BasicSpec.hascasl.output revision a39a820684c1974350f46593025e0bb279f41bc6
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithclass Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithvar t : Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithclass TYPE
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype Unit : TYPE
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithclasses a, b, c
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithclasses a, b, c;
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith a < b
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype s : c
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithpred tt : s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithvar x : s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram tt = \ x : s . ();
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithfst (x : s, y : t) : s = x;
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithsnd (x : s, y : t) : t = y;
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithpred eq : s * s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype s < ? s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithprogram
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithforall x : t; y : t
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith%(..)%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith. x = y;
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithop a : (? s)
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype Data1 ::= a | b | c
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype Data2
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith ::= Cons21 (Data1; Data2) | Cons22 (Data2; Data1) | type Data1
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype Data3
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith ::= Cons31 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2) |
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith Cons32 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1)
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithtype Data4
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith ::= Cons41 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2)? |
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith Cons42 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1)?
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith. true;
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithforall x : s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithforall x : s
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John SmithTYPE < Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smitha < b
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithb < Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithc < Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John SmithData1 : Type < Data2 %[type Data1 ::= a | b | c]%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John SmithData2
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith: Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith %[type Data2 ::=
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith types Data1 | Cons21 (Data1; Data2) | Cons22 (Data2; Data1)]%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John SmithData3
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith: Type
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis %[type Data3 ::=
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith Cons31 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2) |
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis Cons32 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1)]%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisData4
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis: Type
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith %[type Data4 ::=
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis Cons41 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2)? |
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis Cons42 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1)?]%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavaniss : c
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith%% Type Variables --------------------------------------------------------
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanist : Type %(var_1)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisCons21 : Data1 * Data2 -> Data2 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisCons22 : Data2 * Data1 -> Data2 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisCons31 : Data1 * Data2 -> Data3 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisCons32 : Data2 * Data1 -> Data3 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex ValavanisCons41 : Data1 * Data2 ->? Data4 %(constructor)%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John SmithCons42 : Data2 * Data1 ->? Data4 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanisa : Data1 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanisa : ? s %(op)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanisb : Data1 %(constructor)%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithc : Data1 %(constructor)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavaniseq : s * s ->? Unit %(pred)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanisfst : s * t ->? s %(op)%
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanissel1 : Data3 ->? Data1
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis %(selector of constructor(s)
20e25114cc4b04c88faf68f0f3e19dc13833474aAlex Valavanis (Cons31 : Data1 * Data2 -> Data3,
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith Cons32 : Data2 * Data1 -> Data3))%
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smithsel1 : Data4 ->? Data1
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith %(selector of constructor(s)
6bd7ac3b4704cf1cba90dd21a73bfedd6d640a16John Smith (Cons41 : Data1 * Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 * Data1 ->? Data4))%
sel2 : Data3 ->? Data2
%(selector of constructor(s)
(Cons31 : Data1 * Data2 -> Data3,
Cons32 : Data2 * Data1 -> Data3))%
sel2 : Data4 ->? Data2
%(selector of constructor(s)
(Cons41 : Data1 * Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 * Data1 ->? Data4))%
snd : s * t ->? t %(op)%
tt : s ->? Unit %(pred)%
%% Variables -------------------------------------------------------------
x : s
y : t
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
program tt = (\ x . ()) : s ->? Unit %(pe_tt)%
program (var fst : s * t ->? s) (x, y : t) : s = x %(pe_fst)%
program (var snd : s * t ->? t) (x, y : t) : t = y %(pe_snd)%
x = y
type Data1 ::= a | b | c %(ga_Data1)%
type Data2 ::=
types Data1 | Cons21 (Data1; Data2) | Cons22 (Data2; Data1)
forall x_1_1 : Data1; x_1_2 : Data2
. (op sel1 : Data3 ->? Data1) (Cons31 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_1
forall x_1_1 : Data1; x_1_2 : Data2
. (op sel2 : Data3 ->? Data2) (Cons31 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_2
forall x_1_1 : Data2; x_1_2 : Data1
. (op sel2 : Data3 ->? Data2) (Cons32 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_1
forall x_1_1 : Data2; x_1_2 : Data1
. (op sel1 : Data3 ->? Data1) (Cons32 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_2
type Data3 ::=
Cons31 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2) |
Cons32 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1) %(ga_Data3)%
forall x_1_1 : Data1; x_1_2 : Data2
. (op sel1 : Data4 ->? Data1) (Cons41 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_1
forall x_1_1 : Data1; x_1_2 : Data2
. (op sel2 : Data4 ->? Data2) (Cons41 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_2
forall x_1_1 : Data2; x_1_2 : Data1
. (op sel2 : Data4 ->? Data2) (Cons42 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_1
forall x_1_1 : Data2; x_1_2 : Data1
. (op sel1 : Data4 ->? Data1) (Cons42 (x_1_1, x_1_2)) = x_1_2
type Data4 ::=
Cons41 (sel1 :? Data1; sel2 :? Data2)? |
Cons42 (sel2 :? Data2; sel1 :? Data1)? %(ga_Data4)%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
### Warning 1.7, void universe class declaration 'Type'
### Hint 3.5, is type variable 't'
*** Error 7.11, illegal type pattern argument '__'
*** Error 11.16, not a class 'd'
### Warning 11.7, unchanged class 'a'
### Warning 11.10, unchanged class 'b'
### Warning 11.13, unchanged class 'c'
### Hint 11.19, refined class 'a'
### Hint 16.7, not a class 's'
### Hint 18.15, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 15.9-15.11, repeated declaration of 'tt' with type 's ->? Unit'
*** Error 20.12, unexpected mixfix token: res
### Hint 21.6, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 21.6, rebound variable 'x'
### Warning 21.1-21.16, illegal lhs pattern '(var fst : s * t ->? s) ((var x : s), (var y : t))'
### Hint 22.6, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 22.6, rebound variable 'x'
### Warning 22.1-22.16, illegal lhs pattern '(var snd : s * t ->? t) ((var x : s), (var y : t))'
### Hint 26.6, redeclared type 's'
### Hint 28.38-28.41, in type of '((var p : s), (pred tt : s))'
typename 's' (24.15)
is not unifiable with type 's ->? Unit' (15.11)
### Hint 28.38-28.41, untypable term (with type: s * s)
'(p, tt)'
*** Error 28.33, no typing for 'program all (p : ? s) : ? Unit = eq (p, tt)'
### Hint 30.14, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 30.40, no type found for 't1'
### Hint 30.40, no type found for 't1'
### Hint 30.40, untypable term (with type: ? (_v50 ->? _v49 ->? Unit ->? ? Unit))
### Hint 30.40-30.42, untypable term (with type: _v50 ->? _v49 ->? Unit ->? ? Unit)
't1 ()'
### Hint 30.40-30.45, untypable term (with type: _v49 ->? Unit ->? ? Unit)
't1 () res'
### Hint 30.40, no type found for 't1'
### Hint 30.40, no type found for 't1'
### Hint 30.40, untypable term (with type: ? (_v52 ->? _v51 ->? ? (? Unit)))
### Hint 30.40-30.42, untypable term (with type: _v52 ->? _v51 ->? ? (? Unit))
't1 ()'
### Hint 30.40-30.45, untypable term (with type: _v51 ->? ? (? Unit))
't1 () res'
### Hint 30.40-30.49, untypable term (with type: ? (? Unit))
't1 () res t2'
*** Error 30.38, no typing for 'program And (x, y : ? Unit) : ? Unit = t1 () res t2 ()'
*** Error 32.12, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 34.12, unexpected mixfix token: or
### Hint 37.27, no type found for 'all'
### Hint 37.27, untypable term (with type: _v62 ->? ? Unit)
*** Error 37.25, no typing for 'program ex (p : ? s) : ? Unit
= all \ r : ? Unit . (all \ x : s . p x impl r) impl r'
### Hint 40.20, no type found for 'all'
### Hint 40.20, untypable term (with type: _v69 ->? ? Unit)
### Hint 40.3, rebound variable 'ff'
### Hint 40.20, no type found for 'all'
### Hint 40.20, untypable term (with type: _v70 ->? ? Unit)
*** Error 40.18, no typing for 'program ff () : ? Unit = all \ r : ? Unit . r ()'
### Hint 45.9, not a class 't'
### Hint 45.8, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 45.16, not a class 't'
### Hint 57.11, redeclared type 's'
### Hint 62.11-62.70, repeated declaration of 'sel2' with type 'Data3 ->? Data2'
### Hint 62.11-63.1, repeated declaration of 'sel1' with type 'Data3 ->? Data1'
### Hint 64.11-64.71, repeated declaration of 'sel2' with type 'Data4 ->? Data2'
### Hint 64.11-64.84, repeated declaration of 'sel1' with type 'Data4 ->? Data1'
### Hint 66.22, not a class 's'
### Hint 66.21, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 66.25, no type found for 'e'
*** Error 66.25, no typing for 'e'
### Hint 67.9, not a class 's'
### Hint 67.8, rebound variable 'x'
### Hint 67.12, no type found for 'e'
*** Error 67.12, no typing for 'e'