StaticAna.tex revision 2461789a691e5d71cde8c0ebc852f7b1d70221c7
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see the documentation for HetCATS and CASL
\section{HasCASL Parser}
The HasCASL parser reuses the token parser from CASL \texttt{(HToken.hs)} as
well as ids and annotations from the top-level HetCATS directory.
The concrete syntax of HasCASL is given as plain text in
\texttt{Concrete-Syntax.txt}. The abstract syntax is given in
\texttt{As.hs}. The document \texttt{Abstract-Syntax.txt} is out-dated and was
indented as human readable abstract syntax.
The data types in \texttt{As.hs} usually contain alternatives (Haskell
constructors) for different representation before and after the static
analysis, because an application usually requires a mixfix analysis that
depends on a global environment. Parsing alone only depends on its input
(and not on any global information).
\section{Static Analysis}
HasCASL entities are -- in hierarchical
order -- kinds, types and terms, where predicate types and formulae are
special cases of types respectively. terms.
Kinds are constructed from classes, types from type
constructors and terms from values, i.e. operations or predicates.
Classes, type constructors and values may be declared by giving them a name.
A type constructors must at least be declared with a kind and a value with a
type. (An implicit kind will always be the universe class \texttt{Type}.)
Usually declarations are extended with further properties or even a unique
In opposition to the hierarchy a class can be defined as a downset of a type
and a subtype can be defined via a predicate.
The major representation of a class is given by an intersection class over
class names only. The universe class \texttt{Type} is simply an empty
intersection. Nested intersection classes are flattened already by the
parser. A trivial intersection class is a single class name.
\subsubsection*{Class declarations}
\item A class name can be declared as a subclass of an intersection class. If
this intersection class is trivial then the superclass name is also regarded
as new or repeated declaration.
A cyclic subclass relation is prohibited, although it may make sense
that all classes are regarded as equal.
\item A class name may be defined as a synonym for an intersection class.
When comparing classes synonyms are expanded.
\item A class name may be defined as a downset of a type, comprising all
subtypes of the given type. (The variable name for the subtype is ignored.)
The downset of a type is expected to be a subclass of the downset of a
Anonymous downsets (from variable or type declarations) and intersection
classes are incomparable and cannot be combined. (However a unique class name
could be generated from the type or an existing class name could be looked up
via comparing types.)
Class names are currently simple ids, that is, they cannot be compound ids.
Since types may be parameter compound ids a downset definition will become
ambiguous for two instances.
Class declarations may be repeated, sub- and superclass declarations are
accumulated as long as they are non-cyclic.
Class definitions may be repeated, if they remain equal, otherwise it is an
All redeclarations issue a warning.
The optional list of basic-items and the ``\texttt{instance}''-tag for a class
are currently ignored. These basic-items will be simply treated recursively.
There are two builtin kind constructors ($\to$ and $\times$), but these only
control the notation of type constructor applications, for mixfix type ids
only the overall arity of the kind matters.
The arguments of a kind may be again kinds (to support constructor classes
later on) or classes with a co/contra variance inducing further subtype
(not subclass) relations.
Builtin type constructors are 4 different function arrows (partiality combined
with continuity), products (in tuple or $\times$ notation) and the lazy
prefix type constructor ``$?$''.
Type constructors names are declared with a kind. These names may be mixfix
ids, but in order to avoid a mixfix analysis for types, these names should be
simple. Instead the parser resolves types as follows:
\item function arrows have lowest infix priority and associate to the right
\item next come products with infix $\times$ notation
\item next comes lazy type construction
Everything else to the left of a $?$ is regarded as mixfix type. Simple cases
of such types are the following:
\item A single token is taken as nullary type constructor name
\item empty braces or brackets are taken as an id (with two tokens) as above
\item braces or brackets with one argument refer to an unary outfix type
constructor $\{\_\_\}$ or $[\_\_]$.
\item braces or brackets with more arguments are considered illegal.
\item parenthesis are taken as product types or as parenthesizing of a single
type (for one argument). The empty product is the builtin type alias
Mixfix type expressions with several components are simply regarded as
unparenthesized prefix applications provided that the first component is a
token (taken as type constructor id).
Square brackets with several arguments could be taken as compound lists for a
preceding token. (Singleton compound lists are not supported, but regarded as
type construction, ie. for the list type.)
Also for simplicity type names should not be overloaded. It is open if HasCASL
should allow such overloading at all, but analysis of types and terms would
become more consistent if mixfix analysis and overload resolution is equally
treated for both types and terms. (With a mixfix analysis for types the
parsing of types could be simplified.)
Overloaded type names should have different/incompatible kinds.
\subsubsection*{Type declarations}
Generally, there are two flavors of declarations for type constructors and
operations: value and function notation. In a value declaration a mixfix id is
separated from its kind or type by a colon whereas in a function declaration
arguments and mixfix components are intermingled and only the (optional)
result (class, kind or type) is written to the left of a colon.
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