BasicSpec.hascasl.output revision 13b24998210d193b38cae06485da6f06c61d7f62
class Type < Type
var t : Type
class TYPE < {x . x < t}
type : Type- -> Type; Unit : TYPE
class a, b, c < Type
class a, b, c < Type; a < b
type s : c
predfun tt : s ->? Unit
var x : s
program (predfun tt : s ->? Unit) = \ (var x : s) . ()
program __ res __ (x : s, y : t) : s : s = x;
fst (x : s, y : t) : s = x; snd (x : s, y : t) : t = y
predfun eq : s � s ->? Unit
type s < ? s
program all (p : (? s)) : (? Unit) = eq (p, tt)
program And (x, y : (? Unit)) : (? Unit) = t1 () res t2 ()
program __ impl __ (x, y : (? Unit)) = eq (x, x And y)
program __ or __ (x, y : (? Unit)) : ? Unit : ? Unit =
all (\ r : (? Unit) . ((x impl r) res (y impl r)) impl r);
ex (p : (? s)) : (? Unit) =
all (\ r : (? Unit) . all (\ x : s . p (x) impl r) impl r);
ff () : (? Unit) = all (\ r : (? Unit) . r ())
forall x : t; y : t
. %(..)%
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((var x : t),
(var y : t))
type s
op a : ? s
type Data1 ::= a |
b |
type Data2 ::= Cons21 (Data1; Data2) |
Cons22 (Data2; Data1) |
type Data1
type Data3 ::= Cons31 (sel1:? Data1; sel2:? Data2) |
Cons32 (sel2:? Data2; sel1:? Data1)
type Data4 ::= Cons41 (sel1:? Data1; sel2:? Data2) ? |
Cons42 (sel2:? Data2; sel1:? Data1) ?
. (fun true : Unit)
forall x : s
forall x : s
%% Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE < {x . x < t}
a < b
b < Type
c < Type
%% Type Constructors -----------------------------------------------------
Data1 : Type < Data2 %[type __ ::=
a : -> __
b : -> __
c : -> __]%
Data2 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons21 : Data1 � Data2 -> __
Cons22 : Data2 � Data1 -> __]%
Data3 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> __ (sel1 :? Data1)(sel2 :? Data2)
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> __ (sel2 :? Data2)(sel1 :? Data1)]%
Data4 : Type %[type __ ::=
Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? __ (sel1 :? Data1)(sel2 :? Data2)
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? __ (sel2 :? Data2)(sel1 :? Data1)]%
Pred : Type -> Type := \ a : Type . a ->? Unit
Unit : TYPE := Unit
__-->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__-->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__->?__ : Type- -> Type+ -> Type
__�__ : Type+ -> Type+ -> Type
s : c < ? s
t : Type %(var)%
%% Assumptions -----------------------------------------------------------
Cons21 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data2 %(construct Data2)%
Cons22 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data2 %(construct Data2)%
Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3 %(construct Data3)%
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3 %(construct Data3)%
Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4 %(construct Data4)%
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4 %(construct Data4)%
__/\__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__<=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=>__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__=e=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__\/__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__if__ : Unit � Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
__when__else__ : forall a : Type . a � Unit � a ->? a %(Fun)%
a : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
: ? s %(Op)%
b : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
c : Data1 %(construct Data1)%
def__ : forall a : Type . a ->? Unit %(Fun)%
eq : s � s ->? Unit %(Pred)%
false : Unit %(Fun)%
if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . Unit � a � a ->? a %(Fun)%
not__ : Unit ->? Unit %(Fun)%
sel1 : Data4 ->? Data1 %(select from Data4 constructed by
(Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4))%
: Data3 ->? Data1 %(select from Data3 constructed by
(Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3,
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3))%
sel2 : Data4 ->? Data2 %(select from Data4 constructed by
(Cons41 : Data1 � Data2 ->? Data4,
Cons42 : Data2 � Data1 ->? Data4))%
: Data3 ->? Data2 %(select from Data3 constructed by
(Cons31 : Data1 � Data2 -> Data3,
Cons32 : Data2 � Data1 -> Data3))%
true : Unit %(Fun)%
tt : s ->? Unit %(Op)% = \ (var x : s) . ()
%% Sentences -------------------------------------------------------------
(fun __=__ : forall a : Type . a � a ->? Unit) ((var x : t),
(var y : t)) %()%
(fun true : Unit) %()%
%% Diagnostics -----------------------------------------------------------
*** Error 1.7, illegal universe class declaration 'Type'
*** Hint 3.5, is type variable 't'
*** FatalError 7.11, illegal type pattern argument: __
*** Error 11.16, undeclared class 'd'
*** Warning 11.7, redeclared class 'a'
*** Warning 11.10, redeclared class 'b'
*** Warning 11.13, redeclared class 'c'
*** Warning 11.19, redeclared class 'a'
*** Error 20.12, unexpected mixfix token: res
*** Error 20.10, unexpected term '__ res __ (x : s, y : t)'
*** Error 20.37, unexpected mixfix token: x
*** Hint 21.1, no type match for: fst
with type: '_var_4 ->? s' (21.20)
known types:
*** Hint 21.1, wrong result type 's' (21.20)
for application 'fst ((var x : s), (var y : t))'
*** Error 21.1, no typing for 'fst(((var x : s), (var y : t))) : s'
*** Hint 22.1, no type match for: snd
with type: '_var_5 ->? t' (22.20)
known types:
*** Hint 22.1, wrong result type 't' (22.20)
for application 'snd ((var x : s), (var y : t))'
*** Error 22.1, no typing for 'snd(((var x : s), (var y : t))) : t'
*** Hint 28.9, no type match for: all
with type: '_var_6 ->? ? Unit' (28.27)
known types:
*** Hint 28.9, wrong result type '? Unit' (28.27)
for application 'all (var p : ? s)'
*** Error 28.9, no typing for 'all((var p : ? s)) : ? Unit'
*** Hint 30.9, no type match for: And
with type: '_var_8 ->? ? Unit' (30.32)
known types:
*** Hint 30.9, wrong result type '? Unit' (30.32)
for application 'And ((var x : _var_7), (var y : ? Unit))'
*** Error 30.9, no typing for 'And(((var x : _var_7), (var y : ? Unit))) : ? Unit'
*** Error 32.12, unexpected mixfix token: impl
*** Error 34.12, unexpected mixfix token: or
*** Error 34.10, unexpected term '__ or __ (x, y : (? Unit))'
*** Error 35.19, unexpected mixfix token: x
*** Error 34.44, unexpected mixfix token: all
*** Hint 37.3, no type match for: ex
with type: '_var_10 ->? ? Unit' (37.19)
known types:
*** Hint 37.3, wrong result type '? Unit' (37.19)
for application 'ex (var p : ? s)'
*** Error 37.3, no typing for 'ex((var p : ? s)) : ? Unit'
*** Hint 40.3, no type match for: ff
with type: '_var_11 ->? ? Unit' (40.12)
known types:
*** Hint 40.3, wrong result type '? Unit' (40.12)
for application 'ff ()'
*** Error 40.3, no typing for 'ff(()) : ? Unit'
*** Error 66.25, unexpected mixfix token: e
*** Error 67.12, unexpected mixfix token: e