BasicSpec.hascasl.output revision 887ec32ced6dc5d704e24a10568407ff7eefa503
class Type < Type
var t : Type
class TYPE < {x . x < t}
type : Type- -> Type; Unit : TYPE
class a, b, c < Type
class a, b, c < Type; a < b
type s : c
predfun tt : s ->? Unit
var x : s
program tt : s ->? Unit = \ x : s . ()
program __ res __ (x : s, y : t) : s : s = x;
fst (x : s, y : t) : s = x; snd (x : s, y : t) : t = y
predfun eq : s � s ->? Unit
type s < ? s
program all (p : (? s)) : (? Unit) = eq (p, tt)
program And (x, y : (? Unit)) : (? Unit) = t1 () res t2 ()
program __ impl __ (x, y : (? Unit)) = eq (x, x And y)
program __ or __ (x, y : (? Unit)) : ? Unit : ? Unit =
all (\ r : (? Unit) . ((x impl r) res (y impl r)) impl r);
ex (p : (? s)) : (? Unit) =
all (\ r : (? Unit) . all (\ x : s . p (x) impl r) impl r);
ff () : ? Unit : ? Unit = all (\ r : (? Unit) . r ())
forall x : t; y : t
. %(..)%
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((var x : t),
(var y : t))
type s
op a : ? s
type Data1 ::= a |
b |
type Data2 ::= Cons21 (Data1; Data2) |
Cons22 (Data2; Data1) |
type Data1
type Data3 ::= Cons31 (sel1:? Data1; sel2:? Data2) |
Cons32 (sel2:? Data2; sel1:? Data1)
type Data4 ::= Cons41 (sel1:? Data1; sel2:? Data2) ? |
Cons42 (sel2:? Data2; sel1:? Data1) ?
. (fun true : Unit)
forall x : s
forall x : s
%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE < {x . x < t}
a < b
b < Type
c < Type
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
Data1 : Type %[type __ ::=
a : -> __
b : -> __
c : -> __]%
Data2 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons21 : Data1 �
Data2 -> __ (%(Data2.Cons21.sel_[1,1])% :? Data1)(%(Data2.Cons21.sel_[2,1])% :? Data2)
Cons22 : Data2 �
Data1 -> __ (%(Data2.Cons22.sel_[1,1])% :? Data2)(%(Data2.Cons22.sel_[2,1])% :? Data1)]%
Data3 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> __ (sel1 :? Data1)(sel2 :? Data2)
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> __ (sel2 :? Data2)(sel1 :? Data1)]%
Data4 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? __ (sel1 :? Data1)(sel2 :? Data2)
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? __ (sel2 :? Data2)(sel1 :? Data1)]%
Pred : Type -> Type := \ a : Type . a ->? Unit
Unit : TYPE := Unit
__-->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__-->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__�__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
s : c < ? s
t : Type %(var)%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
%(Data2.Cons21.sel_[1,1])% : Data2 ->? Data1 %(select from Data2 constructed by
Cons21 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data2)%
%(Data2.Cons21.sel_[2,1])% : Data2 ->? Data2 %(select from Data2 constructed by
Cons21 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data2)%
%(Data2.Cons22.sel_[1,1])% : Data2 ->? Data2 %(select from Data2 constructed by
Cons22 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data2)%
%(Data2.Cons22.sel_[2,1])% : Data2 ->? Data1 %(select from Data2 constructed by
Cons22 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data2)%
Cons21 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data2 %(construct Data2)%
Cons22 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data2 %(construct Data2)%
Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3 %(construct Data3)%
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3 %(construct Data3)%
Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4 %(construct Data4)%
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4 %(construct Data4)%
__/\__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=e=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__\/__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
a : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
: ? s %(Op)%
b : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
c : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
eq : s � s ->? Unit %(Pred)%
false : Unit %(Fun)%
if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . Unit � a � a ->? a %(Fun)%
not__ : Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
sel1 : Data4 ->? Data1 %(select from Data4 constructed by
(Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4))%
: Data3 ->? Data1 %(select from Data3 constructed by
(Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3,
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3))%
sel2 : Data4 ->? Data2 %(select from Data4 constructed by
(Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4))%
: Data3 ->? Data2 %(select from Data3 constructed by
(Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3,
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3))%
true : Unit %(Fun)%
tt : s ->? Unit %(Op)% = \ x : s . ()
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((var x : t),
(var y : t)) %()%
(fun true : Unit) %()%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
Error (line 1, column 7) illegal universe class declaration 'Type'
Hint (line 3, column 5) is type variable 't'
FatalError (line 7, column 11) illegal type pattern argument: __
Error (line 11, column 16) undeclared class 'd'
Warning (line 11, column 7) redeclared class 'a'
Warning (line 11, column 10) redeclared class 'b'
Warning (line 11, column 13) redeclared class 'c'
Warning (line 11, column 19) redeclared class 'a'
Error (line 20, column 12) unexpected mixfix token: res
Error (line 20, column 10) unexpected pattern '__ res __ (x : s, y : t)'
Error (line 20, column 37) unexpected mixfix token: x
Error (line 21, column 1) no match for 'fst'
Error (line 21, column 1) no type match for 'fst (x : s, y : t)'
Error (line 21, column 1) no typing for 'fst(x : s, y : t) : s'
Error (line 22, column 1) no match for 'snd'
Error (line 22, column 1) no type match for 'snd (x : s, y : t)'
Error (line 22, column 1) no typing for 'snd(x : s, y : t) : t'
Error (line 28, column 9) no match for 'all'
Error (line 28, column 9) no type match for 'all (p : ? s)'
Error (line 28, column 9) no typing for 'all(p : ? s) : ? Unit'
Error (line 30, column 9) no match for 'And'
Error (line 30, column 9) no type match for 'And (x : _var_7, y : ? Unit)'
Error (line 30, column 9) no typing for 'And(x : _var_7, y : ? Unit) : ? Unit'
Error (line 32, column 12) unexpected mixfix token: impl
Error (line 34, column 12) unexpected mixfix token: or
Error (line 34, column 10) unexpected pattern '__ or __ (x, y : (? Unit))'
Error (line 35, column 19) unexpected mixfix token: x
Error (line 34, column 44) unexpected mixfix token: all
Error (line 37, column 3) no match for 'ex'
Error (line 37, column 3) no type match for 'ex (p : ? s)'
Error (line 37, column 3) no typing for 'ex(p : ? s) : ? Unit'
Error (line 40, column 7) unexpected mixfix token: )
Error (line 40, column 3) unexpected pattern 'ff ()'
Error (line 40, column 20) unexpected mixfix token: all
Warning (line 61, column 73) data subtype ignored
Error (line 66, column 25) unexpected mixfix token: e
Error (line 67, column 12) unexpected mixfix token: e