (Nat ->? CTree a) | leaf (a) %(ga_CTree)%
free type L ::= abs (L -> L) %(ga_L)%
free type Tree(a : Type)(b : Type) ::=
branch (a -> Tree a b) | leaf (b) %(ga_Tree)%
free type List(a : Type) ::= cons (a; List a) | nil %(ga_List)%
free type Tree(a : Type)(b : Type) ::=
branch (b -> List (Tree a b)) | leaf (a) %(ga_Tree)%
a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; f : a -> c; g : (b -> List c) -> c;
x : a
. fold f g ((leaf : a -> Tree a b) x) = f x
a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; f : a -> c; g : (b -> List c) -> c;
s : b -> List (Tree a b)
. def fold f g ((branch : (b -> List (Tree a b)) -> Tree a b) s)
### Hint 1.6, is type variable 'a'
### Hint 1.8, is type variable 'b'
### Hint 6.5, is type variable 'a'
### Hint 6.5, rebound type variable 'a'
### Warning 15.24, overlapping declaration of 'leaf'
### Hint 15.11, redeclared type 'Tree'
### Hint 17.5, is type variable 'c'
### Hint 20.8, not a class 'a'
### Hint 20.8, not a class 'c'
### Hint 20.20, not a kind '(b -> List c) -> c'
### Hint 20.44, not a class 'a'
### Hint 20.51, not a kind 'b -> List (Tree a b)'
### Hint 21.13, in type of '(op leaf : forall a : Type . a -> CTree a)[_v45_a]'
typename 'CTree' (7.16)
is not unifiable with type 'Tree a' (20.10)
### Hint 22.18, in type of '(op branch :
forall a : Type . (Nat ->? CTree a) -> CTree a)[_v77_a]'
typename 'CTree' (7.16)
is not unifiable with type 'Tree a' (20.10)
### Hint 22.25, in type of '(var s : b -> List (Tree a b))'
typename 'List' (20.58)
is not unifiable with type 'Tree a' (20.10)
### Hint 22.25, untypable term (with type: a -> Tree a b)